
so have you and your team ever used any tactic in et that actually worked? Maybe a good defense that was unbreakable, or the perfect attack that u captured the flag or planted right away.
iR radar mainrush led to a lot of wins back in the days. First pretending to go side, and let 4 medics pack up @ the ammo cabinets, then depending on their spawn run down the street and to the house, while 2 are covering fake.
worked 3 out of 4 times vs almost every opponent.
not vs bsturz!
It was easily predictable, iR were doing that for a long time, it was not that hard to be prepared for it.
Yeah at the end it was too predictable:P
us government searching for a tax to capture Theran ?
I have a funny fact about it. Back in time we played Cewege team in OC. We specced their ETTV and we saw that they were going full cave during the first attack on supply.

So when we played them on supply, we defended first and we knew about the full cave tax, so we threw like over 9000 grenades there and we anihilated them.

The funny part is now coming, when our time to attack came, we just rushed full cave and we took the flag at first push :DDDD

Trolled hard etc...

ahhahahh bashed hard
good shit
lol qq more definitely
Surreal said that never happened.....
It happened and was funny as hell !!

Just watch supply :P (it was et.tourney, not OC, my bad !)
You have € 1000 on fr sticked
You won € 3160

You're welcome !

seareal alias ninja 1st map with some surprisingly smart actions

lordi + supply attack = win dat map
Merlinators tax for base defence = bestest
Just let crittie and webe frag them all down.
webe can't frag
about to make a show about tactics, tune in sometimes #Grand-Gaming
#target on missile and bremen > all
#Vj on adler and grush > all
cu missile hahaha
ec players in 3rd league hhahahaha

try hard much
it was all fritsie, he's Mr.Missile now
all take covert ops throw smokes everywhere and then do snipertower = insta win
no special tactic but i used to drive like a boss this is why i have high winning rate on fueldump goldrush and supply eheheheh
supply: 6 covies. Everybody prone in truck, use lots of smoke grenades in the truck. Will blow their mind!
until a panzer or rifle lands straight in there :D
They wont see you cuz of the smoke... Will be ghost truck
They never expect the old fops on attack on supply for 3on3 tactic.
attacking fops ftw <3
With bF, revive trains everywhere or sit behind undead and revive him. Or with nkNn , let one guy do the obj while the others rambo
the revive train by the NEVO guys at LAN was amazing
i forgot who it was but after the depot gate blew up in supply they jumped in the truck and started a revive train to get it into position
was amazing
prolly ali and super :D
hehe, truck reviving at depot stage used to happen kinda often back in a days, i remember when we in Poland high5 saw that on some ettv, then me and winq did that in almost every supply game, just reviving ourselves and then, before the oppos got any clue what was happening, jumping outside and kept on reviving till the truck was rdy:D epic
sry i just saw this man :)
ahahha im gonna start doing this again
WORST FUCKING TEAM TO PLAY AGAINST EVER IN THE WORLD WAS bF and maybe TAG when they were on their fucking rambo everything camp all the randomest corners in teh world nights.
first time we played parodia in supply we did our basic 4 fop packs -> into medics with double smoke and got flag with first rush and then saintt said something like "u must have used a ruler to plan that"

back in the days there were some really neat strats tho, can especially remember pimps gr defence with 3 in the back and 3 behind the tank and with heavy artillerys/spam on front. there was basicly a free way to the tank but you never got engis through alive and since it always was so close ofc we kept attacking main/cp. needless to say the real solution was to push back with full team and beat the defensive trilane over there but damn that was very well planned. not sure if it was official but if it was, it was a free win for them :P

other one i always remember was iik's tc_base defence. basically 99% of the time teams abandoned the south radar at the cp and defended the other one. well they didnt and it was like so unbeatable. both of the passages where so easily spammable over there and going through north would take ages and probably still not work. the most frustrating stage ever and base was usually a pretty tence and nice map (if without mortars) but i guess that was some really outbraining.

