Resolving TZAC Issues v2

Part 1:

All passwords have been reset and need to be changed via Fill in the correct information (account name, old password, and e-mail address), then enter a new password.

If you no longer have access to the e-mail address registered to your account, /q [CB]ohurcool @ #crossfire with a link to your account and a new e-mail address.

If you do not remember your old e-mail address, you can also send me a PM, and I'll try to help work things out.

If you do not remember your old password, then I'm afraid I cannot help you. Create a new account.

Please PM me on IRC, not here.

EDIT: Sorry for not responding to many of the queries I've received. The website is running rather slowly most of the time for me, which makes it difficult to help.

The e-mail system has also been malfunctioning, but it appears to be working for some. So, if you have had trouble receiving e-mails from TZAC, please try again.

Trust me, I am just as frustrated as many of you guys are. We will most likely be moving on to a new anticheat in the near future.
[02:56:33] #crossfire unable to join channel (banned)
[02:56:33] * Press Control+F2 to retry joining #crossfire
kurwa raczej :D
nie inaczej z ZÓŁTYM sikaczem i przerażającym natleniaczem.
" not all your information was correct, contact an admin "
Quotecontact an admin
Sorry busted cheaters aren't allowed to come back cu
lmfao. funny joke kid.
I don't get why you think this should be a joke, you're tzac busted, simple as
and you are still a faggot, simple as
At least faggots are accepted in society, loser
haha, you ugly kike
Seems like we've got something in common then
nice man, had to be done.
This however makes me wonder:
"The latest TZAC bans (15.08.2013) should be ignored and will be removed soon. The real account owners are not the ones who cheated on the accounts."

What happens with all those other guys who got "busted" but it was another guy using their account? (I think I read harmen´s case and others), do they get unbanned as well? Should be fair for every1!
I think we should unban all coz there is no cheaters in this game. i think only 1 guy cheated and got all those accounts banned! #UNBAN.ET
hmm that is not what I said. For example milk's account got stolen and some guy with croatian IP cheated on it, same with harmen69 and some other dudes , according to what I remember reading here in crossfire. Those guys should be unbanned as well since its the same thing as those who got banned yesterday.
And we just achieved another milestone, making it even harder for people to play ET!
exactly, after reading this post i wanted to just say FUCK ET ITS SUCH A HASSLE WITH THIS FUCKING TZAC SHT to jaymod
Yeah, who needs anticheats anyway!
At least PB worked pretty well and you didn't need a freaking account to use it
Quoteworked pretty well

no tzac is just as bad as with tzac, only difference being is you can enjoy reading a username
Despite recent events, TZAC was far superior to PB and certainly better than no anticheat. It's a shame that all this has happened with what used to be a decent project.
Far superior to PB because it detected random polaks but no private bots? It only made it harder to join ETPro and ET... and there are no stats to back its superiority up either.
What makes you think it didn't detect private bots? I'm not saying it was never bypassed, but yes, it did a better job of preventing cheaters in competition than PB did.

Registering on TZAC in order to play ETPro took the same amount of time and effort than having to update PB constantly to avoid random kicks.
Well PB was quite okay on windows and didn't require you to get people on teamviewer all the time.. TZAC would've been 20x as good with a non-hacker programmer actually doing the interface :/
Yeah, I feel like it would have worked out slightly better if there was a "team" of developers instead of just chaplja. Oh well...
why compare PB and tzac anyways? PB dropped support to et and then came tzac, so is not like they were competitors at any point.
comparing it because the no PB times were better and more playable than the TZAC time is, since people have been using TZAC as an argument of people being clean. In the no PB time you could still enable PB and kick them for mulihack, as most were not even using pb proof cheats anymore.. and if they didn't you could take an actual SS which they also sometimes forgot.. the simple cheats weren't usable, now they are.

