Robaciek best admin 2003 - 2013

How to be the best admin in 3 easy steps

  1. Organize ODC (
  2. Spec the teams from the server like a good and fair admin.
  3. Go to one of the teams teamspeak server and leak info from the game.

image: roberti

image: robert2l

However later in the game he thought "what the fuck, why I'm not a shoutcaster to make it obvious!"

image: 20130613225841adlernest

So now you can all follow those easy steps to become a good admin like Fuglyciek over here.
Sitting on that TS most of the time anyway, didn't have to tell them anything for you to lose rockit stary ;)
our tag looks different ingame, cheater hahahaha :DdDDdDDDdddDD
busted fuck :|
I think I am ready to host a cup now
gj stary robert good admin #not
best admin
P.S. Since when Polaks can be admins?
czemu ja tam jestem :<
sekretny dowod milosci kapitanczyka
wiecej takich podśmiechujek i juz mi nie bedzie pomagal z gtv :<<<<<
on takze pragnalby przejsc na wyzszy poziom zazylosci
raczej chodzilo mi o to , ze bidak sie speszy , a nie , ze ja zrezygnuje z jego ,, uslug '' :P
Sam ten kanal zalozyl, wiec sie nie speszy raczej
btw I was shoutcaster on supply the whole time <3
I'm the better admin :)
#GoKup on sunday

Gogo =)
what rockit stary said
i bet he didn't even say anything.
I bet you are wronk
I bet you lost.
I bet you are naive
The admin being in the ts3 shit is fucked up, but ridji is on the team so I dont think they need a shoutcaster to give comms.
ridji just did epic fail on radar :D
he was the one that went past you @ CP
do piachu z nim! albo na stos spalic wiedzme!
paszedł won strusie doić starszy
image: 616

-THE BEST NERD IN PL [ 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013.......2086] GL
And You still care about this game, even if its dead Ri Stary... But im not suprised, since uve started to play this game in 2011 so u still think there is something to achieve :XD
robaciek to cwel nawet kurwa sluchawek nie umial na lanie zalatwic, gowno nie admin
trza zabierać własny sprzęt, to że 1 para była i chyba Wróbel ją przejął to już nie do mnie cweluchu, było na laniku skakać, a nie się wozisz po sieci :XD
no kurwa skakalem ciulu jebany latalem po adminach ze zjebana organizacja bo kilka dni wczesniej pytalem sie przez irc i mialo wszystko byc, durniu
lol by looking on the lineups, i have to say even if robaciek was on your comms you wouldnt win :XD
stop stalking my teamspeak you fag

come over now so I can ban you
he has always bends the rules in the way which pleases him...
2013 and people still raging in this game. even in a motherfucking one day cup
fat nerds ;c
kill his dog and family so you can have revenge
Shit happens, move on.
Wat ben jij zo optimistisch de laatste tijd xD
Al die paupers gaan vervelen man...hoop dat ze gewoon weggaan als ik niet te vervelend doe :P
RomaniaRi Stary
Not as good as when I refereed an ESL EC Game with the ESL Tag, LOL, memories ;)
Stay away please. :D
I demand an investigation, headed by a respected member of the community of course, anyone have darkriders number?
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