bodybuilding v2

just want to say that u guys should know who is the real master of bodybuilding journals.
this sw1ruz/Arnold made some crazy bb journals within million views together.
one more think before i go training my et skill. phyzic ive just saw ur pics in this journal below.
here's my comment for ur pics :

u dont even look a bit like ure training sth. i know a lot powerlifters and they look like mililion timeS better than u. u rly look like urtier 5 years ago. take care man.

jazda z gownem
that's the body of MMA and then power lifting

image: 2prhipx
skinny legs?
It's in terms of normal.
:D Your obsession about me and my body is really amusing.
Powerlifting is not about looking like a blown up roid freak its about putting up weights and numbers so just keep your opinions to your self and stop whining when i anally rape you in et.

Comming here to cf to whine really shows how mature you are.

And on a sidenote i play golf during the summer so i need to take a break from lifting in may or so so im not to pumped up to swing the club.
tell em bus
wat? i commnet ur look only because i saw ure talking with this faggot in journal below.. i dont give a shit about u, i just like making fun of people especially in internet. u look very funny. fat and ugly so i comment ur look. thats all.and one more think. when im sober and my mates are good u dont stand a chance vs me. cheers fatty
Dear Arnold/sw1ruz/azpilicheata

What matters is that i can out squat bench and deadlift you and what seems to bother you the most smash your head in in et whenver i feel like it so just focus on being a insecure little boy posting pictures of protein shakes and talking about being a bodybuilder.
Its clear you have sum self esteem issues when you write journal after journal on a Gaming website about bodybuilding and how fit you are when infact you´re just a sad little 3rd world living polak who hides behind his pc in his basement and thats all you´ll ever be you sad little boy.

sincerely phyzic
Dear phyzic/fatty/mcdonald's fan

what matter is that i look 1000 x better than u in every way. im handsome muscular and rich ( ye polak can be rich too) u say sth about squat bench etc. if i would turn into fat like u i would out bench,squat u easily. the more u weight the more u bench etc. its simple. so u can say watever u want about powerlifting but its nothing hard when ure ultra fat like u. i cant say what were the motives of making these jorunals coz im not this swiruz guy. if u ask me i would make them only for fun. but thats only me. about ET NOW. like i said before. when im not drunk or ultra pumped up i can easily smash ur head. just need some decent mates not some randoms like late. and believe me i rly look like young Arnold S. why would i lie rly ?:D i just look great and making fun of fat ugly people like u :D cya fatty
Ja lubię łapac i rzucać ...
ja lubię łapać i rzucać
So far from "crossfire bodybuilders" I've only been impressed by AlexL, Also he is only guy who has actually posted his picture instead of the casual "IM BIG I LIFT" trashtalk bullshit what you, swiruz, arnold w/e you want to be called do.
Dear ugly moterfucking azpiliqueta,
at the first of all, you should know that you are nolife,depressed, and you should look for some medicial attention.

after that, you should learn how to play so randoms like me wouldn't own u so hard

you will propably find out soon that it's pretty much impossible for you.
so you are in the situation:
you are shit in reallife
you are shit in ET.
-> you are shit in all you have
-> you should commit suicide/ask doctor to do lobotomy for you(tho you wouldn't be much different then)
wat ?:D we both know when im not drunk or ultra pumped up u dont stand a chance vs me, none does. thats actually a fact. btw u have no idea how great my real life is :D u probably have like 1000 worse life than mine, skinny nerd :D but well keep saying shits like that to yourself bro. anyway theres still chance to u to get some skill in et. im off for a while so keep training brother. btw u scared me with this nolife/depression thing. i didn;t notice any signals :o maybe u got the point here. take care low :D
sry but only thing that prolly was ultrapumped was ur dick because u are watching that bbw all the time..
According to phyzic's comments I thought he might be big, but then I saw the pictures....

Nice muscles bro
Never said i was huge but i weigh 135 kg and only 180cm

but this bodybuilding bragging about sumthing without showing anything has nothing to do on a gaming website
thats all i wanted to point out when the spic created his journal showing off pictures of his deca and his girly triceps.
And i think most would agree with me, the only one who creates good bodybuilding journals is alexl and he shows pics and what hes doing he doesnt just google pics of anabolic roids and talks bullshit like most of the other bb journals.
how is being fat body building?
you lift some weights closer to the sun which is a pretty useless skill set to begin with and then you dont even look good/fit from taking the time to do all that.
at the end of the day you are a fatty hanging out with roid tards, do you drive trucks for a living?
it's powerlifting that he does, not bodybuilding
U do realize powerlifting is different than bodybuilding...
i am not that familiar with the politically correct terms.
so being fat is called powerlifting these days?
Powerlifting doesn't focus on ur body looks, but on ur strength instead..

e: watch this video, this guy is in my city, and hes doing powerlifting, thats how body of those ppl look like, they dont focus on muscle showup, but on strength instead.
youre fucking retarded, quit the internets
phyzic you like really fat, girls pref other bodys.
Powerlifting sucks, calisthenics is the way to go <3, to get dem real musclezz.

I'm so fucking hard right now.
pokaz foty to wyjdzie jaki z ciebie swiruz
phyzics brother just saw this, he will smash you now. he is the real deal
u know his brother really is big, not kidding. think he was on some competitions and did crazy score on deadlift,squad,bench
Parent bb will miss, this is a gaming site.
what i find harder to understand is why you're still allowed to play clanbase...
You're just a nobody, please kill yourself.
Don't like the looks of bodybuilding stuff, but then again it's a personal thing and it's a disadvantage to my sport so.....................
Good journal.

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