xbox 360 RROD

Hey guys!

A few years ago I bought an xbox 360 (the 2006 world cup edition) which was one of the first models on the Belgian market.
I recently found it in the basement, after it had been put away 2 years ago because of the RROD problem.
A few kids are coming over, so it would be nice to let them play a bit.

Anyone experienced with this problem? Seems to be a common problem with the xbox360.
There are also a lot of guides on the internet, anything free or recommended?

Thanks in advance!

(P.s.: no, I'm not going to buy a ps3 or a new console like the xbox one or ps4 :D )
blanket/hair dryer, google it

i got jasper anyways (2009 sept) so i wont face these problems i think ;D but what i read randomly these 2 things may help
There seems to be a problem with overheating causing things to touch eachother... so i tried randomly by pushing the sides of the xbox while starting up. It worked :D
got it once but xbox always on guarantee, they sent me a brand new one :)
or Proper Fix XBox 360 RROD
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