Fom Lan ?

What Happen to the Stick ? I gues to low interest so won't happen ?

If so what's up with the LAN from homie ? Some updates ?
Basically no interest from community, few teams really wanted to come. But it's not really worth the effort if community doesn't care for the game anymore.
buy me a ticket i come
Announced too late and during the summer that's why it failed.
There won't be an ET LAN this year.
not with that attitude
idd.. But the whole community needs to show more intrest if we wanna have another LAN.. :/
Yes, this was basically the problem with FoM LAN, everybody wanted a LAN, but no one was interested in signing up.
bad timing, is all, EC & NC over. teams have nothing to stay active for, and a BYOC lan with undetermined prizepool(if any), wont attract a lot of people. Additionally you merely had it up for a week, if at all, people need more time than that.
It wasn't any longer a BYOC LAN
and yet, here I am, completely unaware of that detail due to the fact that I couldn't have been bothered actively refreshing the one and same journal over and over again, just to see if there may be a tiny update regarding rental PCs. Proper advertisement and information coverage is something you were lacking too, no offense, I appreciate the effort and would have been more than interested in a lan, but if there's next to no details available without having to go through hundreds of comments, you wont attract a lot of people.
Stop bullshitting, I renamed my journals to UPDATE #1 etc. You're just too lazy to read it -> you weren't interested in first place.
what timbo said + he also did a new journal couple of days ago with the prizes to host a pc etc
The one Timbolina was working on had the best chance - I guess it still might(?) other than that I don't think there is much chance of a LAN as no sign ups are open, no event details are up and teams generally need 3-4 months notice on events (considering it's August now, that's it for 2013).
What happen with this ET Live ? Dead ?
"ET is DEATH" - every polak since 2009
cu @ cgs 2014
easy kurwa

bring some spiritus
crossfire 4.0 killed ET
Bullshit. CF 4.0 gave people a lame excuse to quit a game they've been wanting to quit for ages.
would be really interested in some kind of statistical analysis of the pagevisitors or let's call it "activeness" of Crossfire.
Everybody knows what happened. I don't have access to those kind of statistics, nor do I want to.
me too :) im pretty sure the switch from cf3->cf4 had a relation with the activity on ET
Please. between 5:00 pm and 10:00 pm or more, there were like 200-300 people checking crossfire pratically everyday. Now, it's more like between 20 and 80
ET Going from 5on5 back to 6on6 had a bigger impact (ET collectively lost around 10-15 organisations that were involved and contributing to teams in 5on5). There was effectively a 6-8month hiatus on the game itself and with that a lot of players left. It has taken a good long time to get back to a reasonable standard again.

Crossfire 4.0 would only stop people talking about ET if it had a negative effect - it wouldn't stop them playing it unless they needed a reason to leave.
Kinda the same reason I ranted abit on the new anticheat journal I think SR or something made. Some people putting in great efforts to get this community going abit but every effort people start with WE NEED THIS WE NEED THAT, but when it's being deliverd it's never good enough or people suddenly do not seem to care anymore..
Time to make ET Tutorial Pack v2 (competition only) and run multimillion advertise campaing for ET as true teambased game and get six number prizepool for advertise tournament. Afterwards form ET league including playoffs every year with decent prizepool. New/upgraded AntiCheat. Release ET 2(ET with better coding or something). Get salary for players. ET #1 game at universe.

Now, who has won at lottery and is investing the money to be able to pay all of this? If you have, go for it, make it happen and community might say thanks.
Clearly did not get my point...
Clearly you though I was speaking to you, you meant any person here who is reading this.
But then why did you reply it to me? :( Makes me feel like you're trying to hurt my wittle feelings :(
Because it felt relevant. You said something about people trying to help + people not satisfying etc, I made relevant comment to that. Would feel stupid to just make a post like that alone.
Didn't they teach any motherlanguage at school and all of its fine things? For example, I said: "Now, who has won at lottery and is investing the money to be able to pay all of this? If you have..." who has won at lottery...if you have--> who = anyone--> you means anyone. Basic things right?
BYOC is shit for the most guys :((
it wasnt BYOC....
klar war das die lan? oder war das ne andere?
Well I hope you didn't invest to mutch into it ... Realy sad the LAN won't happen but if I read this coments most people still tought it was an byoc LAN makes me even more sad . It shows there is no real interests into this game anymore
Edit: I was always asking. Myself why didn't you workout something together with homie since he and you had the same aim

I tried, there was no way getting in contact with him. So basically I was on my own, nobody showed interest in a LAN.. so, I didn't want to put more effort in it and the guys from FoM.
You're still fabulous for trying!

image: oouenadskf
hey eujen. Me & voice were really excited in making this lan. But I think we both kinda realised it will be hard to make this actually happen (seeing timbola's lan effort with fom)... I got re-exams starting mid august untill 5 september or so and then i'm going on holiday till the 18th of september. So i don't know if i even got time to organise it now. After my holiday I'm still up for it thought, to organise this, and i really want to see this happen. But personally i don't want to be the guy that leads the management of the event as i have 0 experience in organising a lan. But i'm really up for taking orders of a person who takes all the shots. Greetings
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