LCS LAN @ Copenhagen day 3

After a good time out yesterday the boys finally returned to their gaming gear and started praccing really hard. Unfortunately we lost two of our asian members who unluckily got arrested for possesion of drugs which they tried to hide in some of their special rice meals. But the rest of the boys seem to be doing just fine and they're ready for their next practice section after a short break.

If you want to follow the LAN, tune in on this stream:

It's a great opportunity to see how hard the pro players work to become better. At the same time you get the chance to see how the atmosphere is in the well known team Team big d1ck yolo. Also yesterday the boys came home with some quite hot girls which is another good reason to watch the stream.

We will be bootcamping untill sunday where the last practice section will be held. After that they will all go home and chill before they'll be going to the next big LAN. As their manager I'm trying to find these boys a sponsor asap and will make sure their future is safe. You can't just let such a talented team go.

Finally our jungler, DenmarkRetsev had these words to say:
Quote by RetsevRight now I'm enjoying this LAN a lot. We are praccing around 12-14 hours a day and then we can go out and enjoy ourselves the rest of the time. The only thing we're sad about is that our manager isn't here to support us and help us analyze our games. Actually we're doing pretty well. We're still making some mistakes but we have also improved quite a bit. Both NetherlandsJelle and DenmarkOle stepped up their game. I think we're ready to take the next step into the professional scene.

With these last word from Retsev I will be heading out to a meeting. I will not be here for the rest of the night which means that I wont be updating the situation of the LAN tonight. But feel free to ask some questions about the team, I will try to answer them as fast as I can.
get on my level goldies
Best manager ever <3
We love you so much <3
wich elo are u guys ?
They're between Diamond 2 and 4.
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