ub oc winners !11

Unbreakable just easily won the OC
Thanks to Hungary sebi Hungary varadi Hungary powi Netherlands testi Netherlands hybratek and somehow Finlandmetsuri and France Faks :*

0 praccs were done in the last weeks
0 rounds were lost
0 words spoken from Hungary varadi
0 revives done from Hungary powi

thanks to gamestv for not having a working ettv server for the final ( or who ever was in charge of it )
gg polarbeers well played !

image: mars-curiosity-celebration
let the flame begin
u actually pracced one week ago. just sayin.
not that it doesnt really matter since im just trolling a bit around but we only played the offi last week we didnt prac
again, was just sayin'.
POLARb 0 pracs during oc and cf cup
gg better team won =P
wow sick achievement
thanks worked hard on it
grats to all but testi
wp clearly the best team in oc this year

i had at least 30 revives, rest is true.

keep it up ub gaming
dafuq is that movie
the answer is in the op
this movie wasnt scary at all and a stupid ending...
well, this wasn't the point of my post
i know, i just wanted to share it with u guys, that this movie isnt worth to watch at all :D
0 praccs and still won, pretty impressive :)
u have been always winner :)
hah! nice stuff
varadi not talking? cant be true!

what miNd said :(
I would love to see some results @ gtv, but too bad that ETTV didnt work...
varadi not talking? - u are lucky to not to be a hungarian, he cant shut his mouth
powi not revining? - welcome to underscore, oh wait!
mama best etplayer ever
Testi wat a nerd
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