What is even worse is that PB actually stopped cheating to some degree, while TZAC never did, only forced them to create a new account 3-30days later IF they got busted
I don't agree that no PB times were better and more playable than TZAC era, during no PB every player could be cheating with any random old-as-fuck bot while with tzac at least those get detected..
Don't understand what you mean by "still enable PB and kick em for multihack" cuz as far as I remember we even had the global.configs(NoPB) so it wasnt viable , at least I didn't know how...
I honestly prefer playing with tzac that no anticheat at all, even if I guess some people are cheating atm with no tzac a lot more people would be cheating, no fear of being busted= more cheaters.. If there were no anticheat I would probably quit playing and I wouldnt be the onlye1 I guess..
Why do you prefer playing with TZAC? _anyone_ can cheat on it, the cheats are public and 100% undetected, even if marcus would add them to the blacklist.
well I told you why, with no anticheat _anyone_ could cheat without the fear of being busted, while with tzac those people wanting to cheat would think twice before doing it because they could be busted, even when you say anyone can cheat and everything is public and undetected , we have seen recent tzac busts and some by old players. Also I dont think _everyone_ knows about public undetected cheats that you claim there are and I think it should stay that way. Just look if you want to cheat right now you have to go look for those cheats you claim they are free, public and undetected, download them use them and _Hope_ they are really undetected and nothing will happen, while without any anticheat everyone would just google _any_ cheat for et use it and _know_ for sure nothing would happen. Any anticheat is better than no anticheat.
Cheaters barely ever start by themselves, they get them from friends. Adding on top of that with no PB we could potentially birng back busting through demo's, rather than cheaters aimbotting on gtv and no one caring coz "TZAC"
U can still bust ppl thro demos if the evidence provided is good enough.
Yeah I wish that were true..
Catching cheaters by demo is actually easier with TZAC, since it provides us with a reliable way of identifying players (ac_players)...
How is TZAC better?? It banned users by GUID/IP from connecting to a pb server (yes, I know there were ways around that). All TZAC ever did was take screen shots so someone could see if there were cheats. It wasn't automated
QuoteIt banned users by GUID/IP from connecting to a pb server (yes, I know there were ways around that).

What? No.

QuoteIt wasn't automated

What? No.
You clearly have no idea how PB and TZAC worked...
QuoteThe following error has occurred:
Not all your data was correct, contact an admin

i write my old pass tzac and give new one but doesnt work dunno
I think you should contact an admin.
It's your email address that's probably wrong.
yea np its work now :D
erase whole tzac and lets go back to pb and lag like good ol dayz
Lol , im ch3atz0r!
Why were the passwords reset in the first place?
Marcus reset them in order to prevent more accounts from being overtaken.
The following error has occurred:

Your new password can not match your old one

You need to enter your old password as well as a new password.
its ok now thank you :)
Dude, Not all your data was correct, contact an admin is what I get when I try to change my password because it's back to using the wrong email account. I'll PM you

EDIT! Nevermind, I fixed it
Nice try, guys.

image: 15m6
dont know why all the fuss, tzac was rendered useless months and months ago, everyone can use any cheat without them getting busted/detected at all :/
Well, TZAC is useless since today
Since many months*
So... is it possible, after updating your password, to have your old password back? Since I had to enter a new one etc...
No, that's the point of the forced password reset... so that your account remains safe.
are passwords being hashed now, at the very least?
No idea, but I don't think it matters much anyway. Ask Marcus!
Would it change anything? If it is as they said, he has no access to the servers, so no database dumps...

I would be concerned about bigger problems.. a tzac version with cheats + no cheat detection? thats usurps the whole project...
Hardly anything warrants a global password reset if there wasn't any major leaks, non-hashed passwords - or otherwise known salts - is rather huge. Excuse my ignorance but I haven't really been following and am not quite aware as to how accounts have been compromised these past few days, but given the information I've gathered from this post and the way it's being dealt with, it very much looks like db access is involved.

