config legends.


Fortunately this game allows us high scale of tweak options in the configs of ours. Unlike most shit games like CS and COD, ET configs looks much more different from one and other.

So whose config did you you at the very beginning of your ET carrier?
Don't say you used your own one, because we all know it's not true. You did not go through all the commands and typed them one by one(3% of players do so?). Probably you are using another player's config even right now, so just go ahead and tell us.

I used these players configs (all the possible it werent theirs, because they also modified other's and stuff but yeah)
Finland kotkis - he was my idol back in 2005 !!!!
Belgium ksr
Czech Republic Bozar
Czech Republic butch - last cfg i used in 2011, and now I just installed it again

i used 2 cfg from CS4f1 and the current cfg i use is from amazon, cause of my low fps, it gives a lil more
I used United Kingdom Sheep's config for quite some time, then I made my own (which I've been using for about 3 years now). I did try a lot more (including MadScientist's one, which is terrible), but never really like them..
just used the default config with a few changes after looking in to some commands, didnt really need that many changes.

after looking in to all commands later on ive sorta made my own which ive been playing with for a while now and keep changing, cant ever get a perfect setting for the brightness levels of the map/players..
downloaded few configs and liked suVis the most and started playing with it. prolly only thing left from that cfg now is the spawnpoint selectors :D
Replicator's mostly.

No idea from who I stole my last graphic setup or other stuff. Probably tried well over 50 graphic configs.
I can sell you mine :P
For teh fanbois out there my cfg is from a famous polak legend called Polandrafek i just changed some small stuffs
played on marley's and GrN's ones at the very beginning, after ugs lan I saw that edain got some nice cfg and I got graphic settings from him, and I've been playing on combination of these from that time!
nonix cfg. then checked other players cfgs like reload, butchji, maus etc. and made some modification in nonix's cfg based on them.

QuoteCzech RepublicBozar

first cfg was EstoniaInterFace's like probably most of the "new" Estonian ET players like me. I was a huge configwhore if you can say that, i changed my cfg a lot because it always seemed to me i would play worse if i got used to my graphics settings (placebo yeyeyeye)
I used to download random configs everywhere and playu with them for about a week, but nothing ever something I stuck with. Made my own config from the ground up(actually going through every command individually) about 2 years ago and I've played with that since.
It never made sense to me why someone would want to use the exact config of another player, as everyone's hardware is different and everyone's preferences are different. I used a modified version of United Kingdom Sheep's graphics when I started playing and created the rest of my config myself.
In rtcw I only used configs made by friends. In ET on a public some guy named Ziggy was watching my pbscreens because he thought I was cheating. He noticed I had a pretty standard setup so he gave me some tips.

When I got picked up by nfp, I tried everyone his config and stuck with fennex his config for awhile. After a break from ET, I met some guys in WoW who used to play in a fairly decent clan. Can't remember the name, but I think atleast blaze was in it. They had different teams iirc (one yellow team etc). They were fairly close with some guys from zerobarrier, so they told me zeto his config was pretty awesome.

Used zeto his config for awhile untill I played with Slarto and he gave me his, then continued to use his. Also played with Interface his config for awhile, but most of the time I played with the zeto/slarto config.

I think there are a few types of config which are all pretty great :

1) Zeto/slarto/maus type, clean with less standard colors due to overbrightbits and such
2) Interface his config, minimal but a more standard look
3) idle configs, great mix between looks and performance (also standard look)
4) Something like Xpaz his old config
I actually used the same config from the NFP-times till the rest of my career.
Somehow it felt like hitboxes were bigger with it, haha
Good times ;)
This site feels so empty and hollow nowadays. You can see five days amount of journals in the first page...
Haven't played in ages, don't think the competition is still very much alive. Not sure which proper FPS scene still is lol.
some randoms/ my own generated at first
first real catch for me was kotkis aswell, using his crosshair since that
then used decem's base for while it had all kinds of neat binds and stuff
and then finally picked up clouver's when i ventured into cg_fov 90 for the first time
Hmm, must have been maus' cfg which I first picked up, since then I have been tweaking / changing config quite often.
Probably only thing left from maus' config is selfkill on Z, I have made everything else by myself (check my profile if you are interested) + some scripts from MiRUKU
rtcw: used raziel his cfg and tweaked it myself in the following years :) cba testing out 1000x cfgs
1st config from Finlandmatias
2nd config from Polandfanatic (yes bitch :x)
my current config from Swedenfuchs
thats why you are low nowadays :D
im using fuchs cfg since yesterday :<
oh god its fanatic's fault then
Euhm, never had a config for more than 1 week, max 2 weeks !
using Switzerlandarrow´s for already 9 years
he's config is fuckin epic, I used it for a year also.
hence stuck to it
Some odd mix of settings from ocr*mike and reload.mAx their configs, later on decided I didn't like any out there and spent a weekend on figuring out cvars and set up my own, been using the same since '05 or '06 now :(
Tekoa.cfg was the first for me, but i quickly changed to overboost's config and i used it for like 2 years before i made my own. Both were great cfgs and i might even try them again soon :DD It brings back memories from year 2005 :DD

EDit: also tried ferus.cfg! Really great oldschoolish one!
You quickly changed it? :(
I'm terribly sorry but yours was my first custom cfg and i wanted a cfg with "movielike graphics" and i had no idea how to get them and back then you also had drawgun_0 and i didn't know how to change it! :D Yea i was a newbie.
But to make ur day better, in my current cfg i have some similar r_commands from your cfg!
i downloaded many cfgs including winghaven's, olbaa's and maus(dont know if was fake, probably yes) and i mixed them up to my likings.
Always wrote out my own completely, however I changed some things after using Netherlands overboost's config once (few small details). Yes, I'm a nerd.
Always used ur soundsettings - gotta love the perfoheisers! ;P
Me too buddy, me too.
I used Netherlands(?)Sweex' config for a while, liked the smooth look. Few months after i just wrote my own with help from and just trying out different commands
First was Australia tracONEd then later moved to a modified (r settings) Japan MiRUKu config
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