city tips for antwerpen and bristol


i will travel from stuttgart (germany) to dublin with some stops in antwerpen and london/or bristol...
my friends said they would prefer to make a partystop in bristol since we all were in london for several times...

so anything you can recommend for those three cities - Belgium antwerpen and United Kingdom bristol and Ireland dublin - (party, club, bar, sightseeing highlight, cultural must-see...)?
Bristol is a very crap night out! should try like Birmingham or Manchester or Sheffield 2bh
Holla from Sheffield
same here nismo... im in sheffield
I'm not anymore really, just finished at Uni and now living back at home in Lincoln. Still have quite a few friends there, enough to call it a second home!
in antwerpen kannst dir mal schön die orthodoxen juden anschauen mit ihren diamantenshops.
So sah wohl berlin in 1920gern aus bevor. War so mein Eindruck.
Go to Bristol, egg Marcus, get on a train and go to Bath.
lol silly embarrassed :) I can go to bath at home :) don't need to go to europe :)
Then why don't you.
already did :)))
Not sure if serious or.. Bath is a city in the UK u dumb idiot... --'
very serious :)
This without the egging :)

Get the train from Bristol and head to Bath, it will take like 30 minutes or so but you will have a much better time there. Bristol is not worth visiting if I am honest, however the only things here are Brunel shit, so if you want to see a bridge and a boat! then fine (you will see the train station anyway as you're going to Bath! >:))
I was in Dublin for 2 months on holidays 3 years ago. We were living in Blanchardstown, so like 10-15km from the city centre. I didn't see much because we were basically working almost every day. Also we were like almost 18 yo so we didn't do much clubbing since iirc it's since 21 there or something?:p (or at least 18, but I got my 18th bday on December)

I remember there were some nice views near the sea (Howth Harbour afaik), a lot of boats there, people flying kites on the beach (dunno how to call it properly so sorry :D), Also you could see seals there, and other marine animals + some nice cliffs etc. Powerscourt Waterfall is also nice place to see, I liked it a lot because I never saw a waterfall hence wanted to check it :P And of course in the city centre there is always something interesting to see like churchs, castle, museums and all these art stuff etc, also some shops in the centre, good views near the river + dublin port.

gl in your journey, have a nice stay mate :)
Antwerpen is shit.
brugge > antwerpen
I found both really nice! Brugge more thou
thats my boy!
Antwerpen is pretty OK if you stay in the car and don't talk to the natives.
Temple bar in Dublin for touristy pubs and crowd.
Camden street for non touristy crowd with better pubs and clubs.
Try and visit the cliffs of Moher, its about a 3 hour drive from Dublin
Zaytoons in Temple bar for the best kebabs in the world
Copperface jacks on harcourt for pussy
Someday you should try an actual kebab in Belgium or Germany and not the shit they produce in Dublin and mistakenly call kebab.
Antwerpen is shit.... Try not to get stabbed/robbed

If you are going out there: try Cafe d'anvers.
I think we drove past Antwerpen twice in three years because they insist on putting "Anvers" on the fucking signs.
People from antwerp are amazing.. They hate the french part of Belgium so hard, still use the french name for the city :DDD
Haha, marginale comment.
past bij antwerpen :$
I live in Bristol ;d

Tbh the town isnt all that but i guess i can tell you some sightseeing stuff, pm on irc when you're on ;)
I have an e-friend who sometimes parks his car on a car park in United KingdomBristol and speaks to us via TS3 using an app from his phone. I won't say his nick because it could embarrass him but this guy works for YCN.
Waiting for a foreigner to do his clothes shopping :D I would much rather sit on my phone than walk around fucking primark :)
Maybe I wasn't talking about you :S
Ah yeh, the several other YCN admins that have been to the UK ...
Hey Marcus,
The Bristol servers are working fine, don't worry about them.

Hey Joe,

There appears to be an issue with the phone lines to the Bristol datacentre... oh wait never mind, just the dodgy accent.

Kind regards,
Antwerp is awesome, don't listen to the scary nerds who commented above here.
They probably went lost and were running like a jew through borgerhout (which is idd, not that awesome)
Just stick in the center and I can give u the best bars/disco/culture stuff on irc or irl
If ur in antwerp on the 10th august, city flow dnb festival!!
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