[SC2] Stephano retires

image: 1375838459-fsdfds

This is a sad day for the Starcraft and eSport scene, France Stephano retires from progaming for some personal reasons as he announced a few months ago.

He was considered as the best foreigner, fighting against the Korea, Republic of Korean's dominance and proved so much times that he had the strength to compete in the best SC2 leagues and events against the best players. He earned more than 200.000$ with his tournament's wins in only 2 years.

Here's his last speech at WCS Europe : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu2jBt0lZ7M

Main Achievements :

- World Championship Series : Europe 2012
- North American Star League Season 3
- Electronic Sports World Cup 2011
- IGN ProLeague Season 3
- World Championship Series: Europe 2013
- ASUS ROG Winter 2012
- Electronic Sports World Cup 2012
- ASUS ROG Summer 2011
- MLG Spring Arena 2012

image: stephano_wcs_europe
Summer Cup 2nd edition ?
Polandmana for best foreigner.
farewell, wont be missed
a huge douche less, thank you
didnt like him that much, but it always come more natural to me to cheer for european guy than to a korean one.
Yeah, you love him or you hate him, it's like IdrA :D

But still, SC2 scene will be more boring now :(
Quote for some personal reasons

u mean, he finally found real life :D
nah he'll go back study in medical school :P
Every single comment so far, except for one, in this journal shows how retarded Crossfire is.
Internet. Can't explain that.
Thanks, always there to please ppl. :D
Le type est une légende vivante de SC2 ! Il vit dans la même ville que moi fuck yea !
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