[LOL] How to make money

Alright here is my new idea for a brand new gaming company. You get to play League of Legends while getting paid for it. Crazy? No. Let me tell you how it works.

Step 1. Make a new account on a random server.

Step 2. Level it up to level 30. You can use the 400 RP you get for bonus XP but you have to leave the IP alone for the customer.

Step 3. Sell the account.

Step 4. Enjoy the money and repeat the first 3 steps.

Isn't this awesome? You get to play the game and earn money on it. After a few years you might even be rich.

Feel free to ask questions/give me feedback on the idea.

image: steps-in-conducting-the-business-plan
5e for 2 week 10h/day work doesn't sound too tempting.
Sounds good man!

image: 6D1M6Rz
when are you starting it bro?

image: ZpAxE9Y
if everything goes well, the company will be up next week.
NIce, how much are you gonna sell the accounts for?

image: ftRSrwU
Kitty and pitbull sisters posing for the camera
nono you make money with lol by having tits and streaming. jesus, some people fail at basic business....
oh yeah I need to find some girls as well. Girls streaming while leveling will be even better.
brawo yeti
Is powerlevelling @ TT 3v3 still available?
You can get about 3 or 2 accounts to lvl 30 in a week or so. It is decent money for doing nothing.
I don't know. Powerlevelling was so broken. Took me a weekend to get level 30 on my smurf. But I think they've done something about it since people started to abuse it way too much...
nope, got nerfed hard in like patch 3.5 or so
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