#ET draft cup?

Been a while since last one and ET need something to boost activity so fancy another one? Proposed date:15 September. If you wanna, let's make it happen!

Drop comments here or come to #ET to gief tips how to improve draft, compared to last one. Also nominate captains for this soon-to-be glorious event
would be great
I'd like to make it very clear right now that if someone's pick you, you CAN'T merc for another team.
/q fumble or fumboffle in #supski.et, he's a professional draft admin.
High skill only once more...
you can't blame captains for picking best possible players from given poules
The point is, some more active players (I dont mean me.) are trying to improve and are making effort to still keep this game alive somehow and then Draft Cup comes, that is probably second or third most watched tournament in ET after EC & maybe NC, and you see still same faces every year, it gets boring and no one is watching by the time the tournament is passing...

looking at those teams, you're just saying mad bullshit cuz noone picked you
Just here to point out that people would rather watch skilled players perform.
I dont see anything interesting in watching a mix of 1-2 good players and 4 randoms against 1-2 good players + 4 randoms.

That doesnt mean Id watch the cup in the first place, but if I would, Id defo go for the somewhat skilled mix against another skilled mix.
it didnt happen last time... well ok lightning just picked his mates but the rest were ok so i dont see the prob
We were so bad but it was so fun :D
we werent bad our mistake was to take kartez
kartez played with us?
ye vs team kevji we needed him cuz testi left
ah ye i record, expected that we lost then :D Hope to get my new computer soon so i can play again, you better pick me if it happens that i recieve my pc in time
ye we gona decide today or in the next days if we gona play after sc

we will see^^
even if he hates me

kartez > ur team :D
It's a pain to play with him, no comms at all, he just does what he want. I agree tbh, he's a quite good player individually, you can't have any teamplay with him tho. At least for the few time i played with him
can't agree with you at all :D in atoon is was pretty nice to play with hime :)
sounds lıke ı never gave comms and never lıstenened anythıng lol

lowskıllers gonna hates

ps. ı dont hate u. u acted lıke a dıck. not only u and not only for myself
what snatix wrote

it make no sense to play with a guy who is never speaking or sth like that, aimwise he is good
ı dont get why u say that
ım confıdent ı always gave comms ın everygame ı played as ı was tryıng hard

the one and only team ı couldnt contınue gıvıng comms was team lost soldıers (ı dont have anythıng specıal agaınst but ı somehow got pıssed by the game and mıstake ı can see. ı have lost my *try hard* motıvatıon)

whatever wont argue and lose more tıme. ıts not lıke ım goıng to play wıth any of u
Je te comprend imo, de pas avoir envie de jouer a ce moment la. Mais du coup j'ai que cette opinion de toi, donc quand tu dis " lowskillers gonna hate "... hmm
tu me flames gratuıtement. jfaıs de meme avec ton copınou

jaı comprıs que jouer avec des mecs quı parlent presque toujours allemands. d autre quı n ont pas de mıccro. de voır trop d actıons ou tu voıs que les types fonts des erreurs. bah le plaısır du jeu n y est plus donc c est relou. sı je parle dans ce genre de moment je saıs aue je vaıs whıne et flames. jaı pas joın une team pour flames certaıns quı sont relou ou quı sont moıns bon.

apres tu commences a etre bon maıs c est genre 3 ans trop tard pour jouer avec le top fr d ıl y a 3 4 ans pour voır vraıment la dıfference en 6n6

par exemple y a une grosse dıfference entre ces pellerıns comme specula quı cherche du med+ et un xav quı etaıt semı actıve y a 3/4 ans
Oui je pense etre pas mal placé pour savoir ce qui se passe chez les lost, depuis 1 an déja! Ca me soulait de jouer avec cette équipe, personne ne faisait l'effort de quoi que se soit. Et oui malheureusement je suis arrivé trop tard sur la scene pro, j'y peux rien et je demande pas a etre jugé, dans le bon ou mauvais sens :)
go for it
hax cup
day after im 21 :S:S:S:S: but yeah im in I suppose unless I cant. make it happen!
please what better way to celebrate your birthday
yeah you apply for captain and draft me
good idea
Cool, hope you find a way to get decent teams.
My tip: Make sure to get different captains than the other cups.
Go for it! But wouldnt it be nicer If u actually random player from each pool (rambo, medic, fop, engi etc) to avoid captains picking the more known players which they might know already or have played with. I know it kinda takes away the Draft-part but i think it would be nicer that way, players getting to know new people. And also would be great if there were sufficient back ups and didnt allow the captain pick a player unless the enemy team approves him/her. And preferably an ODC, I can only imagine the pain of getting people online and finding dates that fit everybody/most of the players. Also, don't take captains/admins that have alot of haters/grudge against the community, that will just result in an drama that probably has more negativities than positivities.
hope there wont be mongols in cpt spot. best of luck for admins and participants
plz let swani be captain and let him get first 5 picks and then we can watch them fail
bedac gownem jestes gownem roba gl
Ask Artstar about the great idea I had
Is that the same idea you stole from unforgiven!??!?!?!?!
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