Minecraft server

Anyone got a public minecraft server?

My sister just got her own minecraft account and she wants to play with me. We just want to find a server where we can play together. Besides I can't seem to make my own since it gives me some sort of error, something with the port not being able to bind my IP. If anyone knows how to fix this, feel free to help us out as well.

Anyway how is it going guys? Do you still have vacation? Already working/going to school? I'm starting the 30th of august where I get to meet my new class and people at the college. So still got almost 2 weeks untill my "new" life starts! Basically the few first weeks will be full of parties for the new students so I'm not complaining!

Have a good evening.
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcToGc6R1b8Os8bejHPrI23cy9votzhd2NkIgtpY_HyBiy2UH8U_Zg
give us pic of ur sister then we help u
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8BsDsJeqYe-Sb1ZUNtIXWtDBbo6ZZAPPn8wi_CK_JwEg8r_L40w

me and my sister in poland a few weeks ago.
tits or I won't help u
got some nice servers. pm me the pics bro
Your sister wants to play with you?!?!?!?!?!
Used to have one, rarely ever online now though. You should portforward the correct ports if you want to host your own one. Good luck!
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