Would A New ETPro Pub Server Work?

I miss running a server. That's it. I just miss it. I'm not starting a clan or anything but I do want to start a new server and I'm looking for input.

Best Host?? YCN?? Someone else??
Best Country to host it in?? UK?? NL??

Settings: Definitely a map rotation, but I think with an extended time on each map, like 60 minutes
Which Maps??

I think disable map voting, except Nextmap (If that's an option, I can't remember)
TZAC age limit???

Mods?? I like the sprees (when they worked) and the opponents hit points on Nbs. Anything else??

Finally, it's been a while. Who REALLY knows what they're doing and wants to help with the setup, if I do this??

I want to make it as good as possible so everyone will be happy playing there.
lol, Bro, when's the last time you even played et??? :D :D :D
weeks, going for a war now though. still irrelevant :p just no
you are a bad admin
Thanks for playing.....
Yes, you are a good admin.
,,TZAC age limit??? ''
ho ho would be nice, but i'm afraid that server would be empty with limit :((
( imo half of active players are ex cheaters )
but big good luck mate! :)
My fear too, with TZAC Age limit, but it could be a lower age, like 30 days or smth
365 days would be fine
nobody will play there ...
Most of etplayers are using lower tzac than 95k
yes new server pls! hipkat<3
150-200 age min limit tzac.
Phew, Atleast that would enable me to play.
*u|k. is back don't need anymore at all
YCN sucks, not even able to buy with a fucking creditcard, my bank got problems with paypal. :(
Yeah, that credit card thing is stupid. Besides, I've had a lot of servers on YCN. Some were fine, some were all problems
Bank transfer?
no thx to 60mins/map, would be almost same as nbs1
Except you could vote next map anytime (not vote for a particular map) or just do the objective
i can already see that deli and supply will be 60mins and rest 2mins. adler and b4 maybey 10mins.. maybey lower the max time? at least i wouldnt want to play any map more than 20mins :/ and for that 60mins/map 10-15 min would be attacking actively and last 45-50min spawnrape, boring eh? but thats just my opinion :) i'd welcome any new server because anything beats 24/7 deli/sd.
Those are good ideas, and that's what I'm looking for is ideas on how to set it up so players have more fun and less to complain about. I'm thinking objective on though. Maybe take all map voting out. Even next map
and add bigger maps also! spam<3
Yeah, 25-30 mins per map is good. Even on JM, bigger maps that are 25 minutes get boring if no one can get the obj
BAN all busted players since 2010 (3 year, should be sufficient)
That would just leave you, me and..... ok, well you and me
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