Camtrace 3D error


I've ran into a problem with camtrace 3d, when I install the program I get an error saying that the file msxml.dll did not register.
I've looked for a way to register it, but all the methods I've tried that people suggest on websites have failed so far.
I've tried registering it with regsvr32, but it says: The module has failed to load. Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .dll files.
A dynamic link library(DLL) initialization routine failed.
I can ignore the error and click ok, the program will work to a degree but I'm unable to actually generate the script because the layout is a bit messed up.
There should be several buttons where I drew the circle including the generate script button. Some of the layout is also falling outside of the screen.
note: I am using windows 7 64 bit.
I hope someone has the answer!

there is a 3D version :D?
If I don't remember wrong I had this error as well but no errors appeared when I run camtrace
frostbite : D
Very productive answers guys, very productive indeed yes. (sarcasm does not apply to you Kalli)
I dont have time right now to read this wall of text, but i can tell 2x that error happened, only format c:\ solved my problem.. i tried to register that .dll and stuff like that, nothin worked
Alright, well guess I don't have much of choice but to do the same then if I can't manage to fix it.
thanks for your advice
gah I hope I don't run into the same problem (have the same OS setup). Sorry wasn't trolling before, dunno why but thought there was a "3D" version of Camtrace, as in record for 3D enabled screens etc. D:
it's ok mate ^^. And nope, it just makes 3d cams, it doesn't allow your game to come flying into the living room unfortunately.
haha unfortunately not!! I remember having problems and I think I just used the spanish version instead
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