Le Personal Computer !!!

Hey my favorite computer community full of nerds and nolifers!!!
This day has come my friends... Yes, I've decided to stop owning noobs with a WWI computer config. To be honest, I myself wonder how the fuck I can play with such a low computer anywayz... I want to build a new PC but I never did that in teh past that's why I ask experts from this website. I'd like to spend <800€ I know for a gaming pc it's not that much but I dont expect to play shits like BF4 @ high graphics...

It would be nice if you could post some PC configs or give me some advices about good quality/price components.
It seems like the i5-3570k is a good processor that can easily be overclocked so I'd like to use this one.
I heard some stuffs are not compatible with other stuffs but what are those stuffs? I dont wanna buy something that won't fit on my motherboard...

This is YOUR chance to share your computer experience with Marseilleme, it can be considered as an e-present for my e-birthday which is coming soon!!!

image: tumblr_mo73goHtU11qzy9ouo1_500

Your MarseilleRetired Colonel Francis.
CPU: Intel i5 3570K-3.80gtz overclock 4.30ghz
Mainboard: ASUS P9X79 PRO LGA2011 ivy bridge
HDD: Crucial 180g ssd/ 750g barracuda sata
Monitor: Phillips 19" hd 1080p
Keyboard: Logitech G110
Mouse: Logitech G9x
Mousepad: Steelseries
Soundcard: Onbord
Graphics: x2 ATI 5870 HD crossfire
Memory: 16g Dominator ddr3 2000mhz

This is my setup, i used the 17.950 before the i5 (had a power cust and it blew the cpu and mobo) the i5 is a really nice cpu. the let down is the motherbord. its only half the specs of the previous one i had (asus rock) if you have the extra cash i would always go for and 17 over any of the intel range.
I know this is with every gamer personal, but still I'm wondering:
how much weight do you put in your mouse, 16 grams?
I cant understand how people would want their mouse to weigh more than it already does..
I could give you a book (just my opinion in many many words) about it, but it's just personal.
For me: the higher the sens, the more I let it weight.
Just get the Xbox One
okay.. i spent some time like 2-3 months ago to get a good quality/price components + a graphic card this month (bcuz mine crashed).. so here are my components:

gigabyte geforce gtx660 2gb ddr5
be quiet! dark rock 2
16GB DDR3-1600 Corsair Vengeance Ram
Asus P8Z77-V Sockel 1155 Mainboard
be quiet! 650W power unit

works fine for me.. can stream 1080p 4000b/s 60FPS although they recommend minimum a medium i7 for it..
get i5 3770k
bought this last week. can play every game on high detail atm.

Intel Core i5 3570 4x 3,4 GHz
DVD±RW/CD-RW Dual Layer
750W ECO
looks nice how much if i may ask?
e : found it for 720€ looks very appealing thx
paid 580 for it :)


ebay, but its a private seller. had no problems with it. they delivered it 2 days after i paid ;)
Wow thanks for letting me know!
I tried to use my german skillz and apparently i can have it for 600€ shipping included
I really wouldn't.
Several reasons as to why not:
It's a i5-3570, NOT 3570k, it's locked and doesn't allow for overclocking.
the motherboard is way, way old, outdated and a micro board, does not suite or compliment the ivy bridge processor at all, it'll be nothing but a waste (apart from the fact that the mobo can be picked up for ~35€)
The PSU as well as Ram AND HDD are all of noname unknown random production, you could be getting the worst chinese shit known to mankind that'll break on the first boot, not to mention the fact that they obviously used a 750W psu to compensate for its bad quality (any DECENT 400W PSU will be three times as effective)
Random case + GPU, yet again. You literally have no idea what you're buying in this set.

Apart from all of the above, if you did build the same rig as the one they're selling, you could get it for way cheaper. Rather spend a bit more, get actual GOOD products, proper warranty from french resellers and know what the hell is running in your system.
I'm currently looking at it in details and indeed I checked what they had to offer and found that :
It has components I want 3570k/gfx card but I doubt I'll be able to do a proper overclocking with that motherboard and case which is maybe too small...
The fact is I need a complete PC for <800€ because my current PC will go to my parents (so I can't take my old components) and it seems impossible for me. I checked your config which seems really good but is like +200€ when I add the missing prices and win7 :/.
Btw, thanks for your feedbacks and help, really appreciated!
Try this, full build... and use the license key of your current windows 7, steal it from your school or otherwise illegally obtain it by whatever means necessary.


Can probably save another 20-50€ on RAM and PSU if absolutely necessary. Or, .. ~60€ more if you wanted the 660 TI (don't bother with the regular 660, the Radeon counter part performs a lot better for the same price)
Idiots doing Ivy Bridge builds while Haswells are out.
whats the difference between both technologies? same price?
Same price but Haswell is better. get some Z87 board with i5-4570K.
was thinking the same thing
eh to be fair, the performance increase isn't THAT much, just yet anyway, haswell's all fine and dandy but if you're not feeling up to spending an extra ~80-100€ on a quality motherboard and the ~120€ extra on the CPU (in comparison to the i5 3570k), there really is no need to go haswell just yet, unless you absolutely NEED the extra performance for your daily tasks, which very few people do. I generally recommend to just wait 2-3 months before buying a new PC as prices will drop, but if it had to be built right now, I'd most likely go with ivy-bridge myself. You can get a cheap and quality MSI board for 80eur (MSI Z77A G43 or G45 come to mind) combined with the 3570k and already got yourself a pretty great setup that'll last for another few years.

