Morning journal #354100

Good morning Folks,

Many of you may be sleepin', still I decided to wake u up with a nais and missed morning journal ! Today I woke up at 4 to troubleshoot the network at the company, I'm injecting myself some coffee needles to keep the good mood hehe.

Casual questions, usual question :

What did you have @ breakfast?

Coffee, cig, coffee, cig, coffee, cig

How do you feel?

I slept 3 hours, I should feel super dizzy but i'm excited as fuck, and i'm enjoying the day so far.

What are your plans for today?

troubleshoot network, then 4 meetings this morning from 8 to 13. And my day will most likely be over, i'll come back home, insult FinlandThomm and play some normal queue @ LoL with PolandEstaloth

Mandela is going to survive one more day ?

He fucking survived in a cell as big as your sister's butt, he can live a few times more !

Will you have some holiday this summer?

Going to barcelona in august, can't wait !

Do you think United KingdomMarcus is a cool guy ?

@HMPF> [ » GoldFishje liebt YCN`Marcus zu 100,00% « ]

Is khazix broken ?

Biggest bullshit ever

Shoutout Europedevastation gaming eSport crew and to United corporation, gonna win this fucking SC div3 for sure cu final. And shoutout to Domi's goldfish, what a badass.

image: tumblr_mp0re4A88o1qzy9ouo1_500
bon matin
cu lan noob
What did you have @ breakfast?

nothing yet, but gonna be the same :) (cig, coffee, cig, coffee)

How do you feel?

Slept 6h, excited for today, as for every day in the last weeks :)

What are your plans for today?

work, meet up with a girl, relax

Mandela is going to survive one more day ?

No one is immortal.

Will you have some holiday this summer?

Probably just some weekends and stuff.

Is khazix broken ?

Not really :) After they broke my Xin I just rape face with J4.

Have fun guys.

Shoutout #ALMIGHTY.ET and #dev bros!
What did you have @ breakfast?

How do you feel?
Super happy :)

What are your plans for today?
Work work work?

Mandela is going to survive one more day ?
Yeh ;) Go Mandela!

Will you have some holiday this summer?
Had to cancel trip in August, but I now have a week free then... ideas?

Do you think Marcus is a cool guy ?

Is khazix broken ?
Too lazy to answer all Your questions, but have a good day TOMOBRO!
What did you have @ breakfast?
Bread with homemade jam

How do you feel?
Over happy

What are your plans for today?
Girlfriend coming over in a few hours. Hard cleaning time until then though

Mandela is going to survive one more day ?
He's probably kept alive in order to have the biographies and documentaries ready to be aired when he "dies". They might have him to die in Obama's presence too..

Will you have some holiday this summer?
Berlin early August, planning something else late July.

Do you think Marcus is a cool guy ?
Yea he probably is.

Is khazix broken ?
What did you have @ breakfast?

Milk, Croissant

How do you feel?

Goodie good on such a wonderful clouded day!

What are your plans for today?

Nerd hard with kevin and eddo, make people upset in ET.

Mandela is going to survive one more day ?

He looked badass, so obviously like me he survives.

Will you have some holiday this summer?

I'm already having holidays, huehue!

Do you think Marcus is a cool guy ?

Who the fuck doesn't think this? That person should kill himself (Stary should do it anyway)

Is khazix broken ?

Gangplank rape.
What did you have @ breakfast?
Oj, coffee and cig

How do you feel?
Tired, back to work today

What are your plans for today?
Cook cook cook get home by 11pm

Mandela is going to survive one more day ?
Hell yeah

Will you have some holiday this summer?
Nope, not at all
khazix est pas broken petit fdp
What did you have @ breakfast?
Green tea, 2 eggs, jam and cheese roll x)

How do you feel?
Fine, tired

What are your plans for today?
Going to Mair1 festival with Germany PaRzi later

Mandela is going to survive one more day ?

Will you have some holiday this summer?
Lake district

Do you think Marcus is a cool guy ?
My favourite farmer :))
What did you have @ breakfast?
its too early for me, i start with dinner

How do you feel?
also slept 3h, feeling dizzy like grandpa @ football factory

What are your plans for today?
merch in forest

Is Mandela going to survive one more day ?
no idea

Will you have some holiday this summer?
i have holidays since 2k6 so i guess yea

Do you think United Kingdom Marcus is a cool guy ?
we had no chance to speak at last polish lan but he does much goed for this funny community so ofc!

Is khazix broken ?
there's no such a thing, counterable like any other.
Quote by Estalothfeeling dizzy like grandpa @ football factory

cuz ur still high
What did you have @ breakfast?

How do you feel?
had no sex tonight, bit angry

What are your plans for today?
study, eat, study, eat, go out

Mandela is going to survive one more day ?
the man is not imortal, he has fought and lived and inspired, hes work is done let him go in peace

Will you have some holiday this summer?
after exams, dunno for how long

Do you think United KingdomMarcus is a cool guy ?
no, he bans from irc for no reason

Is khazix broken ?
woot ?
What did you have @ breakfast?

How do you feel?

What are your plans for today?
Work a bit, get ready to party

Mandela is going to survive one more day ?
maybe, time will tell

Will you have some holiday this summer?
Yes, leaving to Sri Lanka the 7th of July for a hiking trip

Do you think United KingdomMarcus is a cool guy ?

Is khazix broken ?
Didn't khazix receive a huge nerf? xD Mad? :D

Either way, studying. Slept 5 hours, just wokeup and started studying again for today's exame. It's a extremely difficult one. *Praying*
I will need it thx... probably the worst exam from last years :| But on a side note, i only need to get a 8/20 to get approved, plus we can bring our papers to the exam. I am doing some bad-ass resumé right now :D
What did you have @ breakfast?

image: nesquik_4

How do you feel?
quite ok, weekend inc, so ye

What are your plans for today?

finished working at 2pm, gonna go for some gaming, maybe running in the eve, if im not too tired or the weather is too shitty

Mandela is going to survive one more day ?

maybe, dunno

Will you have some holiday this summer?

plans are to go to washington and new york area in 2nd half of september

Do you think United KingdomMarcus is a cool guy ?

he is!

Is khazix broken ?

no, not at all

off to pwn some khazix players in ranked!
true dat

vem e du?
chameau sac à foutre
tg tu sers à rien
mc donald's
What did you have @ breakfast?
Skipped breakfast, had spenach-soup for lunch. Omnomnom.

How do you feel?
Slept late x) Feeling good.

What are your plans for today?
Maybe some moving-thingies, if I feel like it. Bought a couch today & brought it home.

Is Mandela going to survive one more day ?
I hope not.

Will you have some holiday this summer?
I did, 5 days last week.

Do you think United Kingdom Marcus is a cool guy ?

Is khazix broken ?
Oh you anime-nerd...
that's a lol champion, no anime here son
ouh,you are lifeless sir.
khazix broken

image: 22809007
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