(D)DOS and what to do about it

Well this has all started like 2 weeks ago - atleast more noticed, but 3 days ago till now it is getting bigger and bigger. So now It has started to annoy me also - my teammates, so I will help to all those who wants this to stop like I have also said on journal which was accusing that I was the person who did all this crap. I hope this journal will stay a little bit longer on top, so people will be able to check it and spread it arround.

But first what this even is DDOS or DOS:

In computing, a denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may vary, it generally consists of efforts to temporarily or indefinitely interrupt or suspend services of a host connected to the Internet.

Bigger explanation is here

Before I go on with how to get attacker ISP (Internet Service Provider) informations and so on, you will have first to try to evade it alone.

Since this community wars are arranged mostly on IRC which sadly displays hostmask or even your IP, you would like to protect yourself first from that. It is well known that all people that have been attacked did not have hidden hostmask/ip by BNC or QuakeNet auth and mode +X (hidden under username and quakenet hostmask).

Bouncers are all over the web and even free, however some of you do not know how to set it up for your own client, so you don't use it. Some of you uses webchat runned from browser, so you can login to quakenet account and hide your hostmask before you try to connect to channels, which gives announces about your hostmask on join, quit, netsplit etc.

For using QuakeNet mode +x you need to have quakenet account, you can register account and all stuff from console and not from channel chat field (you don't have to be connected to any channel while doing that)

How to register an account with Q?

Before you can use our services (Q) you will need an account, here's how to get one:

Saying 'Hello' to Q

This will create a Q account with the name of the nick you are using at the moment. You do this by using the following command:

/msg Q HELLO youremail@address youremail@address

If the account creation is successful a link where you can obtain your password will be sent to the email address you supplied, you will be required to read and reenter a series of characters before you are given your password. If account creation failed then Q will inform you of the reason, usually the problem is either the account already exists or your nickname has special characters in, in both cases change your nickname to a more suitable one.

Once you have this password you can then use the AUTH command:

/msg [email protected] AUTH username password

Where username is identical to the nick you used when you said HELLO.

You can check you are authed using the WHOAMI command:

/msg Q whoami

If you see a message back from Q that includes the line:

-Q([email protected])- -Information for user John (using account john)

…then you know you have said HELLO and AUTH'd correctly.

Change your Q password

When you say HELLO to Q, you will be assigned a default password. We strongly suggest that you change it. Change your password by using the NEWPASS command:

/msg [email protected] NEWPASS oldpassword newpassword newpassword (for example, /msg [email protected] NEWPASS john notjohn notjohn).

Q will acknowledge a successful password change by displaying:

-Q([email protected])- OK, password changed.

How can I hide my hostname on QuakeNet?

QuakeNet provides a usermode which hides your host completely.

To use it, you must first be authed to Q. If you do not have a Q account, you must create one using Q's HELLO command. Once you are authed, do /MODE nickname +x

Once set, you will have confirmation that your hidden host is active as the server will send you a notice similiar to "authname.users.quakenet.org is now your hidden host". Other users will see you quit and then rejoin all channels you are in with your new host. We recommend you set this mode before joining any channels for maximum security.

Your IP can be get also via TeamSpeak or by ET Server on which you were playing on. Rather use own servers for playing random wars and also own or trusted TeamSpeak or some random TeamSpeak which has nothing to do with ET players. Also turn off xfire teamspeak detection. If you are chatting with someone elsewhere throught some clients and apps, you might also give away your IP.

