VoD - #Fidelity vs CoffeeTime & toMakeoddseven vs GamePlayServers

Video on Demand is up!

You can find it here: http://www.twitch.tv/adetooo/b/429057644

All the way at the end my streaming software had a little bit of a crash, the last four(...) minutes of tMoe vs GPS are on another VoD you can find on my channel.

Thanks Netherlands timbo and Belgium ViKO for co-casting! Thanks teams for letting us cast them! Thanks viewers for tuning in! :D Hopefully see you next time!

Going live right now with Netherlands timbolina, Belgium ViKO and Netherlands ADETOOO!
Tune in @: http://www.twitch.tv/adetooo
Let's GO! :)
Ah again everyone dutch, I hate when u just speak dutch to each other sometimes.
Usually bullshit talking anywaysszzz
I don't think you need music in the background. Especially at such a low volume it's oddly distracting.
Don't know, somehow I like casting with some background sounds. :p Thanks for feedback though :)
Might just be because it ''fakes not being lonely on a stream'' making it easier to talk, sure fine to start with, but I'd also let it go asap. Throw urself in to the deep! ;D
Didn't listen to it so don't know if it was too bad or whatever, but I always do prefer clean casting with clear voices :)
There are pretty much NO streams without background music/sounds going on... Only place that ever happened was voice only radio streams ET had back in 2006/7 or so
Wait what? xD
Only when there is a pause or so they go their main screen and put up a playlist, but during the stream it self it really is not recommended.

Not sure where you get your information from, but I'd look around at the huge casts, do you see Dreamhack being cast by streamers that run some music in the background? :P

Then again, if you feel like it's best, go ahead that's all your own decision of course and if you think it helps you stream, then I wouldn't stop of course.
thanks guys for shoutcast :)
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