
So I have a really oldschool monitor (hp p1120 21" CRT). This monitor is able to provide 120hz @ 1024x768, and it was doing it's job just fine until this exact day. I wanted to play some ET (using r_mode 6 @ displayrefresh 120), when I lunch the game I see the picture is so moved, wide and not fitting to the screen. I tried with the manual buttons to get the right image, but no, just couldnt get it done). When I did r_displayrefresh 0 , the image automaticly filled to the monitor. But I'm not sure r_displayrefresh 0 if that gives me 120hz @ r_mode 6. So I was like lets go to my desktop(using 1600x1200 normally) and let's see what happens when I go to 1024x768 and tadaaa I couldn't set it to 120, didn't even give me an option to set it over 85hz.

So what to do?
Help me, please.
set those definitions in graphic card properties
set et cfg definitions to default or 0
reboot, check that they are apllied
play, minimize, check again
maybe its broken..
i guess you should try these commands /r_customwidth "x" and /r_customheight "y" and write the place of 'x' and 'y' the max reso of your monitor, f.e. mine would be: /r_customwidth "1280" and /r_customweight "800" and after ofc set your r_mode (prolly -1 will work)
create a custom res @ 1024*768 @ 120hz in your nvdia control panel

image: 2a600sn
Thanks, it actually solved the problem.
hope you´re not being sarcastic :D
but np ;)
No, I was serious. It fixed the problem.
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