biggest grudge match

who was ur biggest grudge match against in et
or ur most intense match

for me it would be back in sta 2-3 years ago when i played aganist enhanced with crossbreed.
had an amazing map, prob the sickest win in frostbite ever, even tho we lost the match
was the final map close?
No if I remember correctly. We had huge problems with gr tank. Otherwise it should have been izi :/

me and Webe really fucking hated each other.
You had conflicts with everyone :P
not everyone :v but I remember at one point a clanmember or two asked me why I'm not normal with other players on IRC/CF like I am on TS, then I started to behave!

I can't remember who it was but Netherlands Dezire would tell me to stop acting like a retard on CF quite often, back when we played together. so much flame :C
I also remember having some big argues with you back when i started to visit CF. It was annoying cause we couldn't be right when we were talking with you, but it was fun somehow :P
chat arguments were always fun, since the start for me. I reached a point where I couldn't be bothered to pump out the crap though. :D it really was time comsuming to convince people they were wrong even if they were right, was fun to see the uncertainty though. or make people question things they were commenting on, I was never a troll here or anywhere (from memory) but I spammed like crazy. my comments got mass deleted at some point :C
Most ET games are a blur, but I remember 3 games rather well :


I've never been THAT active in ET, but during this period I was and I wanted to win games. I remember playing a great game and hitting a lot, but our engi kept lagging out and we lost 2 maps within a few seconds.


Random comeback with bF, EC qualifier. Mostly a "drama match", I had 999 and did /pause but it only registered a short while after that so the opponents left due to "bug abuse" eventhough we had already won. Had to replay that map and squall and olbaa showed up as replacements for the other guys, still won. Nothing spectacular, just remember because I was having problems with my PC and already felt bad for my teammates and then this happened.

Last game I remember is taking a map from nOu way on LAN with nkNn. We didn't really expect to win so we were properly excited :d
biggest victory in your entire pathetic life as I can see xDDD already see this link pasted by you like 3rd time XD
i kept posting this link to get a mad reaction from u, seems it worked :ss
and pathetic life? i dont play et apart from the offis with these guys, sometimes a 15 minute pub adventure but thats all. unlike you, you play 3on3 offis nearly every day, and youre calling my life pathetic? hilareous. cu lan
wat u gona do men? fanatic is very muscle!!
felt good? :S
Always went in to a final expecting to win. Each of those games were slightly different though

Dignitas vs TLR - They beat us in the WB Final and were still the best team in the game at the time. Think that was my first EC win too - so was really "special".
Winfakt vs Anexis - The first time we had lost in possibly just under 2 years. Actually sat the team down and ran through tactics, everyone was so motivated not to lose to razz in a final.
Rockit vs OPF - Our team was formed just over a week before the lan, but we still expected to win with our lineup. At a lan, to win 8-0 is rare - especially as they beat us in the WB final. Guess it was my lucky chocomel hat.

All of the above were down to some serious motivation prior to the game. Believe it or not, the greatest victory in terms of feeling out of them all was the dignitas vs TLR - as personally it was the first big tournament i won. Even winning my first lan (without sounding egotistical, we expected it) still didnt feel as good.
Winning such teams 8 to 0 must feel good, especially as the matches were part of big tournaments and LANs. I mean after happened, I just leaned back and thought, this is probably the biggest accomplishment I will ever face, even after playing et for 8(?) years by the time it happened. I dont care if they were drunk as somebody of them claimed, I dont care if they didnt take it seriously, I dont care if it was their "bearsquad". You just cant describe the feeling when something like this happens, let it be in a video game or in real life. It just feels great and undescribable at the time and afterwards if u are in the right mood for it.
I find it really hard to remember specific matches :< but being engi I find intense situations quite often, especially when I'm in some clan. so it takes a lot for one match to stick out.

I remember two important moments where someone in my team missed something quite minor and we lost the whole game because of it. :D boNg didn't notice someone ninjaing on radar a few years ago in 5v5 oc prem or something, that one guy returned west radar a few cm from the truck.

next was aToOn vs bF a few ECs ago (or it might have been BFB) and we were about to win 4-0, but Jere ninja'd right in front of upload (both of them were the last alive but because we killed Jere once already nobody suspected he got revived) and he didn't look at him him start to defuse the truck dyna on goldrush, was SW2 and we had ~3mins and the whole other team on +15sec spawn, dyna was like 5-10sec from blowing and we would've made it away.

love them both anyways <3 could equally blame myself or anyone in the team for not being in the same place as either of these guys to support them or check spots they didn't think about, shit happens!

also I remeber many years ago in one of my first offis, was playing 3on3 on ice defence, there was a firefight and two of my teammates got a longspawn (able to be revived ofc) but they also managed to kill one or two of the opponents. thing is one of them had the obj and I had to whip him with pistol to save the game. D: back then I wasn't as confident in my aim and was feeling the pressure but yeah, pulled that shit off! if I hadn't he would've run straight through service to north and won the map :v I can't remember who the opponents were but they were real asses so it was important to me to beat em.
Were you not away for a few weeks?
I am :v but I don't know the password to my email ( so I need to connect to my home pc and log in from there to read mails.

no love in form of a reply :( I feel hurt
any games where my mates allowed me to play with panzer
None, because i always won.
2v2s vs jaka and reload!
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