wp chaplja wp!

image: cgy9ahipvtebl4rsh

well played chaplja well played gg
atleast you can log in :<
that's because you edited the DNS manually so your PC automatically uses the new IP when opening www.tz-ac.com

this is too funny honestly lol
He can't be stopped. Definitely a legend. Annoying prick, but a legend :D
got the same :D
saw it yesterday, clicked it and all it says was comming soon and that i should send a email etc,
chappy scamming us yet again
Clicking it should be instaban, busted!
Chapjla's anticheat measure 2k13 smarter than all of u!
thats what i thought , i was expecting a popup that said "TROLOLOLOLOL YOU´RE BANNED MORON"
but nothing happend :/
You've got some balls
according to the state of tzac atm i guess it doesent really matter anymore..
Yeah I wasn´t that serious
open Source code, copy-paste url into browser win :D
So why is this anticheat still being used?
because without tzac you are automatically a cheater i heard
trolled hard
people still use TZAC? lol
apparently its still needed, until CB changes the rules officially we have to use them for our summercup matches. at least last I checked TZAC was a requirement.

Common sense we shouldn't use this shit anymore, but I don't want whiney kids complaining because we don't use it and it's "apart of the rules"
pretty sure it will be changed shortly when an other alternative is found.
Is the an alternative though?
Yeah. Go back to PB. PB dropped et but plenty of JM servers still use it
they don't know chaplja yet :D
Trackbase is creating Anticheat :)
Not like there's much of an alternative. PB is almost as bad as TZAC (but much more laggy)... I propose no anticheat at all!
No anti-cheat? Time for a comeback!
praccing for EC
I'll bust you.
chuckie... my arch-nemesis
Weslann is now your best friend
Never had problems with lags with tzac :o
yeah maybe i phrased it bad, what I tried to say is that PB and TZAC are equally useless, but PB much more laggy (as TZAC doesn't lag at all)

but I'd prefer CB using PB though, as it's easier to configure and use for new players than TZAC
Well thats true at least lag wise, we can't say that TZAC is really useless, i mean, at the past it did the job better than any other anti-cheat, but now ofc is useless, if noone is updating and taking care of.
i mean now that a cracked version of tzac is released.. at least PB still has some ways to bust people, tzac has none if youre using the cracked version
Yes, we know you like that :)
Didn't you think I was cheating on TZAC anyway? :p
Didn't I unban you?
And you are saying Tzac was shit anyway, so I believe you when YOU say that.
Since you're awesome knowledge is so good, that even Premier league players could learn something from. Or is it?
people still playing et? lol

few days ago i launched et after one month and saw that swanidius finally reaching something after 10 years of hard 3on3 nerding, made me laugh and i wont launch again for few months this shit game
grzesiek so toxic xD
oh it was you :) dont worry i wont quit this game until im the last one playing it.

+ I have already won esl&cb 3v3/2v2 2009/2010
I told u it was him...
it's still linked to tz-ac.com

now that chaplja linked tz-ac.com to his site it shows this
back to PB lads, snoop will be pleased!
guys we need groupe of people to make new better easier anti-cheat !! Is there somebody who knows how to make it? just do it for your self and for our ET .... :(
lets just use the old NO-PB configs worked also in the past... pretty annoying to use a program with no use afterwall.. and how about changing the format system to 5o5 again? "big discussion" but wouldnt it revive some more teams? just my thoughts but et is dead anyway no matter how hard we try sadly..
imagine walle... if we go 5v5 we dont need you anymore and u can retire
oida... ne.
+1 5on5 was the best imo. and no-pb worked great.
I'd rather see ET die as it is than turn it into 5v5 shit again.
you don't even play 6o6 why do u care
hm well I agree about NOPB (or better yet a new anticheat).. 5on5 didn't really do ET much good though imo, and I don't want to see it back..
as much as I don't think ET should go back to 5on5, its on its last stretch due to numbers and so on and should probably keep the core players as much as possible - that will be hard if we change to 5on5 imo.

