Sunday & Monday on ETTV!

This Sunday and Monday, the final matches of the CB ET 3on3 OC Spring 2013 and CB ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013 will be played. There will also be one CB ET EuroCup XXVII game taking place on Monday.

Read more for an overview of all EC/OC matches upcoming on GamesTV!

image: kHlYr34


The first match is the 3on3 OC Premier League Bronze Final, featuring Europe aToOnSRV and Germany bSTURZ. Neither team bothered to show up to their previous Playoffs game, so who knows if they will be playing this one! Tune in at 19:00 CET to find out who will take home the bronze trophy!

Europe aToOnSRV

Belgium chry
United Kingdom razz
Finland Statti
image: game41275
ClanBase ET 3on3 OC Spring 2013
Premier League
Bronze Final

Time: 19:00 CET
Maps: supply & sw_goldrush_te
Germany bSTURZ

Poland Elviss
Germany Specula
Finland vokki

After that, the Bronze Final of the 3on3 OC Fifth League will be played. This game will feature Europe Press play and Poland x7! Each team has only lost one match and will be competing for 3rd place at 20:00 CET!

Poland x7

Poland Ani
Poland enzo
Poland LoGi
Poland pawel
image: game41312
ClanBase ET 3on3 OC Spring 2013
Fifth League
Bronze Final

Time: 20:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te & TBA
Europe PP

Lineup unknown

At 21:00 CET, the 3on3 OC Fifth League Grand Final will take place. The two currently undefeated teams of Poland Second Massachusetts and Europe Controlled Gaming will be fighting for gold!

Europe cTRL-

Canada CrimZon
Finland dTEC7
United Kingdom Gnome
image: game41208
ClanBase ET 3on3 OC Spring 2013
Fifth League
Grand Final

Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: braundorf_b4 & sp_delivery_te
Poland 2ndMs

Poland Luki
Poland Mirek
Poland Uncle

The next game is the Second League Grand Final of the 6on6 OC with Boski's Poland Brotherhood of Wolf and Appel's Europe SixStar. The Poles were victorious the first time around, but tune in at 21:15 CET to see who will win the game that counts!

Europe 6STAR

Belgium Appel
United Kingdom BigcHeese
Germany Kenji
Finland maik
Finland Raiven
Canada rossko
image: game41227
ClanBase ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013
Second League
Grand Final

Time: 21:15 CET
Maps: bremen_b3 & supply
Poland bow

Poland Boski
Poland Dolar
Poland miks
Poland NoobyGirl
Czech Republic Rifleman
Poland wIII
Poland Zniwiarz PL

Sunday's final match, also taking place at 21:15 CET, is the 6on6 OC Second League Bronze Final. Who will win and take 3rd place, Czech Republic alliancze blue-team exorcists or Europe Cat In a Hat?

Czech Republic allicze

Czech Republic crAsh
Czech Republic mnewcko
Czech Republic pecka
Czech Republic quish
Czech Republic sklamak
Czech Republic tezaxo
image: game41255
ClanBase ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013
Second League
Bronze Final

Time: 21:15 CET
Maps: bremen_b3 & radar
Europe cat in a hat

Netherlands Freddy
Finland hazz
Belgium MetZor
Portugal multres
Finland NiXon
Norway Sinche


Monday's games will start off with an exciting one. It's the Premier League Grand Final of the 6on6 OC! Scarce's Finland POLARBEERS and sebi's Hungary Unbreakable-gaming will meet for the second time this season, their first game resulting in a 4-0 win for UB. Tune in at 20:30 CET to find out who will win this time around and take home the gold!

Hungary UB

Netherlands hybrAtek
Italy mama
Hungary powi
Hungary sebi
Netherlands Testi
Hungary varadi
image: game41274
ClanBase ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013
Premier League
Grand Final

Time: 20:30 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te & TBA

Finland blackwolf
Finland geffi
Finland haxlex
Finland kolibri
Finland poksuu
Finland Scarce

Afterwards, the 6on6 OC Premier League Bronze Final will take place. This game features Europe and Poland Last Minute Project. Robaciek claimed a forfeit win in the Groupstage, so tensions are already rather high. Watch the drama unfold at 21:15 CET!

Europe supski

United Kingdom Artstar
United Kingdom fumble
United Kingdom owzo
Canada rito
Romania Stary
Sweden Tites
image: game41319
ClanBase ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013
Premier League
Bronze Final

Time: 21:15 CET
Maps: TBA
Poland LMP

Poland Lucas
Poland Robaciek
Poland samAel
Poland Seigen
Poland staminaboy
Poland Turki
Poland w1lko

The best has certainly been saved for last! The final game will be the second Lower Bracket Round 2 match of the CB ET EuroCup XXVII. Six Dutch players known as Netherlands Effectus will take on the Finnish team of Finland turbot. Who will win and move on to the next round of the Playoffs? Find out at 21:30 CET!

Netherlands Effectus

Netherlands Lun4t1C
Netherlands miSe
Netherlands MOTiF
Netherlands PHOTO
Netherlands rezhni
Netherlands xPERiA
image: game41200
ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII
LB Round 2

Time: 21:30 CET
Maps: TBA
Finland turbot

Finland crittie
Finland olden
Finland Stuka
Finland Swanidius
Finland vokki
Finland walle

Good luck everyone!

ClanBase ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2013
ClanBase ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013
ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII
Will any of this be covered by DTS and/or Voice?
good luck to all!
and nice post jon
Nicely done mate, also make review for 6on6 CB 3rd league Finals and Bronze one :p
Go on rockit stary, tell me to take forfeit this time
nothing special there
Nice write up =)
nice to see tournments still runing (:

gl all
news > journal
it was originally a newspost but got moved to journals afterwards :)
It's always been news, who moved it? :O
I guess it doesnt really matter, CF been so dead there's a 3 day old journal in the 3 most recent posted journals
nah, it got moved to the top of the journals automatically when I moved it from news
the journal below this is also almost 3 days old ;)
QuoteDuel of Champions
by Provok • 17 Jun 2013, 17:10 • Journals

not even 2 days old yet :P

plenty of activity in the forums!
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