Gaming pc check

Hey guys,

Since I can't find my old account password back , I am posting on my old account!

I am looking to build a new pc and was wondering if everything fits nice together...

This is what I have:


image: cg1fmzntl4v1qhts5

Have a nice day!

*edit* owkaaay, got it! something like this then I guess?

Dunno about that CPU, I'd really get a Intel Haswell and compatible mobo if you have the money for it
Ditch the motherboard, ram, cpu, psu and case you might have a somewhat decent foundation.
Spend more on the CPU and get a 4th generation intel CPU instead of AMD, it's around 160 euro but will last for years. this one would rock.
No. Don't waste your money on a locked CPU. Better yet, don't take advice from the idiots on here all-together. Just head over to tomshardware or or whatever suites you the most and ask for building recommendations on a budget over there.
what would you recommend me? I am thinking around 650-750 MAX, seems like u know some stuff about it ;p
Eh, I'd still go with an ivy build given your budget, there's no point going haswell as you'll just be left with locked, and worthless CPU. Performance increase of roughly 2%? No one gives a shit, in a real environment this makes absolutely no difference. Future proofing? Please, 5th generation is already around the corner.
I reckon you're still using your laptop and thus don't have any old parts to spare? Look around for the likes of a i5 3570k, maybe MSI Z77 G41 for a motherboard, same GPU as above, some decent be quiet PSU (430W is absolutely enough) and depending on what's left of the budget, either be cheap about the RAM and throw in a SSD or.. skip the SSD entirely for a later purchase and get something alike Corsair Vengeance LP or G.Skill Ares
What's wrong with a locked CPU? I doubt anyone is going to do some overclockin on their 1st build.
Why wouldn't they? Especially now that every single UEFI motherboard out there has a random "PRESS HERE TO AUTOMATICALLY OVERCLOCK YOUR SHIT" button.
I wouldn't risk it if i just built it, burning or ruining something brand new because you were stupid and OC'd too much would haunt me forever.
yeah, but that's just the thing. Anyone that took the slightest bit of time into researching it, before.. actually doing it, would realize that there's literally no "real" harm that could come from a minimal OC. Hell, there's plenty of guides out there for your exact CPU+motherboard combination to achieve both an overclock and undervolt. And sure, they might not want to Overclock right away, but come a year or two? Why the hell not. at least now he's got the option to as opposed to having to buy a new CPU again to get that bit of more performance out of it.
And btw this pc is from tomshardware :p
You call me an idiot and then you recommend him a CPU that costs as much as the one that I recommended, you lack common sense.
And you lack comprehension. The CPU you recommended, is a bad suggestion due to the fact that it's LOCKED. Where as the one I recommended, of the same price budget and performance, is not and is therefor, if an OC is applied a million times more efficient.
Why you all nerds feel the need to overclock something that is already good? The difference is not really big anyway.
well it is actually big tbh
its mostly because intel are actually changin sockets way too fast and its useless to take latest one..
and that's much better than the one in the edit link?
Not much better but better since it's newer, both are quite good for gaming and you won't feel much of a difference between them anyway.
change the cpu to intel i5 / i7 and motherboard aswell
+1 get intel and nvidia not amd and ati or you will have hedaches!
seems legit
and this is much better? :p
It Actually is, by far, but I'd still not take the sandybridge configuration he put up there for you. Replace the CPU/Motherboard with an Ivy setup, the HDD with a WD or Barracuda and you're good to go with roughly the exact same budget but much better performance. Also, take the 430W version of the PSU he listed, saves another 20€. Not entirely sure about the GPU though, if I were to go for a 560 I'd probably want a Ti at the very least.
would you mind putting something together on the website? or well just the changes?
image: c2FTyNf