- if you are using dynamic ip, you might want just to pull out ethernet cable from pc or restart router/modem/switch and do not fucking reconnect back to IRC while in game, most of targets were doing that, so the (D)DOS have continued.
- if you are using firewall and know how to use it (you have to learn that by yourself), block incoming and outgoing connections to IP's which you think that have nothing to do with the gaming itself. Firewalls have also incomming/outgoing ip's list so you should block from there. In some cases it might be even affective
- tracedown IP with whois tools and write email to abuse email ISP (attackers ISP)
- if you are using static IP you are fucked for that moment, but call ISP to change your IP to something else or even to dynamic and also explaining them also that you are being (D)DOS'd and if they can check that also
- if you are able to change mac address, change that also on router/modem settings and not only the IP
- if there are no solutions anymore left for you call ISP again to start investigation and if they will not help (they are obligated to do so) call the police
- if you are rich as fuck and you want to throw money away then go to http://ddosprotection.com/services/proxyshield/

You can also drop, reject, ignore packets by firewall, but like said It will not stop the DDOS in some cases, but it will help you to atleast stay protected more while connected. In case if packets contains viruses etc. but that is higher level of what is DDOS realy there for and I'm sure that noobs which are getting ips from irc don't have so much clue about that things. So in general it is good to have atleast firewall and add own rules to it drop connection in and out in someways of DOS or DDOS this can be even affective way since kids do not know how to... I will not describe this more, since it may help attackers, so just go for a block and see if it is affective and even if it is not you will atleast not send packets back.

(D)DOS is ilegal and I think that law is the same for all countries. ISP is cooperating with law enforcements against this attacks, So even if you call own ISP and say that you are getting DDOSed, they will have to help you or atleast investigate.

If the attackers are using any kind of vps or dedicated servers or any kind of more major further shit, they will loose their server or even the company that provided them those servers will sue them, since that is strictly forbidden in their tos to which all had to agree. If complaints comes to companies like that, soon police will knock on attackers doors since that is serious offence for providers.

There are a few ways to confirm if you are being attacked
First, open a Command Prompt by pressing Win+R and typing “cmd” or go to start -> run -> cmd or inwin 7 search window -> cmd

image: 154ddc4aad8f73b30ea6e95232281d37

When you come into command prompt, try to ping outside world

ping google.com -n 10

image: b6fdd7e0d50ef0364d2e45a3a2f79473

Pay attention to the number next to ‘time =’ and the percentage of packets loss displayed below ‘Ping statistics’. The time column is the amount of time it takes for a packet that is 32 bytes in size to travel from your computer, to Google servers, and then back to your computer. While playing ET this number is referred to as your Latency.

In the beginning stages of a (D)DOS attack, this number will increase periodically (48ms to 800ms) and will eventually respond with “Request timed out”. If you believe you are being DDoS’d, the first thing to do is open a command prompt and ping a reliable website that you know is online - Google. Most amateur DDoS attacks take time to build up steam so you can usually catch the less sophisticated attacks before they take you completely offline.

While you are in game and you are completely sure that you are getting DDOS'd, you can use program like TCPView and run it to trace attacker further.


How this works is explained on microsoft site already, on what to watch I will explain now

Most likely attackers are using xxx protocol and noobs xxx protocol

image: f24ab3c705df6ac8da8bb7d6b541af22

If you did run TCPView before the attack it might help you to find attacker even faster - Click on PID (to order it from higher PID to lower PID) and check for state ESTABLISHED and packets number is increasing.

Order by packets received -> higher ammount to lower and check where packets are raising faster than the other normal process packets itself and state is ESTABLISHED

Order by state and look for ESTABLISHED, next to it there are sent, received packets and bytes also, if ammount of that is high and is raising higher than the other programs then you might have found attacker. Ofcourse you need to exclude ET itself. It depends on port throught which you are attacked so if you are attacked throught port 80 it will also display process as your browser.

you can use whois tools to indicate if that is a person, proxy or server at http://whois.domaintools.com

http://whois.domaintools.com/ - abuse email [email protected]
Example of GPS|Rafal which was /q me hard on the one day finals and DDOS (or friends did) m1tja and others.