E: Nevermind me, looks like they already dropped. :P I was shopping just a a few weeks ago and they were still rather pricy for the most part. Though I still don't see much of a reason, in a desktop environment, to go for haswell, the ~5-6% performance increase you'll get isn't worth the money, as far as "future-proofing" goes, current ivy setups will last for another 3-4 years by which time new chips and sockets will be out again.
Couldn't agree more but I would rather not take MSI card because of the quality ..
Board, not gpu :P Their Z77A series are rather great. I've got one sitting in my HTPC as well as Desktop, been nothing but pleased. ASUS and AsRock were rather annoying in previous builts.
Well maybe they improved since 2 years ago. I know people with MSI motherboard, capacitors got bigger and bigger to finally explode :D
am i only one person who knows what this post is about?

this post is about how long hair covering boobs and how it sux

have fun and feel free to expect to play bf4 @ high graphics and shits.
looks great thanks but i was wondering if i plan to overclock that proc' shouldnt I get a better power supply?
No, not at all. This PSU will do perfectly fine with just about anything you throw at it, the only time you'd have to replace it is if you decide to run a SLI setup.
ok nice!
last thing you recommend i5-4670k, any difference with i5-3570k?
Intel's new chip generation... The performance is, minimal, though it's slightly better... As the price is around the same it really doesn't hurt to go for it. If you really needed/wanted to save a few bucks though, feel free to go with the i5-3570k in combination with a MSI Z77A G43 or G45.


Also be vary, just noticed the PSU I picked isn't included in the above price, apparently amazon.fr doesn't have much of a choice of PSU's to go with, at all. It'll add another ~50-80€ to your kit, with ease. As for the HDD, Case and other things such as DVD Drive and whatnot, just use what you already have, or at the very least buy those at a later time. I'd really suggest not saving too much on the CPU+GPU. Generally Be Quiet and SeaSonic have great high quality PSU's in the 400-500W range, more really isn't needed. If you can at all try to get one of these http://www.bequiet.com/en/powersupply/248 they go for around ~50€ over here, can't go wrong with it at all.
This doesn't calculate the prices for HDD & PSU though, so it's quite a bit more pricey!?

If I were to buy a PC right now, I'd go with a HD 7950 or 7870 instead, no SSD and 16GB RAM. Would that be foolish? (no SSD just because I don't find it that necessary to boot so quickly and sleep mode does the job for me; on a sidenote does frequent use of sleep mode harm the durability of any hardware parts?)
SSD is an absolute must, not just for the quicker boot.. it makes... life beautiful. I'm not a big fan of the Radeon series lately, though technically.. the HD 7950 or GTX 670 would be your optimal GPU given their cost and efficiency. 16GB RAM is slightly overkill, there's no real need for it, but not much harm either. Yeah, I realized that myself, the HDD was a spacer really I'd imagine he'd just use what he currently got sitting in his desktop, no need to replace it at all. PSU, a decent one can be purchased for 40-50€ (more if you want it to be modular, I like recommending this be quiet one though, it's excellent: http://www.bequiet.com/en/powersupply/248 and semi-modular)
Sleep doesn't affect your hardware parts really.
Football Manager is a bit slow when selecting 15 countries, so I regret not having more than 2x4gb :/ And I read that some of the GTX's tend to be not quite so silent, but you work with them iirc so you know best. What are other benefits of SSD's and is there a low priced one that you can recommend?
Also Akasa AK-FN055 or Scythe Gentle Typhoon? :-)
SSD's just fucking great, for your most used applications anyway, especially in a DB/Coding environment, running things from source and compiling stuff ... goes... soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fast. Other than that, your majority of games really aren't going to benefit from it apart from faster load times, but there's no harm in getting one... cheap ones are usually OCZ Agility 3, Samsung 840, Crucial M4, they're pretty much the best you can get for low cost. And, out of those two, probably Scythe.
You are all going on the new haswell but ... It's less overcloackable than ivy and ivy less than sandy. Anyway I recommend the ivy 3570k because it's mainly cheaper (yea they all drop price to sell the stock). If you get the haswell you also have to get the new socket motherboard, it's not cheaper :D

And some would say go to haswell because it's the last generation blabla. The next generation (after haswell) won't use the same socket and i guess they will include DDR4. So unless you don't care to pay more to change in 2 years, go for haswell. In any case i recommend you to user watercoling for CPU as you can find cheap system for less then 90€.

Je te recommande topachat comme site, j'ai toujours commandé là dessus (plus de 1000€), c'est le moins chère du net (et donc de partout) pour la France.

Pour ta carte graphic je te conseille ATI/AMD car le rapport qualité/prix est plus intéressant. Les cartes avec le système vapor-x ne chauffent vraiment pas beaucoup.

Pour la carte mère asus/gigabyte, la ram G.SKILL ou Corsair.

Après je te conseille d'aller sur le site hardware fr et de poster sur le forum :)
ok merci RACHId
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