Duel of Champions

Hello CF users !

I just started to play "Might & Magic - Duel of Champions" and I wonder if some of you are already playing this game ?

For those who doesn't know, this is a free to play online card game based on Might & Magic's universe. It's like Magic the Gathering but online, you can buy new cards with game money or real money, build your deck and battle against other players.

Since I was pretty good at Magic the Gathering when I was 12/13 years old, I decided to give this game a try, it looks cool and not too much related to the "pay2win" thing...

You can add me ingame : Docrom65

See you !

image: 20130308232345T

PS: fuck you Domi (just in case)
Not quite as good as Scrolls is shaping up to be
Normal Might & Magic all the way.
i played it alot but got tired after some time :P
*E* hit 900 ELO shortly but couldnt get 1k.. stopped playing :P
Already got 2 epic cards with the campaign's packs and one of them is a Banshee, so it fits perfectly in my necro deck :P

It's funny because I already win easily against players with the same level, looks like my MtG experience is a bonus for this game, even if the rules aren't really the same ^^
haha ye i also won alot of games in the beginning but it will be hard when there are some nerds with spell decks like 0/8/2


also had a necro deck just awesome =)
0/8/2 wat ? xD

You can build decks with only 10 cards ? I thought it was 59 cards minimum :o
0/8/2 = abilitys ^^ / 0power 8spell / 2 fortune
necro decks imba
putain j'ai nerd hard cette aprème, j'ai un deck de fdp, déjà 250 d'ELO dès le niveau 5 xD
go yugioh sinon
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