Session Start: Sun Jun 30 08:11:47 2013
[20:11.47] <GPS|Rafal> i go dedos
[20:11.47] ->> GPS|Rafal is [email protected] (» Fragger | by #brainlag «)
[20:11.47] ->> GPS|Rafal is on: +#ls.et +#team-decerto.net +#GPS #ig.privv #brainlag #3on3.et #6on6.et
[20:11.47] ->> GPS|Rafal using *.quakenet.org (QuakeNet IRC Server)
[20:11.47] ->> GPS|Rafal is authed as Fragger
[20:11.47] ->> GPS|Rafal :End of /WHOIS list.
[20:11.48] <GPS|Rafal> you
[20:11.49] <GPS|Rafal> man
[20:11.51] <GPS|Rafal> then gl
[20:11.57] <GPS|Rafal> in final
[20:12.02] <GPS|Rafal> and rest of you mate
[20:12.18] <Kwiz> you wont bro how life?
[20:12.33] <GPS|Rafal> yep
[20:12.37] <GPS|Rafal> gl in final
[20:12.39] <GPS|Rafal> ;]
[20:13.00] <Kwiz> tnx :P

However m1tja as noob (is still connecting to IRC with showing his IP) did not backup logs, while he admitted and shitted his pants afterwards after recognizing that DOS is an offence and ilegal. He did say that he is so pro and will change his IP after apricot invited him on TS to get his lovely IP and throught that ip connecting to discovers that nerd has static IP and has no clue how to change it and even worse its accesible over http. So by that this nerd is totaly noob-certified
image: 63bbb90f63f8cbfc7715a3a2fda7ff97
However there are no evidences as packet flows screen from that ip by m1tja (noob), so by that I can only assume it was him, or like he said his friends. However attacks did stop that evening after m1tja warning him to stop, but also rafal have said that we have to join GPS irc channel, I was like bitch please ofcourse not xD. But the next day it did continue again. This is m1tja's problem, I have explained him what to do and he will do what I have told (I hope).

I have heard rummors who did the attacks in yesterday finals, I got pmed yday about person which used botnet service to do that and other was monitoring that attacks. However i'm not a person who will judge people without evidences provided, so no names will be mentioned. But let me tell you that that person is very known to ET community and is playing in best lineups which ET can provide it nowadays. So not that only lows are doing this but also people like him and ex ET player (i have heard that he was called hacker xD) gave him botnet username and pw.

You have to know that noobs are barely able to DOS and not DDOS if they are not paying for something like BotNet, however throught botnet they are not protected as they think they are, more likely they are even stupid to trust someone only because they are paying for or even worse it is free. Companies providing that kind of services will shit their pants and give all informations about user doing that.

You have to know also that ISP and Law enforcements might not react so fast and it may take a while, however when investigation starts and when they have good traces (which nerds leave behind) stil someone will knock on their doors and if they are kids i'm wondering what parents will say when they get ISP warning or even police on doors. Guess they will not be able to play et for a while since of fucked up but or face and will remember what is right and what not.

So first try to evade those attacks if possible, try to find the attacker yourself or just call ISP if you don't have a clue how to. I will respond to those who needs help only. And please do not say that you are getting attacked on every offi if you are unsure about it, there are also things like lagspikes, unstable connections, viruses and other software/hardware problems also, so first you will have to indicate if it realy is (D)DOS by yourself.

To those who are attacking, I hope you understand that this is now turning into major problem and It's your last chance to stop now, before all those who are being attacked starts to work with law enforcements. I know by myself that I would start with my own ISP call and email abuse to your ISP imediately without further warning to you and stab you in the back, like you are stabbing others.

pretty basic knowledge for everyone
Well sadly not, because there were no evidences provided from anyone yet, which might cause CB ban also
Very nice journal. This is kind of solid. It's a nice initiative. I agree with you and I now believe 100 % that you are innocent.

But Stary is the main DDOSer out here. I have his pic & his IP. He has a very powerful connection and is able to DDOS from his computer. He lags a bit when he DDOSes. This shit nerd should have gotten banned a while ago ... I think you shouldn't be too afraid to name those nerds ...

