Scuba Diving

Hello there all of you geeks and ex geeks!

Now that Im very bored I happened to open crossfire since long time. I see old friends still making journals in here, feels nostalgic to read this bullshit even still. AlexL still making food journals, holymoly.

Anyway my point is, as it is in the topic, Scuba diving! Is there someone who dives in here? No matter if you do or don't. I currently live in the Philippines and am a dive instructor in PADI, so if there is people who come to the Philippines and want to dive with an ex geek or just have questions relating to diving or travelling, just let me know via pm! :)

Yours truly

Henri J. Helminen aka sandi o/

HOW long :ppp

had you fighting versus some shark ? :ppp

im talking about

image: 42990196944910200723251936441583474578n

< Abdu Assamad in Facebook :p
How long? Ive been here for 8 months now, going to stay untill next year june, and then probably thailand or indonesia! :)

You eat the shark obviously! Sharks are harmless really, very nice to see them!! :D
xdddd :)

thanks for give news, btw im enjoying with your amazing pictures with beauty fish..

you should make a page on Facebook and put all your pic Inside..

or a portfolio

gg sandi :)

take care
Heh, thanks. Yeah Ive been wondering about that, but i need more pictures still for that. the bad thing is that my camera is in repair :E so its going to take some time before i can start taking pictures again.

:)) you take care too !
:))) take care too mate ;), if you need some webdesigner and stuff immmm here :)
Yeaa! I'll keep it in mind if I want a website :)
Yes I do :)
Passed my Padi Open Water Course.
Passed my Padi Rescue Diver Course.
Passed my Padi Dive Master Course.
sexy beast! enjoy your time here, you gonna leave your gf behind in june?
Cheers! Naa, she will come with me :) (thats atleast what I think now hehe)
nice, your living the good life! enjoy it mate, deserved!
Ofcourse, one just has to do a few choices in life to live like this 8)
sinun aiti on laski
I literaly just flew out of phils, spending the night in bali airport atm . Where do you teach? I did some snorkling in palawan which was pretty amazing. Dont have my padi yet as im a poor cunt but looking forward to getting it when i start making some money again in oz!
Well damn! Currently im in Flower Beach, Anda, Bohol. But my contract runs out in the end of September so I will be going back to Boracay (mostly for kitesurfing :P) but yeah got to find a job there also, should not be that hard since the high season is starting. But probably going to stay there untill the next tubbataha season, going to work there and then to Indonesia or Thailand probably.

Where abouts in palawan? I was as a divemaster in El Nido for 2 months (4 months ago) :) and then doing some fun dives from a liveaboard in Coron!
Diving mostly in finland with my jj-ccr, prefer cave diving and under ice diving :D
Mites tulee toimeen tolla kouluttaja touhulla sielä? Oon miettiny lähtee ehkä thaikkuihi tai eqyptii pitäs vaan toi kouluttaja pahvi käydä tekemässä.
Huiuiui Kerkko, mieki haluun tommosen! En oo koskaan paassy kokeilee ccr:ia, tahi jaan alla. Toki pienia luolia aina loytaa taalla pain ja pakkohan sinne on menna pistaa paa sisaan 8)

Highseasonilla tulee ihan hyvin toimeen, lowseasonilla joutuu vahan nihkeesti elamaan. Toki kaikki riippuu kans ihan contractista. Useesti jos on jossain hiljasemmassa paikassa mis on majoitukset kans ni saa 500usd per kk, ilmane majotus ja safka + comission basis kursseista. Itella taalla kursseista saan 50% ja hinnat on 220e luokkaa. Ja ite oon elany ihan hyvin 700e kuukaudessa (jos on freelance, oma vuokrakamppa ja ite tekee safkaa aika usein) Et hyvin tulee toimeen jahka saa paikan joka maksaa majotuksen ja safkat. Itella on justiisa majotus ja safkat parhaillaan, 500usd en saa koska on lowseason, mut fun diveistakin saan 30%, et viimekuussa tuli se 600e, tas kuus about 500e. High season ku alkaa ny ainaki tyttoystava toisinaan tehny kuussa 3 tonnia :D

et tuu tykkaamaan thaikkujen sukelluksesta, ihan liikaa sukeltajia ja kuolleita koralleja, tosin rahaa siella voi tehda aika hyvin, varsinkin ku suomalaiset siella niin paljon kay. oot enemman tec sukelluksessa? Tiedan ainaki Koh Tao diversin thaikuissa, joka on siis suomalainen mesta ainoastaan ja tekee tec sukelluksia.

Egyptia tosiaan itse suosittelisin enemman, sukellukset tosi hyvia, varsinkin liveaboardeilla. Siella tosin ne haluu et puhuu kielia aika paljo, tyylii 4 kielta :) Ranska, Saksa, Venaja, Espanja aika haluttuja, Ruotsiki ihan hyva lisa. Ja Mandariinikiinaa tai koreaa jos puhut ni oot palkattu, aikalail kans venajalla :d
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