Anyhow, the "bypassed" client has been out for well over a year already, not that it matters much anyway, the project, or the client, hasn't received any updates for a long time, even during chaplja's days already. The sudden decision to be selling cheats, out of frustration or whatever other diarrhea is floating through that head of his really isn't much of a cause for drama either, who's left to buy them anyway? You'll have your usual suspects, the same as from x years ago - if at all, purchasing those. They've been caught and will be caught now, whether by tzac or sheer stupidity. There really hasn't been any case in ET, that was ever surprising to anyone, the same people that keep trying to cheat do so very obviously and obliviously to anyone watching or paying attention. TZAC's state, right now, is very much that alike of pb's towards the end, it's really just a slight prevention for the old, leaked and outdated hacks. Whether or not the YCN guys have any plans for actively adapting and updating their detection method's really only known to them - if they've got source anyway, last I checked chaplja's was rather paranoid as fuck and I wouldn't be surprised if he made sure not to run his stuff from source on their servers, though then again, it is partially released anyway. . :P
And thats why i like you. You speak like a real sir. :)

Either way, well, as ohurcool said, he got the passwords / accounts from a old database dump _he had on his pc_. Even if the passwords are "hashed" he surely knows the way to reverse them. Afterall he created the system / db.

And how the well does everyone know about that "client"? I might be the only one who didn't. Truth is i haven't been around for a "long time", specially inside the game so i probably missed it, but still... thats bad :o
Even if tzac is not updated, it used to work good enough.. but with a client like this is totally unreliable (even more so...).

Also, i doubt that YCN guys have access to tzac source code and i don't think that chaplja added a easy front-end to add new cheat detection. Why would he anyway? I've got no clue though. To run such a service, YCN only need the binary files and the datavase, so i really doube anything can be done...
So, it's chaplja after all, cheating on those accounts? :P My assumption of a leak may have been wrong then, for now.. anyway.


Quote and i don't think that chaplja added a easy front-end to add new cheat detection. Why would he anyway?

Because, that's... the whole point of slac/tzac? :P
Yes. All the accounts reported a croatian IP, also few chats /annoyances from chaplja lately made they believe it's him (i guess).
There was also a Croatian guy (I chatted with him in Croatian) cheating on NBS, claiming he's chaplja, though I'm not sure how trustworthy that is :P
It was most likely him. He once stole Netherlands M1lk's account and cheated with it on NBS, so he's probably done it with several other accounts as well.
Quote by ag0nEven if the passwords are "hashed" he surely knows the way to reverse them. Afterall he created the system / db.

That's wrong - hashing is irreversible process. Some older hashing algorithms had already been broken (md5 for example) but if he was even half serious about his job in the beginning, he would use hashing method that is secure by todays standards. Of course he could still try brute-forcing - but only very week passwords would be revealed by now.

However, if he decided to encrypt passwords - that would be a problem.
You might be right, i don't remeber what i learned in my security lessons... But then, how can the login system compare the password sent and the one stored at database? Does it "encrypt / hash" the plain text before sending it for comparison?
Exactly. The password entered by the user is run through the same algorithm and is then compared to the one stored in the db.
it's funny how everyone knew about the other version of tzac client, that allows you to hack without any problems. :D it's also funny that we had no clue about it, hence some shit bans for wiaderko and lesti. this pretty much explains why only our players got busted from top scene 8)
Cus only them are dumb enough to do so :D
he released that no-detection-tzac-client yesterday.
well according to few people (marcus, oxy, excite etc) it was released long time ago :-)
re-released it yesterday, but there's an identical release on the same site from a year ago, if you followed his post history.

As for fanaloltic's hinting, I only really looked into it yesterday myself, curiosity and stuff :P Not hard to look up a certain username and check his topic history on a forum.
What? I don't see anything in his post history "from a year ago", unless you count his releasing part of the TZAC source code in April...
"I don't anything" what?
Must have been deleted, or I was more drunk than I originally thought I was. :P
omfg - email address I used for registering to tzac/slac does not exist anymore, how am I supposed to reactivate account?
by pming Marcus?
by telling xylos to shove his rifle up your ass
gg. well played
Time for ESL to make a comeback, right?!
Why so immature :-(
I wasn't being entirely sarcastic and would actually be happy if ESL started supporting ET again, but sadly that won't happen.
The recent events only confirmed what I've always said: Never trust a cheater.
As for ESL, I am no longer affiliated with them but I still think not giving Wire a chance was a mistake, part of which is mine for not insisting more.
And regarding CB, I wish you only well and I know you can manage to run competitions without an AC as you did with success in the past.
P.S: see attached PM :)
No, not really. Chaplja didn't do what he did because he has a history of cheating and coding cheats; he did it because he is desperate and delusional. I can think of several ex-cheaters who are still rather trustworthy despite what they've done in the past.

