some tzac bans again

LOL so many low+ players busted wtf must be a joke
lazysoldat is funnier
hahahahaha low+med- busted :XDDDDDDDDDD
dat chilax
hehe Karl /!\
00003790 Karl
00114217 Kaarl

stubborn prat :XD
site shows its offline?
ja just went off
ahhh, lmfao wtf
thank you Robert
Good job.
Now be a good boy, and go make a database that auto stores IP's
(tip: use PHP and MySQL).

Good luck!
implying CB doesnt already store IPs?
and implying anyone with IQ above 80 isnt able to store IPs to a database (i.e. not needing your tip)? :D
idk man.. CB can't protect from ddos. :D
you cant really protect any site from a well coordinated ddos no matter what :p not sure what the situation is with CB though, haven't heard about the ddos situation you're talking about -- but I assume CB isn't too badly maintained

edit: ignore the guys below me, they're just nerds wanting to bash you for not researching obscure knowledge like networking (no offence stary :p)
Nobody really can.
You can block connections.
But once a botmasters steps in and ddos your site, you are screwed.
You have to make a decent firewall. Even Paypal, couldn't protect itself.
You're just saying that like "look that kid has an umbrella but he doesn't use it to protect from the rain" do some research on dos / ddos and come back with a smarter comment.
I know there are ways.
But I doubt it, CB has originally installed anything that would prevent from DDosing.
But someone with no knowledge of how to prevent it, even when you try to google it, will know EXACTLY what to do.
stfu, i don't know much about ddosing.. cus im not a hardcre nolife fucking nerd.
but you can have firewalls to protect your servers and such.
Surely they store the active IP.
But once it changes, the IP changes to in the database AS MANY SITES DO.
And it's been proven over and over again that CB doesn't have a list of names with ALL USED IP's.

Look at Arnold.

Rest my case, retard.
except they do have a list of all used ips.. thats how people have been busted in the past
unless of course theyve changed their policy and only store last used IP, which could very well be for all I know -- can't really think of any reason they'd stop storing all IPs though
Watch that ur brains wont blow off from all this comments and please, stop posting something u are failing miles away.
You fucking idiot of course they have a list of all used IPs.

In Arnold's case he is on DIFFERENT INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER so no IP match could possibly be made. PLEASE DON'T REPRODUCE.
Don't bother replying to the wisest guy ever walked on earth :s
image: gFWK61D

image: uxPe83N

QuoteRest my case, retard.
Wait, before you rest your case.

I got a second Tzac account, like many others.
If you can get it, I'll have to stfu, because then it seems you do can get IP's from Tzac and CB and compare them.

Lets assume you can. Why not make a simple code that combines the two info's from both site, and post it in one 'random' page.
For example: this IP is been used for 'this' and 'this' name.

And thank you for proving that already. Now I'm really asking you nice this time: can you see what my other account is?
Take screenshot pls. I have to say I also have two accounts. Used it with with my laptop coz I pracced rifle trickshots. gg thx bye :-) (sarcasm)
I use aimbot, I'm gay and I killed a person in cold blood in real life.
Here, now you got new proof
and btw: if they actually followed this rule completely, since it exists out of two parts:
half etpro-players would get banned
Hellfag, just do us all the favour and quit, I can be massively annoying from time to time with rather valid arguments, but what you state there is just a whole big bullshit... Your name says it all

And stop claiming ohurcool wouldn't care about cheaters. I and him do not agree on many things and he doesn't really take care of a lot of stuff he should take care of regarding his position at the CB, but one thing that he deffinitely does take care of are actively cheating players
QuoteHellfag, just do us all the favour and quit

Do us a favour too, and quit aswell
Even if I quit it doesn't mean you're unbanned from you banned fuck
Karl busted????????? No way
Chillax :XD Knew it for the beginning :D
Fuck TZAC, i want my pw back!
haha this is gg im banned for cheats must be a joke, who ever banned me must be braindead
me2, got banned cus aimbot, but i still cant kill low+, must be a really good bot :D
hide&seek noobie :D
=D I think i keep playing that until everyone gets unbanned :DD
from all the spam I read, I really do hope they keep you banned. raging nerd :D
+1 retards like base should be kept banned
go fuck ur online girlfriend u stupid virgin fat nerd XD

before u say im mad, yes i am,furious
..and you're gay as fuck too
o mekloot thought u would be the smartest one and just ignore base or something but obv ur also just childish and keep commenting about this shit grow up pls we all know if base should be banned for retardnes, u should be banned already few years ago ..
both of you retards enjoy ban.

have a nice night
Calling me a retard, by the fact that you have a online gf makes you already more retarded then i am

cu when wer unbanned, will play irc wars till then, goodnight xoxo
I'm not the one banned, so ask yourself why? because you're a retard.

goodnight oxoxo
Ask myself what? Why im banned? wtf ur so stupid really XD

u obv care harder then i do about myban, how sad. anyways like i said cu in a few days my lovely internethero
Karl that motherfucking retard had to extend his non-existent (E-)peen by using external tools that enhance his online gaming performance. what a joke that guy is.
Every names please, site is down
I wouldn't be quick to assume these bans are legitimate.
These bans are mostly framed, wont be banning any of the last ban wave until we actually investigate this and confirm why each player got banned.
Framed by who?
Who do you think?
Well he said it wasn't him.
lol you fucking idiot
As if he'd admit it
Actually chaplja probably would've. :p I've never liked chaplja after he busted me that time, but I'm pretty sure he's fucking with TZAC because of what he believes is wrongdoings against him, and does not intend to frame or harm innocent players. He did frame some guys before they reset the passwords, but that was done bad and traceable on purpose so that they'd be unbanned easily afaik.

Oh and I'm not defending chaplja in any way, I'm just saying.
i did not reset my password and he hasn't done anything to my account, but on the other hand neither have i done anything to chaps to deserve it either, pretty sure most of the people he picks are done randomly.
yeah theyre random, or I sure as hell would've been on the banlist with you
I assume he just picks random players to show that we can't really do anything to prevent it.
forgot to add mocking voice to the post -.-
In that case, how does he still have access to any of the accounts after a global password reset? ;)
Maybe they changed pw and then changed it back to the old one?
then they should keep banned..
he is able to spoof guids however, that'd be enough
That question should probably be aimed to Marcus, and i aint pointing fingers to noone yet until we can actually find out what happened, but if it was really him, im sure a good coder like him can find ways around it.
indeed oh karl, I will miss his rage fits and randomly saying "PENIS" on TS/vent

won't be missed if the ban is legit

You don't have permission to access /passresolve.php on this server.
how can u be so shit while cheating :XD
Ahah indeed ask Azur too :DD
my question is. all of you blame chap for whats going on, with ban list and all..
what does he have to do with this picture anymore. txzac website/program is hosted on United Kingdom marcus server.. so how would chap have access to it..

is that not correct?
because chaplja has the source code, he can basically spoof guids and use whatever exploit he knows of
but what does that have to do with the ban list and the website? nothing really.
yeah chap may make the cheats for it. but its the users fault for cheating.
Just like the time you cheated!
No I don't play with cheaters lol
lol, thought it said "team", not "time" guessi read to fast. lmfao
but none the less.

lol team? :DDD
he can frame whoever he wants by spoofing their guids and cheating
ohhhhhh. gotchya.
fucking chap, eh!?!

fuckin guy.
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