I've had plenty of - skilled - ETplayers who pm-ed me to tell me that they were getting DDOSed all the time ...

I just find it pathetic that admins don't take actions whereas they know who DDOSes people.
Just ban him. DDOS is not allowed and should be strongly punished. We all know that he is DDOSing people and this is what matters.

Therefore, he should be banned.
This is journal with intention to get also CB ET players banned with evidences if CB ET Admin crew won't act or is not expirienced in this stuff (since evidences will be valid) they will transfer ticket to higher staff i'm sure. But however you as target have also the right to go on legal way and contact ISP when DDOS occurs and they will check it and confirm if it is DDOS or not. Some ISP's will just say if this happens more time they will take actions, since also some servers and pc's are infected and they cannot just call police at every person for those stuff.
I already told you to call your ISP, I mean what is wrong with you?
There's no actions to be taken from admins, when all u do if whine constantly without providing a single bit of evidence and for the sake of loving god, grow up already.
true i'm saying this and guys are pasting IP's instead of screen of attack from same ip which would match IP on TZAC or CB. I don't get it why they don't get it xD
Cause they re dumb as fk and all they can do is whine uselessly.
Well Kwiz, people just want to play. They don't care about the system behind it.
If they have some spare time they probably don't want to spend it on investigation but play the game.

I can fully understand them. But they have to because this is not a funny joke anymore.
Well it's not so easy and I don't know shit about it.
It was him, I have given proof to MerlinatoR. With a bit of help from a friend :) I just hope he gets dealt with. Fumble kicked him from supski because he ddos'ed me when was was playing minecraft and messaged me on CF TS saying "Enjoy prick". So we know who it is, people just cannot prove it I guess till now! :D
It's good that he got kicked from this team. He is not skilled enough for it anyway. All he can do is getting carried hard. Good job !
He is just a dickhead tbh. I know for a fact he has been doing it to more than just me. Apperently he DDoSes his teammates to try make it look like it ISNT him ;\
Yeah exactly. But he is still on Supski's line up on Clanbase. I guess it's just a matter of time before our great fumBle removes him from there.
haha so RaskL didn't give you this:

<00:07:27> "raskL": http://kep.md/IMj
<00:10:19> "Kamz":
<00:11:51> "raskL": http://booter.tw/index.php
<00:11:55> "raskL": user dawbzzz
<00:11:58> "raskL": pe9ve4e4

to ddos me? fucking retarded sheep shagger

same shit United KingdomKamz used to ddos sick6 vs rockit the other night
Who is the REAL retard here?
nice comeback bro but so far your evidences are liquid shit while I brought up some strong logs
You got me some logs of a DDOS website with a user name and password that doesn't work. Well done! On the other hand, you have your nose so far up the admins bum I think they fail to realise that you are tha main cause for all this problem.
I don't think there are any admins that actually like me :D But you cannot punish someone innocent like me :s without strong evidences
yOU shoould DDOS dem kitz on dem roonscape for b4nkl00tz and sell dem eyetems for reellaif geepee's.

There is no fucking point in ddos'ing in this just, except for just annoying the shit out of people. if you really have nothing better to do, atleast fap all day. Should give more satisfaction than ddos people playing a game of ET.
You are not fooling anyone here ! We all know that you are a big DDOSer.
The fact is that you DO DDOS people who play OFFI. This is lame as hell.

You'd better admit it right away instead of trying to defend yourself awkwardly.
The logs you gave are irrelevant. You have a very powerful connection and you even told me that you lag when you DDOS people. And you also told me that you would go on with the DDOS as long as I would tell the truth to the people ! You should be ashamed of your behavior.

I have your IP. How could I get it mister Stary ? I know very well that it is dynamic. You did DDOS me with it like a retard.
I think we both know some of the people involved. But without any evidence at all nothing can be done, you are correct. However, I know you hit me a couple of times. You never seem to get the fact that I am a dick to people wether I like them or not, it's just me. The only reason I was kicking you off teamspeak was to try get you to argue with me, which never happened. I have never actually had a problem with you, I am just a dick.

