ICL ET section cancelled.

Probably most of you already knew it, but the ET section of ICL in Hungary is cancelled due to lack of interest and lack of prizemoney.

Sorry for the teams who were really gonna attend, but i guess in the end nobody really booked anything and everybody was unsure.

fuck i was really looking forward to attending this event :s
Was there any main news for that or did i miss it out, would be probably nice to make something sticky for those who were interested in it.
There were 3 stickies in the forum
Yeh and afaik they were all related to setting up a lan and none about canceling the part for ET, well might be wrong as i only checked those topics at beginning.
Oh yeah, I thought you were asking about posts for the LAN event itself :)
info about lan's cancellation is posted by someone who is completely not related with lan orga. pretty sums it up
the lan is not cancelled only the et tournament + testi is in the same clan as sebi ( who is also not organizing the lan he just tried to set up and et tournament there)

anyways expected... r.i.p ET 8D
dodged a bullet there
2 bad wanted to attend :(
didn't even know that teams could pay ;3
Why do you even care :SSS
because I'm sure others weren't aware either
The coverage was pretty poor, yes there are 3 stickies etcetc but still.

All of us in rockit were trying to contact sebi at some point etc to find out whats going on since we were going to book our plane tickets but no luck.
Let's hope for one in Netherlands again :_)
Myself and Voice bought up the idea of getting a proper LAN going at some point in the nearish future on one of our more recent casts. We have currently raised around £300 or so towards a one day cup but if we could find a way of encouraging people to donate more I don't see it being out of the question. I could certainly contribute a decent amount more towards that total if it was something people were interested in and would actually donate towards.

Everyone seems to want a LAN but really at this point it is up to the players to put their money where their mouth is as there's not much chance of finding genuine sponsors. I know myself and Voice would definitely be up for getting the ball rolling if it was something people really did want.
Amen! I've also been in talks with Homie regarding the RtCW end of a LAN!
I guess it's time to start putting words to action!
Instead of the money for the ODC, would be awesome to save it towards LAN instead.
Might be worth talking to certain people towards finding sponsors, i.e. Munchies/Seanza come to mind. Just people who have organised or have been in the admin section of LANs

did clown get his money from saenza ( im not sure that journal was about last lan and saenza got mentioned there ) ?

"Instead of the money for the ODC, would be awesome to save it towards LAN instead. " anyway new et winners decerto would easly win it : )
Quotedid clown get his money from saenza

Nope, none of the et teams did!
lol.. I definitely didn't expect this from Seanza! I could understand if it was few weeks but 7-8 months? :D basically he just disappeared shortly after LAN and didn't even care to explain to you guys where are the money?
"Problems with sponsors" or something like that. Basically, I have no hope left that the prize money will ever be paid :(
QuoteI definitely didn't expect this from Seanza!

Nothing to do with Seanza, but you are clearly brain dead if you are going to judge someone when you don't know what is going on.
If we did try to organise something I'd imagine we would try and sort out payment at the end of the event to avoid any issues like this. Terrible to make people spend money to travel based on promises that don't actually materialise.
It sounds like Seanza is an untrustworthy person who I'd very much like to avoid dealing with.

Will definitely be speaking to Voice and having a chat with a few other people about the whole thing, we both agree that The Shoutcast Collective LAN has a nice ring to it haha!
Wow, really ben? Seanza is one of the nicest guys I have met at LANs. The money has nothing to do with his side of things. But that is what you get when you take on sponsors. If you want to pay people on time I suggest you don't even think about sponsors.
If you organise a LAN with the promise of prizes and you don't pay up then I would certainly call that untrustworthy.

As I said we'd be looking to raise the money ourselves so that it can be paid out immediately.

Whats up with you mate, long time no speak!
If you have a contract with a company that are going to give you the prize money and they are failing to deliver, thats the companies fault and will be dealt with accordingly which I have a slight idea about where things are at right now.

Things are good, I am casting a lot right now. Doing quite well other than that.
so who is going to refund our plane tickets? wtf...
You guys really paid? :D
cant tell if trolling or not but if not,

oh noeeeeeeeez :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

E: LAN in my house next weekend! 50€ /team (including 6 players + backups)

i think ive found the reason
haha didnt see it coming. Where are you now sebi with your "lol ofc its gonna happen, just look how many ppl said on the internet they will come" xDDD
ET is dead for sure now. Would love to see some LAN like CiC7 again. This was a huge LAN, all of the people had fun! Too bad, but will remember the good things ;)
QuoteET is dead for sure now

what? :D
No LANS for ET anymore, and TZAC was/is a big failure
small ET section of a hungarian LAN didn't work out = no LANs for ET any more? bit overdramatic
What about TZAC? I really think someone should develop some other GREAT anticheat
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