bust me

playing vs people in et nowadays garunteed to play vs a cheat so lets have u 100 percent aimbot wallhack, have fun busting a hero.
someone link us 2 cheats please?! and need war!
so is ET finally dead?
<00:10:17> "deryyn1": im gonna download a bot fuck it :D (GAV)
Gav crazy

I told you, I knew it all the time but you wouldn't listen. TZ-AC since the very beginning was a FAKE anti-cheat program set to bring our beloved game Enemy Territory down. You may ask how do I come to those accusation? We'll have to take a few steps back in time to be able to understand the whole extent of the project that should become known as TZ-AC.

In 1934, shortly after Hitler became Führer of the German Reich, he founded the Organisation für Geschichtserhalt des Deutschen Reiches [OGDR] (Organization for history preservation of the German Reich). Its goal was to keep the history of the German Reich as accurate as possible throughout the thought to be 1000 year Reich. We all know that that plan didn't work out so well in the end.
By 1944 when the end of the German Reich was foreseeable, two members of the OGDR fled Germany and went to Croatia. One was named Hermann Müller and the other was known as Hans Hoppenheim. Of course these two did not want to be prosecuted by the Americans so they changed their names. Hermann became Vladimir Zubcic and Hans became Vitali Zubcic, they passed themselves off as brothers that were held prisoners of war in Germany but were able to flee the concentration camp.
Hans and Hermann both kept a low profile for the next few years but never forgot the mission Hitler had given them. In Croatia no one knew about their true identity so they went on to lead a normal life in their new homeland. Both of them got married and their wifes gave birth to 4 kids in total, their names are Tomiszlav Zubcic, Peaches Zubcic, Stuart Zubcic and Martin Zubcic. Peaches was sent to America shortly after birth because she had a rare speaking disorder which could only be treated oversees.

In 1978 Hans and Hermann died in a car crash. But their mission was not lost, in their testament, they revealed their true identity and their mission. As Stuart , Martin and Tomiszlav loved their Dads they set out to continue the mission, peaches was not informed because she was still in treatment for her disorder.
In 1988 Stuart set out to study History in England, but soon he was disgusted by the false facts that were taught in English universities so he went on to play the new invented videogames day in and day out. In the same year Martin went to Germany to study economics. He got his degree in 1990 and founded a company for personal computers called Speedlink. Tomiszlav stayed in Croatia to study programing. He became known as one of the first virus coders in the still young computer industry.

In 1992 Stuart purchased Wolfenstein3D a three dimensional shooter set in world war II. Stuart did not even finish the intro of the game when he realized that this game was the worst report of German history ever. Outraged he called his siblings. They promised themselves to bring down the company that released this unbelievable inaccurate record of the 3rd Reich. peaches was not informed because she was still in treatment for her disorder.

When in 1995 Enemy Territory was released they knew that their time has come. Tomiszlav first tried to code cheats for the game to destroy the fun the people had in the multiplayer videogame. Stuart created a website called crossfire.nu to infiltrate the community from within. Martins business was running very good at the time so he had a lot of money to spent, so he bribed the current anticheat for ET called Punkbuster to not detect Tomiszlavs cheats.

As it became apparent in 2009 that punkbuster was inefficient, people abandoned the anticheat and looked for a alternative. This was when Martin stepped into the spotlight. He announced that his company Speedlink would sponsor a new anticheat for Enemy Territory called SL-AC. Since no one knew the connection between Martin and Tomiszlav, Martin had no problem letting him code the anticheat. What no one knew at the time was that Tomiszlav rigged the program with a code that would make the computer of every user of the anticheat implode.
The timer in the code was set to 02.11.2013, the date the OGDR was founded in 1934.
But something unexpected happened in 2011, Martin got cancer and shortly died after. The new lead of his company decided that the anticheat was not profitable, so they stopped funding it. That was when peaches stepped on the plan after she finally got out of treatment for her speaking disorder. But the doctors were not able to fix it she sued the hospital and got a lot of money.
With that money she now funded the anitcheat renamed to TZAC. This is when I got curious, why would someone unknown to the community suddenly spent so much money on something that is unprofitable. As a investigator of justice I got on a plane to Croatia to find Tomiszlav. After a half year I finally captured him. In the interrogation he told me everything I am telling you now. That also explains why he suddenly disappeared in 2012.

There's only one thing you people can do now, throw your computers away and pray that the code of the anticheat didn't find its way onto your toaster.

TL;DR: sqzz is short for squirrle
dat creative xD
Now it all makes sense. Thanks, you are the best!
:) great work
ahhaha :D you rock
fuck me kev mate, i didnt read it all but yeah thought id post it before some1 puts up LOL SQZZ CHEAT ALL ALONG, thought id let you all know that et is a pile of shit, at least with the remaining players in rtcw are normal.
lets all play snakey snakey :)
I'm there.
its np. wait a little more time, I am already developing a brand new et anti-cheat. more info soon
Nice nick anus
Well playing against bot should be a decent challenge for you.. If not you can switch to Dirty Bomb ;d
i tak masz słabe strejfy kurwo
someone is bored
someone was a drunken mess ahaaaaa
People who saw this game when it was something should start wasting time with another decent one, now ET is about wannabes and cheaters destroying it.

Ati, RELOAd and other did well when they left :)

Hope to see ET in some kind of "RTCW form" , I mean it is very nice MerlinatoR and co makes those cups, this is the only normal way for ET imo, rest are bs.

too bad tho
Might join you in cheating!
:DDDDDDD come on ennnnnnnnnnn
Would have to re-install ET again which is LONG
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