Either way, whatever happens after this topic. There will never been a winner, just losers. I think it would be a good idea to get over what has happened and move on. I know I have actually been catagorized as one of the offenders, anyone who knows me knows I am shit at computer things and wouldn't be able to work one of these programs if I tried. I am gunna admit I asked people to knock others off the net though. If they actually did it or not is another matter.

Get where I am coming from?
I understand :) just that every time I was on the same channel with you on TS you were just trying to start a fight and flame me :D thought that you actually have a problem with me, oh well sorry for all the damage caused...
No, I would only pick on you because you was easy to wind up. Did the same when tyyrd used to be active, same with fumble, rito when they were new!

You have to earn your place in my heart before you can not be the new guy who gets angry at me!
LoL its even in TOS, funny how all those kids thinks that they are protected, botnet company will just say that client has agreed with tos and is abusing it, giving further info about client and gg.
But that one about charge back and releasing attacks to public is even more hilarious xD

Wondering if sqzz gave perms to get ddosed
Hahaha see you in jail DDOSers ! :D!
i love u man
leże ze smiechu kurwa hahahahahahaha
I just can't get over how boring these people must be. Here we are on a blue dot mostly covered with water, trapped in the gravitational field of a huge gas ball floating in an incomprehensible massive universe. And somehow these conditions were good for life to arise.

On this blue dot there's a tiny portion of a species called homo sapiens that spends their free time following the community of a game so that they, when these players of said community start playing each other are able to crash their internet connections.

Cheating or using hacks is not allowed and you will probably get a Ban. OK its just a game.

But flooding someone with DDoS is very serious and prosecutable. People should react.
This is useless,
For your own pc connection,hard firewall settings and right ones on your modem / router as well,should be fine,also port forwdring should be done in catuion.
web servers are something else.
In this days,where any kid can become a ddos troll by paying 10 bucks to one of the many booting services around,if you really care about it,you should have an firewall,
business / corporate editions should be the choice.
wtf did i just read? Do you really think that only firewall setting and router are enough for this kind of stuff? If there are floods over xxx protocol I won't help it anyway if we are talking about DDOS and not some polak skinny nerd. Why do you think that there are companies for that kind of reasons to prevent this stuff or bypass it to own servers? While we are talking about websites they are also runned on PC's and not in other universe. Sometimes those setting are usefull and sometimes not, you cannot just say It is affective, because in practice it isn't. Google for it.
Its not about what you read,its about what dont you read,or dont really understand mate.
As I said,web servers( Game servers,web hosting,not someone learning html runing demo server on his localhost),are something else,and yes,I am much aware of those companies and their products,but as you are talking in your thread about people getting ddos,Im quite sure firewall should be enough,as long you dont run HTTP and such,good settings on a decent firewall should be ok to block most of the noobies and even more,the fact that you run a firewall,but wont configure it to block such an attacks,doesnt mean you are safe.

And just for the case,I didnot read your journal at all,I just made an general opinion who I think should be enough to keep you safe from ddos,thats all.
attacker packets -> ISP -> Router -> Firewall -> PC now you can guess alone who is forwarder, who is receiver and even if packet will blow to dust, still that dust will harm something.

QuoteDoS attacks are implemented by either forcing the targeted computer(s) to reset, or consuming its resources so that it can no longer provide its intended service or obstructing the communication media between the intended users and the victim so that they can no longer communicate adequately.

