need explanation

Quote by /!\kapotwe won adlernest !
but wezep fritsie got Summcercup official !
They fullholded frostbite but they had to go so the score is 2-1 for us
i had it already on cf posted !

I simply don't get it, pls haxplain this shit
young people make mistakes I guess x)
perfect answer would be yesteday i bet maus becous he dont think
maus you are is my idol
He also namefaker mAus on public servers to get attention.
even without cheats he beat you so stfu little kid
hahah you ever seen nzz playing ^^ heaven u should stop using drugs
As far I know when you used to play with be ( back in Vindication time ) you was a typical pub player
and he is one now if you see him playing ^^
/!\ admin
Team kapot won adler
Team m4rk did a fullpull on frostbite first round
Two players from team kapot have to leave
Kapot declares himself the winner :D
Waarom won je niet gewoon, kon dat kind huilen in bed en met zijn vuist op zijn matras slaan.
haha kben niet zn kind ik ben jou niet als die verliest dat je dat doet
hmm anyway had ik je gezegt 1 map
je had geluk dat we spelen snel konden anders was het sws 2-0 mja gg idc
Haha that kApot is a nerd, I played today on HBC ET server. It's a server with basic skills and just pure for fun playing on a public server. But this guy, was connecting to make advertisement for his ETTV match.

kApot is retard kid :) He is already busted right? Why is it allowed to play official?
:D It was actuallly me there on hbc
Hehe, ok but why you spam there no one was disconnecting any way :) Most of the players there play really for fun :p
He was mad enough for actually writing down a guid which is 40 characters long :D So my aim was reached
you buy cigarettes, i buy bot
This is ET.
New CB rules, leave when you're leading 2-0.
so funny :DD
Ask kApot which team won the tournament :D
I some how knew this would happen. Kapot cheating to win games? Never! ;)
since you got fullholded and you leave, it's either a clear 2-2 or a def loss for you kapot.
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