the '5on5 didnt really do ET much good' comment is a bit off and I guess you just have no clue what you are talking about. More orgs were involved in ET, more consistent LAN events and more teams attending LAN when there was 5on5 than at any period in the game previous or since.
I meant gameplay-wise. It made wars less interesting, and even when we changed back to 6on6 people still played like they did in 5on5 -- it permanently made wars less exciting.
teams are gonna struggle to get 5th then. time has shown that ET is supposed to be played on 6on6 format
i agree. bring 5o5 back and no-pb config ffs
If you REALLY want an Anti-cheat that works, PM mSc and beg him to come back to coding for ET
mSc is shit and doesn't have a clue about how to code a decent AC. He actually even banned players per server commands who weren't even cheating on a server he was an admin of
Yet he has silently busted more of that scum like u than tzac ever did/will, with a single script on one server.
Too bad he did it in an illegal matter, but heck none of the pubbers even noticed the 1kb download anyway.

I'd love to see him ACTUALLY try this time and clean up 99% of this community.
Exactly!!!!! I should pm on Skype. He's always on there, but I know what he'll say a;ready; Too busy with school lol
Lols, yeah guess so. Haven't spoken to him in ages.. :p
I haven't in about a year, but he would always say school or doesn't care about et anyway
Yeah but you're just not the sexy ass animal that I am, so yeah.. probably thats the real reason
I remember him playing/coding for nbs and i remember some mSc panel or something like that. But how exactly did he ban/bust players?
Simple, as all anti cheats should work.

Force a script that reads the programs running while playing ET per client.
Better yet, force something that just does not allow anything else running.

It's really one of the best ways to PREVENT cheating in stead of solving it.
'Oh hey, I just received a notification that my file reads you have aimbot2themax.exe running while you want to connect/are connected! How about you get the fuck out , BANNED. :) "

But yeah, this goes in to privacy matters and that's where it all starts failing I guess.
I thought pb worked like that, scanning programs while ET was running. Maybe i was wrong.

If it scans only while ET is running, how about if players were forced to tick "I agree it scans my running programs etc etc." box? Im sure none of us are like Snowden or anything like that...
I actually have no idea how PB worked but I am pretty sure you can not legally just force a user to share all his usage..
Or you force agreement upon usage indeed, that could work I guess..

I have no idea about that matter, but like I said, it'd be better if it didn't even have to scan but just prevent you from running anything else that injects or so
Yep, lets just hope somebody comes up with something quick, ET's best days are long gone and wouldnt want it to go even more downhill...
Well, it's not that hard I guess, but why bother xD This community is shit anyway lol
Thats the most retarded idea of a anti-cheat implementation i ever saw.

Do you really think it would work?
- First of all, that implies all cheats are know, which automatically excludes private /self made hacks.
- Second, what would happen when someone renames the executable file (.exe) ? Insta undetectable hack? :D
- Third, it could work, but what if someone renames a normal file to this aimbot2themax.exe? Would they get caught? On what basis? It could work if they add some kind of checksum verification, but that would imply all cheats would be known on a certain system.

Creating a anti-cheat is more about detecting patterns, violations and shit like that... it has to be as much automatic as possible. A system like this depends on alot of variables, which means it's highly inefficient. Think how some anti-virus works. How they detect it? Based on file name yes (but just the name is not enough... at all), but also they try to prevent it based on suspicious file behaviour..
I'm talking about extensions,not so much as specific cheats lol, was just an example calm down :P
And as I mentioned, just prevend the usage of certain extensions as a whole when running ET.
I am calm, don't get me wrong. It's just that it wouldn't work because it's a dumb idea (no offense). As you can read from my previous statement, there is alot of unanswered questions.
Think outside the box :P

Peace *
I am thinking outside the box, you're making it too specific xD
ahaha :D don't blame it on me! Is it my fault that i am studying IT stuff (to be specific master at IT Engineering)?

