still not high++

I thought, after i get these things, i will surely be high skill
zowie am
benq xl2420t 120hz lightboost enabled
gtx 670
maus cfg
still get'n owned, wtf!? >:[
cant figure out what ure doing wrong :/
same everytime i try to figure out i get an eRRoRR ... weird :/
You are missing the most important ingredient, Gunnar gaming glasses.
Quotemaus cfg

uninstall et pls

fatality gaming food.
fps brain obviously
its karma u have to send money to me by paypal ( the most the better karma you will get)
Pikachu would probably have been better of with Gary anyway
u missing ET lessons, join to become like phyzic.
Unfortunately doesn't work for everyone, unless I missed a part of the lessons(Clearly I must have)
Obviously, just look at me, i jump in any game and results are instant, i mean, u can pm me but it will be hard work my padawan. U did progress tho, got on level of getting called cheater and me nearly banishing u!
Don't think being called a cheater has anything to do with my level. I think it's one of the perks of being in Exitium, since pretty much everyone there gets called a cheater.
Yeh u are right, u have done great job, but long path awaits u to complete ur training!
with Aniky's lessons you will become an infamous highskilled player in less time than saying the words "can I haz highzkill?" ! ofc you can. JOIN NOW ! ! ! !
Only 49.99$!
/map tactic.
yea noticed that when i linked it :D
this and eujen's brain tutorial
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