There are 6 ways and of DDOS if not even more, guess what will firewall have to do and who will burn next if firewall has to defend fast. DDOS is also a part (for some) to breach in pc faster or even enforce virus while stupid firewall is busy with all those floods and leaks.
If we are talking about DDOS while using botnet you cannot exclude the option which will use your own pc resources and on end pc will just reset and guess who might have mac range.
If there is firewall which is saying that is 100% defending machine and there is not harm to machine done and they are offering guarenteed money I'm going to buy it and also rent botnet to claim that money. PC will restart since resources will be used for firewall defending what it can defend, other will leak... and thats whats DDOS is all about, something will be harmed and true like I have also said in some cases won't depends on way of DDOS.
Montage please shut up. You are a Zionist and you are aggressive as fock and you don't know shit ...
Eh,nah,I might be zionist if you say,but I will have to disagree with the other two,since you haven't seen shit yet son.
And don't take me seriously dear apricot,Im glad my trolls works,but its all about it.
Okay mister Montage, but in Judaism they normally teach you to be a great person full of goodness.

You shall not hate the Palestinians dude.
I dont hate them,either like them,and Im against war I just know who I got business with,you dont.
Its just too hard to understand else you are living it,TV is bullshit,pala are bullshit,if they will lay down their weapons,we would have peace,if Israel were to put down its arms there would be no more Israel,we want the peace,but not in any price.
and too bad europe gonna be living it in a couple of years,as it seems by know.
If you are really into that,watch this,

Well I see your point.

Quoteand too bad europe gonna be living it in a couple of years,as it seems by know.

But you forgot that it's the Zionists who made them enter in Europe. This is why Europe is now full of north-african immigrants.
In that case,its just a conspiracy,and using the word Zionists while talking with someone who is jewish,is kinda rude else you mean to sound rude.
And there is no point for "Israel" to "flood" Europe with immigrants,specialy muslims,Israel doesn't need more muslims to get out of their sand buckets,that kind of conspiracy maybe would sound better that USA might have done that,fits better to the story,but Israel? lol,no point or interests.
Well, I think you don't know very well how the world works ... at least ... the Zionists control the banks and are the leaders in our countries. This is a focking fact. Zionists are using the Muslims like puppets. They made them enter in Europe to divide us, to break our countries ...

Didn't know that it was rude to say to a Jew that he was a Zionist as some of them openly admit it ...

This multiculturalism without assimilation is a focking fail and is meant to harm our nations.

Bro, this world is disgusting, the leaders of our world are so focking bad.
But don't get me wrong. I don't dislike you because you are Jew ...
Good journal
call the police :D
why not? It might be even the most affective idea, since some ISP's dont do shit before major stuff are done
forward traffic here http://www.fbi.gov/

Just set up team to ddos stary 24/7 and problem will be solved
QuoteI have heard rummors who did the attacks in yesterday finals, I got pmed yday about person which used botnet service to do that and other was monitoring that attacks. However i'm not a person who will judge people without evidences provided, so no names will be mentioned. But let me tell you that that person is very known to ET community and is playing in best lineups which ET can provide it nowadays. So not that only lows are doing this but also people like him and ex ET player (i have heard that he was called hacker xD) gave him botnet username and pw.

So you know who ddosed because someone pmmed you, you also know for a fact that he used botnet and you also know another person was monitoring the attacks, yet "no names will be mentioned".
Then you give details about how skilled and known this person is and you even know who gave him the botnet user&pw.
What is next? Stary, another ddoser like you writing part 2 of this magnificent essay or Kamz for v3? Or make a special edition where you all tell us how to be safe from you ddosing nerds!

So you are either:

a) Talking about yourself in 3rd person, we have a new sw1ruz over here.Made a journal to clean your name because too many people know you ddos.
b)You know the ddoser/s and they are your friends and you are covering them
c)You are innocent and the constant whine towards you made you cry so you went to wikipedia & google how to ddos and came back here and wrote a wall of text with your limited english skills about what you understood and know because fuck we all know you are 15 year old IT expert from slovenia who knows everything about ddos attacks, IPs, security and else.
d) a+b are correct.
e)You are a retard.
f) d+ e are correct.

