Kenji searching 6v6 team

Hello, Peace and sup guys,

since the last Opencup where I get the second place with I didnt played an offi with the new full lineup of So thats why Im gonna search a new stable 6o6 team.

About you:

Skill: med/med+
Languages: English
Nice guys, flaming is okay as long if u wont rage like a 12 years old kid, whos bein' in a relationship for once. :P

About me:

Skill: med (Can handle med+)
Languages: English and german
Class: Field Ops, Medic, Rifle, Engi, Multiclass (prefer medic, fieldops or engi)

pm me on cf if someones interested.

gl mate :)
But not with the full lineup. We never prac, we never played with our lineup once if I remember right. Nothing against u guys, I like to play with u but its always the same. Wanna play offis, not only random irc wars :/
gl ..but lets enjoy the summer... lets play in september x)
big et comeback ! :P
Den genieß ich sowieso, da ich in 2 Wochen erstmal fett in Urlaub fahr :D
Für danach, also so sprich September, wie du gesagt hattest :P
good luck kenji! good player!
QuoteSkill: med (Can handle med+)

Hmm, how shall I put this? I'll try the nicest way I can without being too offensive.
If your skill is med how could you "handle" med+? If everybody would be able to "handle" players one step higher on the ladder, then there wouldn't be a ladder at all.
Saw it many times in posts, just filled my glass, not picking you specifically.
iam low+ but can handle most of the med+ guys :D ..explain me plz master ;<
Then I overrated myself. :(
Even if I'd try I wouldn't be able to say bigger bullshit than what you just said.
Maybe the people who claim to be med+, are not med+, but low+?
Think, prepare, act.
ok sorry yoda, seems like iam a bit brainless these days
i guess he doesnt know where to put him self skillwise. It is kinda hard to rate ur self and many just say Mid cuz they dont want to overrate them selfs + they dont want people to whine or shittalk :)
I was wondering excatly the same :D
holy fuck give us a 2 week notice at least.
What do u want to say?
Just jokin around buddy. one day i will get you to laugh, dont worry :)
laughing as much as I do when i watch u playin snakey snakey :D
ahhh fuck off! im rusty on my snakey snakey skills :D
some one call crossfire recruitment posts headquarters
this guy didnt give in his 2 weeks notice

ill notify artstar right away
even tho hes gone on vacation
ill msg him on fb and put this thing on high priority
Failz >:[ GL anyway Kenji mate
Thx. Was fun to play with u :(
GOOD LUCK kenjibro!
Good luck Kenji!!

Shouldn't be that hard to find a team for you ;)
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