#Stronghold.et - Stronghold 1 Evening

Hey guys,

Austriaquzze and I are planning to do a Stronghold 1 evening today (thursday) starting from around 19 o clock CEST.

In case you play/played stronghold and haven't noticed yet, there was a patch for being able to play in HD in november (also counts for stronghold: crusader), so the current version is 1.3

Patch link: http://www.strongholdhd.com/game.html#

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stronghold_%282001_video_game%29

If you don't know the game I am willed to teach you everything needed + the game includes a short but very helpful tutorial.

Basic gameplay:

You start of with a castle keep, around that you build a grannary, farms, windmills, bakerys, stone pits, woodcutter huts, hovels, weapon manifactures, an armory, a barrack, a market, etc.

You have to keep your population happy by not forcing too high taxes nor giving them too little food. You can increase the popularity by building churches, taverns, giving more food or donating to the people instead of getting taxes from them. Also you can sell/buy resources/weapons/food. But you won't just stay peaceful.

Also you want to build great castles which are easy to defend and create a huge army able to kick in the enemys front door. For that you have multiple types of troops and engineers who are able to do multiple kinds of siege engines. A player looses once his lord dies

Unfortunately I couldn't find a decent video of a Stronghold 1 battle, but I found this one of Stronghold: Crusader, which is quite similar.

The biggest formats available are 4 players against 4 or 8 players fighting against each other but also in 1on1 it can be a great fun

As I am not allowed to post torrent links here please pmme on irc / per pm here for the link (600 mb, a lot of seeders)

Hopefully we'll see each other on the battlefield!

looks borring
Sounds like a lil bit settlers.
nah it's quite different though :D
he banned me for tzac bust :o never been banned xD while he is the cheater here
I didn't ban you for a tzac bust, I banned you for 2 tzac busts + a league ban.
so why cb never banned me ? u think u are better then cb xD?
So ESL isn't a league? I am not weakminded, I do what I have to do, and this includes keeping guys like you off the channel. Another reason for a ban on #3on3.et is a bad behaviour towards other users and admins on a sidenote
what does esl have to do with ET ?
You can play a childish little pinocchio as long as you want, annoying me by flooding me with PMs/comments and/or writing journals about me won't make me unban you
its just funy u ban people for no reason , meanwhile u are the cheater here
Please open your dictionary and look the word "meanwhile" up. This "replying-" conversation is over
when did they bust me ? when did u ban me ?
then atleast show me my "bust"
You may find them yourself under the nicks "harmen69" and "nemrah" as soon as the TZAC website is online again. And the date of your ban on 3on3.et was 10 minutes before you started to flood my inbox on PM + my BNC on irc. I can't be arsed to keep conversations twice; per pm and comment. You're just always asking the same sad and useless questions you already know the answer of
u can chek the ip's or so , if u know what ip's are . both acounts are banned not on my ip
You are responsible for your TZAC account, if you choose a too weak password it's your fould. If you share the account with someone else it's your fould. If you cheat at someone else's home it's again your fould you get banned. If your IP changes due to the your dynamic IP, you cheat and your TZAC account gets banned it is again your fould. If you cheat at home on your IP it is also your fould.
first . lol ur talking shit , btw so those acounts got banned 1 year ago or so ? then why u ban me now from that irc ?
soncd : if u do the rights things, atleast thats what u are saying , u should ban urself also . /!\
Appeal your ESL ban and tell them they should unban you because they closed the ET section anyway. Gl with that :D
im not banned for cheating on esl , so idc about that ban
You are banned for creating another account after getting banned
Yes, you're right, shame on me. Fault then
i never cheated case closed , but hey do what u like ban me , i dont rly care i dont even play ET anymore . but try to get a live , how old r u ?
go outside , stop nerding behind ur computer
If you didn't care about it you wouldn't have written a shitload of comments, you wouldn't have flooded me with mad messages on irc and you wouldn't have flooded me with private messages on crossfire. Good luck at trying not to shed a tear
idc about the ban , but i care about you , i feel so sad for you trying to bust guys who didnt even cheat , while u arethe cheater over here , u are such a tryharder , get a life , get a job & a wife or man to have fun with
You say you care about me so hum... You're trying to get me in bed with you, aren't you?
nice life x
/q r0t3n if you want to complain about your ban on #3on3.et , same goes for Harmen, Keith and any other mad kids whose life doesn't make a sense anymore ever since the date of the ban
im not banned on 3o3 channel.... you to n00b for me
i wont cause its funny to watch how pathetic you are ;)
You won't because you know you're guilty and the ban is valid so your chance of getting unbanned is 0. At least the fact that you don't even bother proves you're at least a little mature than harmen dispite the fact you tried to cover it with another reason.
i was busted once in 2009 the rest of account were banned for rwb case and you still crying and saying to people im still cheating ; ) like you see my tzac accounts were never blocked and i dont care about CB and i wont try to get unbanned mr Drkidalot
My guideline is strict, even if I liked you wouldn't unban you
np i have 5 bnc account and 100 random vpns ;)
great game, used to have alot of fun playing it with my friends. I probably still have the installer somewhere (stronghold crusader or crusader extreme). I wont be able to play today but im sure it would be really fun. Id reccomend every1 to try the game out.
I've got working download links for stronghold 1, crusader and crusader extreme
Got some mad nerds in this topic :D
Thought it was Stronghold TD in wc3 -_-
Played it a lot in a past, multiplayer as well (against each other or together with friend vs few "oppos" led by PC)! could play something on the weekend when I got some more time 8)
challenging u forsure ! :D
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