
Hey folks! In 2 years my life got changed and I left ET and now I remembed that was alive back then and now.. it still is!! so my question is.. is it possible to play ET with windows 8 or has microsoft made one big bullshit soft?
shouldnt be a problem. in fact there is a pocket ET version on the PlayStore for mobile. PC version is still a lot better tho!!

e: wb
joo voi ja tzac näyttää myös toimivan
I think I found the problem you have... It would be that you are using Windows 8. No problem.
how is that a problem mate? :)
Works fine on Win8, TZAC works fine aswell.
I'm on windows 8, everything works fine. including tzac
ei vittu meklari :D ei siitäny 2 vuotta ole saatana
Windows 8 works better than win 7 or Vista, imo.
Define crossfire being alive? :P
works just fine on win 8
lari back to business
works good
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