Graphics Problem MBP w/ Win7

Never had issues playing ET or other games with a Macbook Pro and Windows7 installed on it. However here's what's happening

image: asbqq

image: qohlbt

As you can see, both ET and WoT are not using the entire screen, even though I'm fullscreen mode in both games. I have tried playing with the in-game's resolution but it never uses the whole screen. Does anyone know how can I fix this? Thanks in advance...

p.d. Sorry about the cellphone pic, but the screenshot function didn't accurately showed the problem I was having.
check your scaling settings within the nvidia control panel:
Happens to me when displayrefresh is changed
get a better tshirt first
put your resolution in cfg same as your desktop?
set your displayrefresh 75 and ET is Good
i had the same problem and i asked a friend he say set your displayrefresh 75
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