Help Get New Anticheat

I Have been talking some guys who are making new anticheat for CS:go and they are interested about making it ET.
7 coders doing this thing.

SO the thing is Im interested about making thhis etcene better and now Im aski are you?

Are you willing to spend money for new anticheat on et which works? And how much!
If there are any people who want to help this project? Hackers or coders in ET. Testing our system.
If they can represent themselves as a legit company, why not?
Not something as tzac, which was runned by one man and became something illegal the moment he got money for it (MORE OR LESS)
Wasu i tak wygra
tzac is working fine for the current state of ET.
name those 7 coders?
Let me state this loud and clear before I say anything else! I really think some people are doing great efforts to keep ET alive! And I really appreciate that aswell because I love this game!

But I honestly think that when it comes to INGAME possibilities people should just give up. About 80% of this community is constantly whining about the game being dead and it needing new things, such as new maps and better anticheat. But when they do get these things the majority starts crying about it 'being unknown' to them and thus claiming it is shit. It happend to PB when the screenshots came, it happened to ESL Wire, which was a great option but majority of ET players was too lazy to switch to ESL from CB, it happened to 95% of new maps/oldskool maps people tried to bring back(e.g. erdenberg, secret weapon, ufo, oasis, beach, missile, karsiah, that mapping competition), it happened to TZAC which people put money in and again isn't good enough, it happens to SO many ladders/leagues with constant dropouts and teambreakups. ET isn't dead, but the ET community, read the majority of it, is just a bunch of lazy, never satisfied, selfish and egocentric bunch of people who aren't worth going through the trouble for.

TL;DR version:
You're probably better off not putting your energy into this as most of the community will cry about it more than accept there is nothing better.
problem with ESL wire was not exactly switching from CB, but rather being unable to use it in random IRC wars
gather system?
versus works for random mercs, but not so well for teams/mixes
you know that cause?
well said
Read the full version and totally agree with every thing. Topic closed.

Edit: the person that started this journal needs to learn how to reply.
hello i am also very trust worthy, please give me all your money and i will make sure it gets put to good use
i approve this journal
Im really serious about this thing and not giving up. I <3 ET
etpro only die et is living all time guys ;)

SR you need to give more info about this because players want be able to help :)

alot of ppl ET want to do something for this game :D

Good anticheat
better confg war / maps
change rules in cb ( fuck this tj shit )
Quotefuck this tj shit

full retard man. the fuck did i read?
I don't see anything wrong with TZAC in the current state ET is in. If it was maintained a little better then all good but I think it's OK.

Just sort out cfg to enable more heavy weapons again and alles perfekt!
dont let cheater make new accounts
Hi guys,

I am Rishi, Community Manager at Gamers-Leagues, an upcoming platform for competitive online gaming. I will not get into more details about the project as we've already posted a thread here :

Take your time to read it so you can know more about us.

It was with me that SR talked yesterday and what we actually proposed for the time being, was to set up an efficient cheater-buster team with people from the ET community who would be willing to volunteer for this job.

Our client-based anti-cheat, the GLAC, will not be out until the next few months. We are gathering coders and cheater-busters to work on it. We will not hurry with its development because we don't want to provide yet another inefficient anti-cheat, easy to bypass and which will finally be useless. So if you guys know/are coders or cheater-busters, or you want to take part in our project in any other way, never hesitate to contact me. I am also willing to answer any questions that you may have.

My contact details :

Skype : x.gamerx
XFire : chocoriri
IRC Channel : #gamers-leagues

Hope to see you soon :)

P.S : SR, next time when you make a post about us, do tell me beforehand so we can avoid any confusion and provide the community with precise information. Thanks.
I really think you should focus on improving and updating the game, not the anti-cheat, one of the main reasons people cheat is because your fucking game hasn't been updated since hitler last announced world war. Think about it.
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