Pretty sure you could get stuff a lot cheaper from another store, this one's.. rather pricy and has a limited selection. Also, ditch the SSD (Samsung 840 120GB 2.5" SATA-600 SSD) from the list if it's too far out of your budget. You can always save some more on the Case/Ram/GPU if really needed, but.. meh.
thank you mate, maybe a dumb question but, does this motherboard etc fit in this small case? :P
Oh wow, good catch. didn't even realize :P Thought it was the Midi Tower I selected. No, actually. The motherboard wouldn't fit
haha! so any midi tower would do? :P
Yeah, as long as it says "ATX" it'll be fine.
owkay, thanks!
oxy, is 1gb for a video card enough for 1920x1080 ?(256 bits ofc)
like , getting the version with 2gbs would be money wasting ?
a higher VRAM doesn't necessarily make it.. better or faster. It's plenty enough, definitely. But if you have some money spare look into GTX670/770
they are a little bit out of my league :D
i was thinking about
Sapphire Radeon HD7850 Dual-X 1GB/2GB DDR5 256-bit
1gb-171 euros
2gb-192 euros
not sure about the psu and the hdd but rest is ok even tho i would go for higher mhz ram
1600 @ 1.5V, can easily run 1866 @ 1.65
yeah its the case for most of the ram idd, would just have putted 2000Mhz ram or higher but dunno the current prices in NL tho
theres point in having anything higher than 1866, the performance increase of 2% compared to the amount of money you're paying is.. simply not worth it. You'll only be gaining higher benchmark scores too, at most, but an actual real-life, user environment gains nothing from it.
12% between DDR3-1600 and DDR3-2800
Also 300€ in cost.
2x4GB, DDR3-2666 = 150€ in here
but hell yeah the ram prices are going crazy lately :s
2x4GB of 1600s = 30€ :P
Just wanted to show you my specs to give you more insight :P
omg mAus omg
omg Maus_old omg
Quotegaming pc
leave lol :)
Are you in Diamond finally ?
What is the maximum budget You can spend for your personal computer? Even 100 euro can make a huge difference. Would be glad to help You out. Been helping people to build custom gaming PC's for years now.
something like 800, but I guess the one that oxy gave me is pretty good? :D
Small budget :< If u could have like 300-400 euros more, u would have asskicking PC to play latest games on for like 4-5 years.
"on for like 4-5 years"

your wrong.
you're* wrong! haha
too lazy at 1:23 am ;)
hey maus
QuoteSince I can't find my old account password back , I am posting on my old account!

yeyeye 30°C :D
plat 4 46 points :(
I want to see more from the old ET star
Follows; butchji

( =
oxy dropping the knowledge
hoi Maus, how the training going :) ?
hey mate, not good.. got injury on both my shoulders, been out of the gym for 2 months already I guess.

Somewhere right there :o

yeah shoulders are always easy to get injured :(
try to take alot of, Glucosamine, omega 3, dvitamin, curcuma turmeric and im sure it will be better in the joints !

Well its going alright, im not that big anymore. around 90kg
image: 25gyly0
image: 2vijfpt

hahahah :)
looking good, will try thx!

guess it's gna take like 2 more months or something :(
I also regularly got problems with my right shoulder, just stick to lighter machine training and don't row that hard and it'll be better asap
well I had it for a year almost, and the doc told me I should stop ranging between 2-6 months, because If I don't it would be an operation, I had to take serious medication to get the swelling away etc :o
plus I couldn't do anything properly anymore, not benching fully, not even training shoulders with 4 kg's.. no push-ups...
lol alex, lira dirty bomb? :D
har alphan
vadå hur kan jag få det då???
not more than 3000 mg per day of omega3 though! Wouldn't hurt you if you gained slightly more mass and did a little more leg raises :D But beside that I still admire you for being that ripped
thx !

well i am on 10 000 mg everyday of omega 3:p
yeah i want more mass, but im modelling so i cant :(
back to et or bb
don't get AMD CPU for gaming lol :D
Just built new pc yesterday.

intel i5 4670K w/ corsair h100i push and pull
msi z87-g45 gaming
msi gtx 770 twin frozr oc
16gb corsair vengeance 1600mhz
corsair ax760
wd cabiar blue 1tb
Kingston 60gb ssdnow v300
fractal design arc midi r2

gotta wait a few weeks to get it to use tho :/
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