Please let me know!
Well, to be honest, I think that Kwiz is innocent. But Stary is for sure a DDOSer. Kamz the nerd certified guy is also a DDOSer.
a.)You still didn't tell us why you made fake profile just to came flame over there?

b.)Since you are new over there I think you shouldn't know who is DDOSing and who not.

c.) not sure if you are retarded or just retarded

have a nice day Mr.Unknown
Well, on the other hand you cannot blame him for being on the alert. There are some DDOSers, but Stary is like their chief.
a) Is not a fake profile,its my new profile. I am so oldschool that I cant even remember what my nickname was back then, thats how oldschool I am.
Also you 1 year old newschool fag stfu who are you.
b)Not new here, I just dont post anything in the last 5 years and cant remember the email I used for my old account, which I wont give you anyways. And I know a lot about oldschool ddosers and I also know that this journal is just a weak attempt from kwiz to clean his name since too many people know he is a ddoser, but since no1 ever takes these kids serious , some people take it as a joke.
c) You are a joke.
Or just buy a 60gpb/s booter.
da fuq is DDos?
give me your ip and il let you know :D
but srsly.. what is it? how is it working? why are nerds like stary/mitja doing this shit?
A distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) occurs when multiple systems flood the bandwidth or resources of a targeted system, usually one or more web servers. This is the result of multiple compromised systems (for example a botnet) flooding the targeted system(s) with traffic. When a server is overloaded with connections, new connections can no longer be accepted.

but wikipedia didnt answer my last question: why are nerds like stary/mitja doing this shit?
because they have no life what so ever and sit behind a pc with their mates on ts acting kids, it basically fucks your router up so makes u just 999 constantly if its like 2-3 people doing it, 3 people was doing it to me last night and i couldnt move, didnt bother me though was laughing but still its sad :P
oh jesus , ban all people under the age of 13 please :D
Basically it makes you lag, making it impossible to play.
or burns your pc till reset, It's your own choice xD
Basically what kwiz does for example:
1.Download a program to ddos people, you can find many free and paid ones just by using google.
2.Get the ip of the person you want to ddos (ddos in non tech words is just lag , huge lag until your internet crashes)
3. Put the ip in the program and its done.
4. Go to wikipedia and google to find more about ddos and act like you are a DDOS expert who knows loads about it.
Dude like I have said milion of times i was breaching in sites and DDOS'ing when i was 13. Why are you underestimating me? Oh btw i'm 23 now 10 y of knowledge brah, i guess you were jumping from one to another ball when I knew all that stuff. Besides times are different DDOS is developing also, so we have to be on track.

1. There was a pack of 50 progs scanners/crackers and all kind of shit when i was 13, don't wanna even to google how many progs are included in packs today, but console is overkill bro
2. Why are you acting that you understand this if you realy dont?
3. No need for programs, windows/linux includes command prompt/console, programs are just for pussy's
4. Know that from 13y->

When you will be 13 /q me on irc so I can teach you how to read and what PC is, there is a lot of other stuff on pc then only browsing like a noob.
dont know how i should avoid sounding like i'm joking or whatever
but , what are your studies regarding computing and IT ? and what job do you have.

if you want, you can pm me
atm i'm working in delivery, when i get loads of money I will open own business, most likely hosting and website development company. Then I will buy et from zenimax for 30k max and fuckin update it. Those are dreams but lets see what happens xD
Btw have learn everything on my own, was working on learning codes at 12 that attacks and breachs were just for fun and to understand something like that before defending against it.
I am not trying to make fun of you here pizza boy, but try improving your english a little bit if your dream is to have your own company >Good luck with your dreams.
Shit , you are making this too easy...
QuoteDude like I have said milion of times i was breaching in sites and DDOS'ing when i was 13. Why are you underestimating me? Oh btw i'm 23 now 10 y of knowledge brah

You keep saying you are a ddoser. You keep saying you know the tools, ways, details on how to ddos people. You have self-proclaimed that you are the ddos authority in crossfire.
You get accused of ddosing in another journal. You go mad crazy posting about how much you know about ddosing, again.
I accuse you just now of ddosing and you reply to me saying you are a ddoser and tell me how smart you are and how much you know about it.

