maxclients per ip

So we are havin' our uber bootcamp and wanted to play some et but we are only able to connect with 3 guys with the same ip, anyone knows how to fix that one? Would be cool :)
It is set both in the server.cfg and in the globalcombinedfixes.lua

you need to modify both.. if you can't do this yourself just reply to this comment and I'll send you the one I have somewhere on my server.
dont have a serv :(
... if you're bootcamping just run one on any of the PCs and have lan pings?!?!?!?
wanna play vs others... would be too laggy to do it online then
Still need a server? Not going to use mine tonight since I'll be working.
would be nice to use it... when we are bored we would love to play
just got cs:go, why the hell do I have 30 fps... 640x480 resolution, everything on low.... ffs
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