bSTURZ vs tMoe

As most of you were aware in tonight's official game for Summer Cup between bSTURZ and tMoe there were a lot of talks, arguments and upset players about many things, after investigating more into it, with some help, we came to conclusion that tMoe violated ClanBase rules and therefore loses by forfeit loss.

Under the fake aliases of Michalek was in reality playing Wiaderko, who's ip matched the one being used in game and who is actively banned at ClanBase due to being banned by TZAC.

As for the rest of the team, here's following information:

In game nick : grucha Real person: fanatic
In game nick : fanatic Real person: Michalek
In game nick : blk Real person: grzesiek
In game nick : Michalek Real person: Wiaderko

The only players who played under real aliases were Abject and Hunter.

Due to violating CB rules, tMoe has been removed from SummerCup, and is being discussed if they will be allowed to play this upcoming EC/OC. As for the rest of things, we're still dealing with some stuffs and will be posted with time about any other measurements that will be taken against tMoe and it's players.

Pointing out any other aliases from original ones so it's clear to everyone who was who in this match.
i played under my realnick, thought nickname on cb = nickname in game LoL
This would never be checked if they were United Kingdom
This wouldn't happen because we could play with Wakizashi, PoT, and still beat tmoe / team poland. We wouldnt have to resort to cheating or playing with cheaters.

On a side note, good job CB for once.
I like how you are inactive, but you appear imidiately when UK is mentioned!
I like how you can resort to mentioning my "activity" constantly whenever i do decide to randomly play or comment in a journal. Even with my inactivity, we proved that we could beat team Poland who were "tryhards" like i see you and PL players refer to bSTURZ and others that still enjoy playing this game. Even with team PL player(s) cheating.

You have gone full on deep mode in crawling up Team PL player's ass you defend them even when they are cheating / playing with cheaters. Guess this satisfies you that in the countless years you devoted to ET you never managed to achieve something (even with the asslicking) except for dating a girl, being a retard and trying to boost your ego by abusing your powers when hosting cups. Carry on, with all the bans that these polish players may receive, you may get your chance to play for team PL.
Filthy accusations right there. It was never proven that Team Poland's players lesti and wiaderko cheated in NC officials!
Doesnt matter. We won anyway
Totally only cuz dialer's internet died :x
Yes, blame the admins for them fakenicking.
This would never have to be checked if they weren't doing it.

Get the fuck out with your logic
No one known from uk has been busted in years
finally some drama in ET!
xddd nerds are happy
nick swap not so Panama wise :C
We used to do this all the time :s
i think everyone does who need to hide their cheaters, not much point if you're giving it away instantly :s
ye okay, super played as dieteman for awhile, but I meant just generally when I played with nkNn (or sometimes bF) we sometimes played with eachothers names because we were rarely serious. Very seldom in an offi though.
I see a confession in that sentence :X
rofl gg noobs
xD polaks going big !
u havent ben around for that long havent u
gg fanatic cheater
Lol, then it was fanatic cheating hard..
:O that can't be :O :D
You should watch a replay, that tracking was just hilarious xD
Can't really be arsed to spec someone doing the same thing as the majority of this community. I'd rather spec someone perfectly clean, but that might be harder to find these days :D
And deleted ET anyway :P
You can watch my demo's, im 100% clean :$
thats why im always speccing you:$
well, powi and fuchS who got decent aim had no problems with killing him. It was Testi who was being owned by grucha every time and couldnt even hit him.
Morning drama yeeeaaaah
ban abj
Even that he played with a team with a known hacker and trying to hide it and with fanatic cheating.. Wp team poland
beer for you
dialer zmk grucha wut lukey kirej and pl is still able to reach top3 w/o all players that played yesterday
nie ma rekordowego kontraktu, nie ma powrotu, nie ma zwyciestw!
hahahaah :D Owned shit polaks :D
just ban all those retards for life np

Its pathetic and just real idiot prove to whine about difference between Poland tMoe / United Kingdom tMoe,
Wake up Robaciek!
Hope they will get banned for upcoming oc/ec season... (if some oc/ec gonna happen)
ban them all
sad how ppl still trying to get fame in this game...
also sad how people put so much effort in trying to achieve something with cheats
nice team pl captain - cant understand such a behave from a representative of the most hated nation in this community, instead of beeing an example not all of us are retarded - he proves we are -just sad
there are some decent kurwa's out there, like prommy.
u r right

and isnt he EC admin + cf admin?
Hes only referee concerning SC and lost even that at this point.
History repeats itself.

QuoteNo, No, no, THIS IS ET!
also ban Poland WuT he was playing aswell im 100% sure
+1 couldn't agree more
As i always said :

Players always have to be easily identifiable to cup admins, opponents and spectators. Therefore, players must use easily identifiable nicks which are the same as (or very closely resemble) those registered on their Allowed Players List both on

to bad but, its not the first time it happens
polaks :D
even w/o them dialer will be able to gather 5 other EC skilled player for new Poland tmoe/team poland
Some people in this journal take this situation really too serious. The amount of fuck they give is like near zero.

Yeah, they obviously don't care and weren't at all excited about winning that game...
They cheated enough obviously to prove my last statment. But I dont care, they are all retarded.
A lot of effort put into this game for someone who doesn't give a fk about it.
i blame xPERiA
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