I will say it for those who still dont get it, you can ddos anyone here that you dont like, just for the fun of it and you admit this in every single comment you have made here.

So moving on, I find you are laughable; you are really acting like when a cheater is get caught cheating , goes make a journal about how it was his dog and ends up looking more stupid. What I find sad about this whole journal is that by talking about this in public , we are simply encouraging more people to become ddosers.
You do realize mr.ddos.Expert that this is not rocket science, ddosing a person is a google search away. Yesterday before this journal we had what 4 or 5 known ddosers, including you, tomorrow we will have 10 unknown ones using random programs to ddos the people they hate on this game, and hello the fun and games for et are over.

You are a joke and I find it a joke as well that nothing will be done about this by admins, but is not really my problem as I just visit crossfire for the "nostalgia" and dont really care that you and other sad nerds keep killing the game that is already dead enough.
Have red only half, coz that was enough

Where did I say that I did DDOS ET players or am DDOSing now? Tnx in advance for further investigation.
Besides i have told you to /q me on irc when you will be 13, your prooving the same again

Its like I know how to make bomb coz i'm bomb techinician, bomb blows after 1 sec I have told that, guess who to blame? Use common sense 11yo guy
In the quote at the start of my comment, for example. But you can find more just in this journal and more in the last one. No problem, keep giving me more of this!
Did I write there when i was 13 or 23? I can't see so far coz i'm typing from 3 m and watching tv screen. Was there "i was" or "i am"?
QuoteWhy are you underestimating me? Oh btw i'm 23 now 10 y of knowledge brah

You have admited you are a ddoser, if you want to deny it , just do it, instead of giving more poor examples about a bomb and a bomb tech, lol.

You are too easy, you don´t seem to understand what I am doing here. Keep giving me more examples and history about you dude , I am very interested !
I'm closing this conversation since its leading to nonsense
That means you understood? I don´t think you have. You asked me why I keep underestimating you, it´s because you are dumb. You proven it along this whole journal.
It clearly seems that I have to explain what I ment with that and I do not understand why since I was responding to your post.

You have posted some crap with your 4 points and that I'm googling shit and downloading progs, I was explaining back to you that I know that stuff from before.
Now you are quoting me out of context for some retarded reason and explaining in your own stupid way. How clear is that?

QuoteThat means you understood? I don´t think you have
How am I quoting you out of context, I am just point out what you told us a million times and keep saying over and over again: You are a ddoser , you know a lot of ways to ddos people, you mentioned 6 of them comments above. I accused you of ddosing but you dont deny it, you keep posting walls of text about your uber ddosing skills. You are too easy man, please understand I want you to keep posting , there you go, I know you are so dumb that you dont get why but I feel pitty now and thats why I give you the hint, I asked you if you understood that.
Also just to add a little more, did you not say this yesterday during the finals in the shoutcastcollective chat?
QuoteGive me Ip i will ddos back

You are too easy dude, because you are dumb. Everytime you say something you add more to the fact that you are a ddoser.
You are self-proclaimed master of ddosing in the et community, what is it stopping you to go in irc , teamspeak, anything , get a player´s ip and target him just because you dont like him? Let me answer this for you: Nothing. The only reason you made this journal is because now people know you are a ddoser and you are trying to clean your shitty name , but its too late. I don´t think no one here (I hope) is dumb enough to think you are not one of the people who has been ddosing in et lately.
Keep posting dude, give me more!
DDOSing 5k zombies back, hmmh seems legit I will have all resources soon, just like 25000 € for that kind of infrastructure and i'm done. I'm going to get some popcorn, since all your investigations and quoting me on every single step is funny.
im not doing it tard
This guy is trolling, Did i just see m1tja's name on the list of DDoS'ers?
on the nerd-list :P
you are the best troller around nowadays
tl;dr 9.5/10
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