But on a serious note, it isn't too specific, trust me. I don't even have any real clue how a good implementation would work, but if someone gets their hands to do something about it, it better be a decent solution to try to fight the problem... because even PB could fulfill what you are "demanding"
if et runs, nothing else can run, period. u play ET through the BIOS xD
I don't understand a word of what you just said :D can you rephrase it please?
If Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is running, nothing else can run.
You play Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory through your BIOS in stead of starting Windows.
small letter x, capital D, as in a smileyface on it's side.
YAWN.be dead officially
image: 4awCJ
Welcome to ET newfriends, this is how we roll.
clanbase is working with new anticheat.. ohurcool please come now out with this info so ET wont be dead!
well what do we do now? lol
Chap seemed genuine to be honest. I would be pissed if I was removed from my own project and I would also try sabotarge it.

Only option is to move back to NO anti cheat. Good luck with that :)
He was gone for like 6 months, imo someone had to take it over.

but i dont want to revive that discussion again, just wanted to write something.

No matter how much he was away or what not, i find is weird that community is fine with someone stealing the work he has done and ev noone complains about that.

Then again, i havent really followed this shit too much but thats what i got from what i have read on crossfire.nu and seen on irc, feel free to correct me if im wrong though.

Also who really gives a fuck at this point, ET been dead for year or two alredy
If I had a project I pretty much created on my own and even named it after me. Fuck letting anyone tell me I am nothing to do with the project even if I am away for 6 months.

Is this community really that stupid?
The only ones who believe TZAC was "stolen" from chaplja are either delusional or simply unaware of what actually happened.

Even chaplja himself knows that what he's saying is bullshit; he is just desperately trying to get people to believe him so that he can sell them cheats.
so what exactly happened?
so what the fuck happened then, cant be that hard to wrote down it here.
It's a long story that has already been posted on here multiple times. You can find it by searching through some of the older journals.
He is a scumbag, and has always been one. If you want the full story PM ohurcool.. but chaplja is NOT telling the truth. ( Why you would even consider believing someone who has created cheats in the past is beyond me )
Why i need to pm someone to get "full story"? just publish what u got in here,
I don't know why it hasn't been done before, so I am not going to since its not my place to
Im not really up to date what happend with it. Chaplja was gone for some time and some people took over TZAC? Since he came back couldnt he just have worked together with who ever took it to their own hands?
bring back 5on5 and nopb, and maybe et will be alive again.
welcome to yesterday
Everything will be revealed in time.
cant login anymore :D
I don't get it, i thought he had no access to the client anymore?

Why are you even logging in when he can prob see your info etc
He doesn't necessarily have access to the client (though I wouldn't know) but the banner image comes from an image on http://tz-ac.com/, since he still controls the domain he can change the image to whatever he likes unless you alter your hosts file here: http://entirely.pro/tzac/fixes.php
It's just a http page load, nothing "hacky" about it
Just cheated for the first time. Was pretty fun actually!
I am dissapoint.
does the miss. know?

wths up bro
LOL I really laugh about you man :p
Chaplja is genuine... Using non hashed passwords, must be really skillful, please try to make better jokes :/
Can someone explain the situation? How did TZAC got taken over? Like I know chalpja was away and website expired or some shit but what happened then?
What i find pretty funny is that now when there is this "fake client" etc everyone seems to think its OK to cheat lol
what about nitrox? I've heard he was working on a new anticheat... Maybe someone could contact him(like a CB admin or someone).
NEWSFLASH, THIS JUST IN! You all fucking suck. Give up and move on.
ENSJQMREPLY 28 Jan 2008, 16:53
chaplja is nice. He will create a mod which will save ET, hence I believe everything he tells :)
whats about eslwire?
Not going to happen. Too late for it
what gonna happen now?
justiceleague justiceleague is offline
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Aug 2013
I would donate , but I m not trusting you ppl anymore. You could be another Marcus.

must be unforgiven
so whats up with ET now?

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go play cs go
go suck Casillas dick :)
Well played my friend !
get CSS/CSGO Anticheat, call United States of America Peaches for the $win & GG
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