oh and really back in the day we used boost trick on fueldump to get through the gates and win the game since it was so impossible otherwise. even serious intention fell for that strat in some official :D
why not try the pimp defense aganist pimp :D?
usually getting strats to work took weeks and months of work, you cant just copy something you've seen others doing :D. back then fop was also stronger so it gave some options instead of this dullness we've had past years
come on man
get turbot to do some monstrous holds or attacks
u have more than enough knowledge to do so
if you've seen our games im lagging half of the time. not really motivation to play :P
still bro u can get ur team to play well
u guys have sick aimers and have been playing together for a while
start dominating these other nerds
See? Thats why ctrl evolved smoketax never works cause u dont know how to do it right, with we got it to work like 90% of time.
i did as i was told
i always rushed main
aganist 6star they saw it coming and sqzz completely bashed us
We used the pimp tactics on goldrush when we played with Team Sachsen. Probably because snoop wanted to do something diffrent and nostalgic reasons as he played for pimps at some time. Surprised it worked out so well. Enemies really struggled to adapt to this uncommon defense.
We used the gr p!mps tactics aswell with EstoniadiSko for some time, when Estoniahell and Estoniainsomnia brought it to us. It did work pretty well but it sure took some good teamwork to make it work, i think we used the tactic for a few months maybe but eventually decided to use the more classical tactic as it was easier to pull it off.
just do stupid and random shit no one expects /braintutorial
Yeah, like all the polaks rushing to full spawn....
good times when et was full of those tactics and not like nowadays,where there is only one tactic: push out-selfkill-repeat
I don't get why people repeat comments like these

that push out-selfkill-repeat tactic was pretty popular since like 2005 (parodia ec era?). dunno what good times you're talking about, but if you mean 2004, I would hate to see ET go back to a time where only a handful of individuals even understood the basics of movement and smooth aiming.
synergy doesn't need tactics as long as i play, you cancerous terrorista
well once we had this tactic of one person acing the opponents in a 5o5 and go capture the flag.. and we succeeded and I was the one to ace.
soldier with thompson/mp40
team Switzerland going 6 covies on grush yard and trow smokes to make Australia aussies lag and get gold easy
haha we used to do that even with low ping when everyone had bad pcs, epic fps lag!
think we did it 6 years ago or smth :D
it used to be available on demand but not anymore :<
rhaaa too bad :(
nice pictures on your thumblr btw, liked it
PDEG tax how to get cp on supply with 2 rushes vs high teams :

1st respown let the rifle push alone the road and let him shoot 2 rifle in the main tower to get the guy out from the axis
meanwhile your holle team waits in the spawn for 10 secs ( stupid to push out since nades/arty/ rifle... will damage your team and puts you back)

after this 10 secs you push cp and do only damage as mutch as posible it is !!! (3 medics 1 rifle 2nd engi and pf)

the axis team will be to buisy to revive themself give amo so on the 2 nd respawn you just push them again and destroy them totally (basecly you dont give them time to recover from the first push ) and might get them on full plant even main...

fuck this no wonder PDEG got so far allways with me on the lans :_D

cheers pdeg ingaleader!!!
this just gave me a brain aneurysm.
gl and hf with it
tell me if it worked :_D
Not high level, but on 3on3 we as med- (max) aimers had one map, where we could win vs med and sometimes some "med+" mixes.

It was adlernest..

Attack was 2engis one medic, medic jumped main and got hidden behind the boxes and was looking after positions of opponents one engi jumped down (smth like the side way ??) and one waiting up, then medic started to deal dmg into the closest medic (or if they had engi kill the engi) and try to kill him, engi dropped dyna into the "destroy area" and jumped up the boxes and started to shoot at opponents (meanwhile the other engi jumped down (side way aswell) and hid behind the boxes, 99% axis def. killed those two and then pushed or selfkilled - after that second engi planted dyna, while those two respawned as medics and came main to protect dyna, engi only spammed nades..

Worked EVERY single time against every opponent I think..
rush main on every map tripple the first 3 and if by some miracle that doesnt work repeat until you succeed
as i recall all you used to do was rush main and get trippled by the first opponent u saw :S:S:S:S:S:S

Silly icelander
supply attack was very simple if the team had enough brains for it, for example when you rush the depot stage, after blowing the depot, allies fop just put his strike @ east wall, axis guys from east had to move back so the crossfire was already broken, then rifle shoots @ west to mess up west axis guys, and then rest of the team rush west through the main gate, with the last medic reviving - worked in 90 % of cases ;P ofc it still all depends on spawn @ supply

same goes for command post rush, u just had to move the truck and stop it just in the middle of the crossroad (to prevent middle tower fop from beating the shit out of you), wait till all the nades and strikes end, then allies fop throw his strike @ cp (so the axis defending it had to move back) and the rest of the team rush the cp right after it, covering themselves with walls and the last medic reviving everyone ofc - worked everytime
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