As I replied above to Carlos, I wasn't being entirely sarcastic and would actually be happy if ESL started supporting ET again, but sadly that won't happen. Thanks anyway for the support.
Yes indeed some people change :)
I've always seen Chaplja as a shady person and always had the impression he creates cheats alongside developing TZ-AC, this might not be true but it really does not matter now.

Offtopic: Do you think CB will host tournaments for Dirty Bomb's open beta? cause I cant wait for that game :)
Well that seems like a bother. Dont remember what email I used, what my old password was or what my account number is. Thats kind of the whole point of having an auto-login function. Oh well!
all this shit for the most useless program on earth
QuoteCheck your email inbox, and follow the link provided

i am not getting a mail pff
<[CB]ohurcool> hi, the TZAC e-mail system is currently not working properly so I cannot help you atm, sorry
i can't login, i used my ID and pass but it doesn't work...
I miss the old and golden days of ET when there were 3 referees watching a single 3on3 match. No need for any anticheat.
Not getting the mail
The reason why there were less cheaters with the release of tzac is simply because people were scared ("the ultimate anticheat"). With the time more cheaters returned, or more people started cheating. There is no such thing as an ultimate anticheat. Everything can get bypassed if you have the right coder. Chaplja was one of the most untrustworthy people you could have given that project to. It was clearly noticeable that he is moneyhungry. Another person, would have made an anticheat for a small amount of money, because he doesn't want the game to die, but Chaplja wasn't even happy with thousands of euros, he wanted more. End of payment = end of TZAC and now he is selling cheats for his own ANTIcheat, clear WIN-WIN situation. I guess he sold cheats allready in the beginning of tzac.
Not getting the mail
TZAC killed ET!
TZAC is a horrible AC. First of all its harder to use than PB, tons of complications.
Then security is laughable. You cant even change your password. Account gets hacked, you can change the email without any confirmations.
If you have forgotten your password like me cause tzac has been on autologin for forever, here's how to get it back..
1. dload&extract
2. start tzac
3. start ollydebug and press file - attach, select tzac in the popup list
click on view - memory (or Alt-M)
scroll down till you find the adress that has "client" as owner and ".data" as section and double click on that
in the dump popup window right click - search for binary string (Ctrl-B) and enter your username in the ASCII field

image: 34finn6

4. your password should be 4 lines under your username, cheers
wtf kerel xD
Only shit is if u tried out your pass 5 times and still don't know it... Then u do what nomore says and u get the last password u entered trololololol. GG!!!
And btw, if those passwords weren't even hashed, then i know this ac isn't even 1 euro worth... I mean, that's unbelievable ! Sorry, but how is it possible that he gets thousand of euros for that?!?! Pff chaplja must be a crook. I mean rumors about cheat selling, no real cheater detection, it was cracked 2 fast + even the source code is leaked, no hashed passwords (WTF), in my opinion you should claim your money back and accuse him for conduct. He didn't put any effort into coding this program, but he got money for it... He's a liar and a crook!

Time to say goodbye to TZAC, it's not even worth to mention this name. it's not an ac, it's a program to betray people about money, someone from law should investigate that case (ok, they can't prove anything, but still he is nothing else than a crook!).

Everyone knew already before that you should be careful to trust in chaplja, now after those news, I got the feeling he is not only a person that u cannot trust in, it's a criminal who just wanted to get money from people.
The following error has occurred:
Not all your data was correct, contact an admin ....
On :
You don't have permission to access /passresolve.php on this server.
You don't have permission to access /downloads.php on this server.
You don't have permission to access /cheaters.php on this server.
Well the site is not working anymore obviously so where/how can I change my password or login anymore?
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