Charleroi football jersey [.be]

Dear Belgian mates,

I have been looking for the Charleroi 12/13 home jersey but kind find a shop that sells them.
I hope maybe one of you can help me out.

Forever yours,
Dwight "Kri" Schrute

image: fotodetail.54927_20120713_19655639694ffff43644623
afaik u need to contact the club to get the jersey :
[email protected]
the fuck? They dont want to make money?
on their website it is mentionned that u can buy the jersey, but no e-store on the website associated. Must not be that intresting for the company :p
Everton are the same only available through everton direct
Nothing wrong with that but at least Everton have an online shop!
Sitting here in my Kevin Mirralas top Yeah Bro! But still annoying that een though sell ourselves infalted prices :'(
Ik denk dat FEiS laatst iets in het jaarboek had gezet, zou jij dat misschien weer eens kunnen plaatsen
hoe bedoel je weer?
Are you fucking gay?
Who the fuck supporters for CHALEROI?
1: "Zebra's" color is so damn ugly.
2: They really suck
3: The city where the stadion is located is so damn filthy. One of the filthiest city in Europe, sadly.

4: What tomoyo said. Or since you're a fan of such a random shit team: go to the stadion shop? And buy a legit shirt of one random player there?
You're clearly retarded.
you mean (.nl) right? never heard of Belgium language, just France and Netherlands
go back in your box.
People speak French in Charleroi. Or Italian. Or Arabic. Or Moroccan. Or Algerian. Or a dialect between old french and a retarded way of modifying words. But definitely not Dutch !
R’satchez vos long pîs, le tram va les spotchî !
celui la j'adore :[video][/video]
le flic moustachu c'est le père d'une amie a moi, a la retraite mais il en as vu de verte et pas mure tous les jours :p
CHARLEROIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!! i dont think that you will find it on internet ...
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