lesti busted?????


sup team poland :D? :D!

Keep up the good mood boys! :D!
mize cheated on NBS yesterday yet I can't see shit about that. Almost all bans are .pl again! ANTI-POLISH CONSPIRACY!
Keep up the good MOOD! :D!
hahaha you're such a moron man, wheres the proof? or are these just accusations because you got rolled?
sadly nbs noobs kicked before I joined and could record anything, info comes from someone I trust and does not have the need to accuse randomly picked players
Who are you to decide this person is "trustworthy" and "does not have the need to accuse randomly picked players"? Based on your opinion? Either name names or shut up, instead of spewing vague information.
he already posted comment below :)
You mean that other polak?
yea, me. do u think I would accuse some relatively random EC player for fun?
I wasnt aware you were some kind of authority in ET, all Im saying. Just because you say so, must be true. Solid logic.
well I know Roba from rl and he knows that I never cared about ET and staff so maybe thats why i'm trustworthy for him?
I fail to see how that makes his comments relevant to anyone.
AFAIR it wouldnt be first time mize cheated :-)
Thats not my point though, friend.
have you know nl had second biggest amount of cb bans? after pl ofc :D
Still wasn't my point :-)
but its totally my point: there are no trustworthy ppl in et community, all are faggots
i confirm someone on mizes tzac, was running with sniper riffle with scope on and shotting hs every uncovered enemy on the map, changing nicks every 10 seconds(coping other players nicks). lucky him that he was kicked after minute and noone thought about doing screens and demo.

but who rly cares.
yeah that cheat you talk about is being used, not by mise. his nick just gets copied the same as everyone elses.
can his tzac be copied? cuz I don't accuse people based on ingame nick, but rather tzac they use
Cause it never happened before that tzac accounts got hacked.
You're wrong.
The 'new' hack that is causing that, doesn't 'hack' tzac accounts wtf.
It was mize, but the person who was on his account was using that hack that changes nickname all the time.
=> making it just a little harder to track who he is while you're on the server.

Like Hipkat said below, we banned a couple of those guys. But apparently some account are coming back.
Hipkat gave a list of few guys using this hack, but that's not all.

But since, NBS is taken as test server, we will start to take demo's.
For example: we knew long before this ban, than renz had an obvious wh.
He didn't even hide it...

EDIT: none of those guys using that hack, have a tzac ban, atm.
So that one is still an undetected home-made hack by the man himself, chap.
how can you say it was definitely mize? only a few weeks ago we saw someone using the exact same cheat with Netherlands M1lk's account, but it wasn't him.
the funny thing was that he was playing normally more than 2 hours and then started all those crazy nick changing and scope running :P
I know it's possible it could be mize. but I just think it's stupid to say _IT_IS_MIZE_ without having access to IPs etc.
as I said it was someone on mizes tzac :P
yep I know. but this "Hellfag" is the one condemning mize. :d
I'm sure I said:
QuoteIt was mize, but the person who was on his account was using that hack that changes nickname all the time.

"..person who was on his account."
Could be the REAL mize, could be some guy who somehow got the password to his account, and started to cheat. I wouldn't believe the latter, but it's plausible...
Robert says from a CB admin that it probably is the dutch mize, so we have our answer. I just read the first bit and assumed you saw no other possibility. my bad :P
It isn't mize, he didn't played at all for some days now. but yeah who cares ahaaauw
well it's kinda fucked up because I know if he really cheated he would just admit it. not like he cares about it at all, but what can you do.
ohurcool claims account is not stolen and he has access :)
Once connected to the server, the IP is logged mate...
With some access, you can check MAC,...
And yes, I also know it can be spoofed.
But that's not the point...
ohurcool confirmed the account has NOT been stolen
QuoteEDIT: none of those guys using that hack, have a tzac ban, atm.
So that one is still an undetected home-made hack by the man himself, chap.

just because an account on which cheats have been used hasn't been banned yet does not mean the cheats are undetected nor does it mean that chaplja coded the cheats
Not this again....

Quotejust because an account on which cheats have been used hasn't been banned yet does not mean the cheats are undetected nor does it mean that chaplja coded the cheats

If you say it like that, you're correct.
But ffs, that's not the point. But whatever I'm going to say, you're going to reply:
Quotejudging by your profile, I find it hard to believe that you know what you are talking about
what? you are misinformed, so I was simply correcting you

and it's true, you don't know what you're talking about and have proven it several times
Oh man! Come on! I've been screaming this shit EVERY TIME before it even is made public!

