Servergears CP

Does anyone here use/have used in the past, the ServerGears Game CP?
The project has disbanded, But the software is still good.

I have 2.0.10 version and it doesn't have any documentation for it.
Been looking on net, but with the website down. I cant find anything of use.

Looking for help setting up the panel with my dedicated box so i can run servers.

Hope someone has used it.
go get gamepanelX, buggy as fuck but its opensource.. only thing that really sucks is the GPL license.
I tried that CP, but had trouble connecting to my db. tried twice and it wouldnt creat my user account.. i was like wtf. lol
It is pretty buggy.. but they have an IRC channel which is fairly active, so you could give that a try.
i did look at BGP, but i have php 5.3.3 so i have to upgrade. and i dont want to have to fix the websites i have hosted after i upgrade.
Debian apt-get install php5.4
Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get install php5.4
CentOS yum install php5.4

Thats all what u have to do.
i will try that lol. because i upgraded to 5.4.0 before, but it fucked up alot of stuff with my cms and shit.
but i will post my outcome :D
you could run different PHP versions for each virtual host.
Debian/Ubuntu apt-get install php5

would be enough ?
Oops only Debian works without sudo and with :D Ubuntu only with.
sudo apt-get install php5

would be enough ?
Yes and only Debian without and with sudo.
But I do it always without sudo so just apt-get install php5.4

But first in debian apt-get update then apt-get upgrade if it doesn't get php5.4 then do it like that.

E: PHP Version: 5.4.4-14+deb7u2 yeah!!
# yum install php 5.4

worked for me.
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