cheaters, i request demo ban !


more info here:

OK so here is the story.

I play on hungarian servers sometimes (mostly nitmod, jaymod), just to keep up with the little community, check new players etc. I usually help new players to get into the war scene if they want. So i already knew these guys, one is playing under the nick jesus, the other z3ro (lately they are El shaddai and zijook4).

They were both average players on nitmod. They had absolutley no knowledge about wars, etpro and stuff, they were totally newbs. So they started to play wars some months ago.

I heard from their opponents that they are cheating, but i thought they arent...

Cs4f1 and Karrde organized a fun cup for hungarians. They tried to bring back some old faces like adze, logic, faith, Cs4fi, inf3rno, etc. The cup was 100% fun and all... and this motherfucker jesus (or El shaddai) of course brought his cheat to the games. It totally destroyed the fun of the game, and also it was so unrespectful towards the community and the players. That was the point when I decided I will try to ban them both.

So I checked gtv. Saw they are playing against good players like leku, webe, LORDI, timbolina, etc. and I saw the score was 4-2???? They were on a low - - - - level some months ago, and now they can take a map against relative good players? This standalone fact was enough for me to know that they were cheating there. There is simply no way to get so much experience and skill in 1-2 months to keep up with these players.

So i made a video, check it out, and hope it will be enough proof for CB to ban them.

You can also check that game here:
Thanks for the upload, we noticed something fishy about these guys.
If only they'd ban on demos. ''There's too much ''opinion bans'' going on then''.

If it were an active game we'd put together a panel and work on this. As it kinda is the only way of actually spotting something nowadays.
Yea demo bans can be very dangerous as it is opinion based. But this case is so obvious, the best is if you watch the war on ettv, its crystal clear that they are cheating. They do suspicious stuff non-stop, one after the other. Of course you can have a lucky preshoot, sometimes it happens... like you can find out a number from 0-100 if you have luck, but to do that constantly non-stop is just impossible.

If you have doubts just check that match with r_shownormals 1. Its just too obvious. So ban them fuckers! :)
My thoughts exactly, I have seen multiple demos, from someone else or myself that could actually lead to bans.
But yeah..
I'm not opposed to banning based on demos, but there does need to be proof that the player in the demo is who you say he is (a screenshot of ac_players or IP from the server logs or something). I also don't particularly enjoy watching long demos, so it would be nice if timestamps could be included as well.

The CB CoD2 admins have a "democrew", a team of trusted players who watch x number of demos per week and decide whether the players are cheating or not. Demos are requested by a team in an offi along with timestamps, then submitted by the suspected cheater(s), then reviewed by the democrew, then reviewed again by CB. It works rather well, so if there is enough interest then I wouldn't mind doing the same with ET.

What I mean by a timestamp is, for example: "first map, first round, 9:22 - shoots at wall where player is standing behind". This would make my life a lot easier, as like I said it's not very enjoyable to watch long demos.

That being said, I haven't even watched your video yet. Just sharing my initial thoughts on the matter.
I would be willing to join a 'democrew' for ET honestly. Seems like a good initiative for where anticheat measurements fail.
Stop those useless shameful applications everywhere.

If you want to get something done, PM.
Klaag klaag klaag.
Dat is wat jij denkt dat je doet ja, in werkelijkheid kom je alleen maar over als een betweter die op alles wat moet kankeren =)
Dat is wat jij denkt dat ik doe ja.
Zo kan ik het ook xD
I would join also to a democrew... doesnt wanna watch demos all day long but could do sometimes.
and still bad :D
dat z3r0 guy lolz
burn them with napalm
They cannot hide it !
2/3 pl players playing on hax now pls add demo bans !!!!!!!!!!
nothing new that they cheat, but why ban? they play 24/7 and they're still izi bash while cheating, banning these guys will just result in 1 less opponent for us to roll.
reading this makes me just sad :(
because of inactivity of players ppl rather don't ban cheaters so they can still have an oppo
not like my oppinion would mean anything in common, but the guy is cheating 100% sure. I had a conversation with powi after the cup (he mentioned above) and we both agreed on that El shaddai used cheats after playing againts him for the 1st time ever.
powi - Szia. Játszol még a bsturzal? Mi csinálunk egy magyar csapatot , ilyen medskill szint. Ha van kedved csatlakozz!

Játszom velük aha, amíg gamelnek, indulnak kupákon addig játszom velük (vagy amíg ki nem rúgnak xd), de szívesen játszom veletek is, ladder meccseket vagy csak úgy funból, azt viszont tudni kell, hogy már irc-en se nagyon találsz warokat, szal eléggé kihalt a game.
akkor hol kell keresni wart? :D
CF journal :s kiírod reggel h este játszani akarsz
learn to use wh seriously wtf
and ppl dont understand why ET is dead :DDDD
Yes, they were obviously cheating against us and this clip confirms it. Also, its funny how you mention timbolina as a good player and leave me out. Did he pay you money?
its a fact son
sure he payed :)
Shaddai doesn't look much of a wallhack to me, might be he just is that careful, especially with Zijook4's comms to assist him.
Because he is smarter, he can hide it better, but if you watch the demo you can see he use it also.

On the hungarian fun cup, he was rifle, and there wasnt this Zijook4 guy to support him. He usually had highest dmg, and some very good DG/DR ratio like 8000 to 3500. Every riflenade he shot was towards an enemy player.

Also his gamesense suddenly impoved so drastically, he is so aware of every trap, expecting even unexpected things, there is no player that can "outsmart" him, because he sees everything... without overestimating myself, im sure i could beat both of them on my own, because they were so bad.
That's all fine and dandy, but given the youtube clip provided as "evidence of their cheating", shaddai is nothing but speculation and can't be banned based on that, he might be wallhacking or he might not, where as zijook4 is absolutely obvious in the way he plays. I'm not saying he doesn't cheat, I don't know the people involved, merely giving you an objective opinion.
Well i think the material in the video is enough evidence. I mean you can see zijook4 is a really stupid cheater, its obvious... but you gotta admit, most players wont be stupid enough to shoot walls like him. Shaddai isnt shooting walls, but he is also looking at walls, pointing to players behind walls etc.,

I mean on delivery how can he expect that someone is in the window outside, and he isnt aiming at the entrance, or how can he expect that somebody is coming in the elevator, on frost how can he expect that the guy behind the house will jump to the other side, how can he expect that someone will climb up to him, how can he expect that the guy at the truck will jump up to him. He is constantly checking walls, pointing at players, then he goes on and lean and stuff just to hide his WH.

But one sentence instead of a hundred, for me he is obvious also.
Because he might have gone there prior to them killing out/dying, he's done it more than once already in this game and he just suspected the docs sitting there again. Doesn't look like he's waiting for the elevator either but much rather waiting for someone to peek from controls, elevator popped up.. he got naded, from there on on.. pretty obvious someone's in there. He can hear the guy on frost, you can literally hear every single step he takes. As for frostbite courtyard, after he took docs? Easy, they spawned, he expected someone to shoot service from courtyard.. as.. someone.. always does, he saw him run to docs and heard him afterwards, not hard to anticipate. All of that plus whichever comms they had during the game? Sorry, but quit being so paranoid, all of shaddai's moves shown in the clip can be explained perfectly well and.. are.. pretty much things you'd expect him to do in certain situations.
u must be blind - both wh
kár, pedig zérót bírtam, de remélem lesz még kikkel játszani :<
QuoteSaw they are playing against good players


well comparing to them, he is a mile better.
nice joke LORDI good player 6/10 would read again
reddit says hi
jesus christ people learn to fucking cheat lol
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