Dota2 team

Wanted to check the interest here, if annyone wants to make a dota2 team and play team match making, or just pub stomp.

If you want to play you can add me on steam : olpen__ or just write youre steam id here.

You should atleast have 200 wins, and have some knowledge about the meta game.
sticked already rolling there GG
Good luck, perhaps we could scrim some time when u get yourself a team :)
steam: Basa1991
You played much :)?
Well, I don't have a lot of spare time so I do not play THAT much, but I've got lots of experience though. ( At the moment around 150 wins? 50/50 wr, goddamn pubbing lol.
Plus, I play with guys that have been playing since the start of WC3.

Perhaps we can get some pub match together as well
played one match against bots. Was confused all game and pretty much got owned..... Didn't play since then.
Well, First game is always confusing ;) Even if you have played some other mobas before. I tried LoL vs bots and I had no idea what i was doing lol ^^
Yeah I find the game really interesting but I had no idea what I was doing. I want to learn to play it someday :P
It's fun :)
There is a training added to the game now, for new users.
I haven't done it since my account was made before it was implented, but from what I've heard it was quite decent to get to know the basics.
I have 50 hours played, can I join?
gg just owned with that fake-Corki hero that dota stole from LoL. Went like 21/3/18. gg scrubs
Were you playing against me cause you are so mad ?:D

image: T0h7o06
Quotefake-Corki hero that dota stole from LoL
Yeah? The model is basically the same, bearded dwarf flying a helicopter or what the heck it is.
DotA took it from LoL
Meh. Im not gonna even argue anymore.
Losing argument -> meh not gonna argue
QuoteDotA took it from LoL

that's why it's pointless
more like lol stole from dota, gj ^^
No? Corki was released way before Gyrocopter was.
Glad to spread my knowledge. Dota2 players think that only LoL copies from Dota and when I tell that Gyro was ripped of from LoL they can't believe it !
I actually thought that Gyro was older than like 2011^^
anyways, most of the moba games, are ripp off from dota.
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