And btw: I'm not misinformed.
Secondly, there is a hack that is still not getting banned.
Why is that, because it's simply undetected.
As far as I know (and yes, here I can be wrong) last Tzac update was somewhere between 24-25hours ago (close to that)?
Well, like I said, I could be wrong with this. But I can guarantee that the new hack is still simply undetected.

never mind, believe what you want
Glenn, what the fuck are you talking about? and how do you know so much about this "new hack"?
C.S.I. confirmed that there is no random IP change on mize's tzac
The TZAC Names that are doing that are Madzz, Wariat132 and Blogeye, who are all probably the same person. Al three named players have been banned on Nbs and I haven't seen it in a few days
Can you see if http://t.entirely.pro/profile.php?id=586 was connected to NBS 1 on Friday @ 16:41?
I don't have a way to look, but he is a regular an there, so he probably was
Perhaps [CB]ohurcool can give you ip, then you should be able to check 100%
wouldnt be the first time mize cheats after getting a chance or two previously alredy xD
I can't use wh man, if I played anything about low+ people would know something is wrong :<
tous dans un putain de four mec !
also PolandSnacki, Sw1ruz(again)

Also Queenoffrag(some known player aswell, as i recall)
I've kicked Queenoffrags several times on Nbs. Fucker is annoying as hell
queenoffrag is Risk aka noone, just known for being a cheater and denying it 24/7
co za kurwa pajac

przegrac wszystko jak fenerbahce

image: goryyys
najwiekszy biznesmen do mycia :XD jebana ciota
teraz już wiemy co się kryło pod "zakładam garniak"

kurva anyátokat szétbasztátok a játékomat
why there is Polandsw1ruz again ? he was busted like 6 months ago
same with Polanddydziek
why you are talking about yourself in 3rd person
nick1: yes
nick1: but
nick1: he bought new PC
nick1: and got new inet
nick1: then made tzac+CB for azpiliqueta
nick1: so he cannot be banned

can you buy a new pc for me? :D
co tam fanam8. kadra ci sie sypie. wspolczuje
Poland representing

& sPEEDJI hehe
are you really surprised about speedji? :D
nop, just good to see him there
nothing strange here, just another polak as usual.
no co ty pierdolisz, a trzepalem byka pod jego heady na gietefale aua
a ja myslalem ze to najlepszy strzelec po mnie :(( do mycia
serio? -_-
I think its quite funny poland still managed to lose to team UK they must be mad losing with 2 cheaters busted now? Would not surprise me if more were. Just a pitty there all shit even with cheats , only few decent players from poland i can trust now adays.. Sad to see our beloved game slowly dying because all this polish trash
i dont think they were cheating while final was played :P
et nq, g-mod etc looks quite well ( as the 10 years old game )
...et pro is dying because of community ( including cheaters, and angry ppl mad on nations)
Ive never played any other mod in ET i dont no what jaymod and nq even are :(. And frost go spec wiaderko when poland acutually managed to beat us , iits obvious as fuck ! Fumble i love u
do you have any proof they cheated in NC? more likely they just cheated on public or in random irc war
lets be honest here, they try so hard to beat us for years would not surprise me at all. I did think something was weird with wiaderko in the offi, but no body will never no, in my opinion they were cheating the whole time.
eh, there were a few dodgy moves during NC games, especially vs EE of wiaderko, but going as far as calling a hack on that seems silly. I really doubt he would have cheated during NC or offis, or at the very least not in the games I watched.
go and watch all the uk poland games and tell me that again
its quite funny that they were never busted for cheating in offis, guess why?
i think you were mad when you killed yourself in 1o1 cup and crying like kid;)
again i cant see my name on tzac banned accounts :/
I don't think anyone truly believes you cheat, Meehow
some ppl do.
proste you are clean !!!
on all 4 accounts :D
Cry baby meehow?
Fucking pathetic cheaters. At least those who always denied everything. Nice job United KingdomMarcus! We want more!
who will be next? heheheh
chill i only cheated after the nc finals ;) got bored and wanted to quit anyway ;)
Hi weslann.

Oh wait :D
Well that's fine then!

Why don't you jump from a building's roof, would be kind.
faggot ;) ;)
lesti przyjacielu jestem disappointed :( nawet ja nie haxowalem ostatnio w ogole :(
Weslann: cu in 6 months.
08 Jun 2013 07 Jun 2023 Returning while banned
** Weslann: cu in 10 years.

And the funny thing is I'm sure he'll be there, fucking nerd :DDDD
His latest TZAC: http://t.entirely.pro/profile.php?id=110798
Almost played with it but I banned him from our server
ye, we played him with sticked's mix yesterday. He was playing with derynn etc... Didn't notice anything strange, if he was cheating then he's really bad at this game and should uninstall now :D
he wasnt :)
Nigga I ain't worry about nothin
dodgy polaks always looking for easy way to gain some e-fame, pathetic and sad :8
might ban this guys aswell http://t.entirely.pro/profile.php?id=23229 constantly raging with his bots
someone cheating in et? do not believe
I just love cf, because its full of hypocrites.

We got mr. razz, the guy who eliminated team hx from EC, because he used rivaturner.

We got mr. potter, whos team wasnt eliminated from EC, eventho 2 of his teamm8 were exposed as cheaters.

Basiclly anyone from this game cheated at one point. So what do you expect? :S
if i remember right i went inactive before the cheating thing even happend....
shhhhhhhhhhhh, just act like you feel guilty!
paskudna zmowa, zlapali jednego deana na haxowaniu a zbanowali drugiego. przeciez lesti zawsze powtarzal ze ten drugi dean to oszust bo ukradl mu imie w grze i gral na aimbotach.
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