LoL nordic/east

hey, anyone wanna duo with me on the nordic/east server?
been playing dotA and HoN in the past so i know the drill
as soon as you join west! :D
How to switch ? :o
google it. But you don't want to play with karrde... Trust me.
strango is saying that because only he wants to play karrde.

btw you need RP to change servers. or just make a new acc, if you're really really new to the game.
bro, u still playing? :>
lol? ofc. started to play it with hungarian friends n stuff

how about u ? :d
as always - "only" few games per day ;p
mr crajsor on west, may want to pm him, afaik he plays quite often with his nephew still, "seaburgler".
Oh Ye ? :D cant see crajsor play this kind of games, it doesnt suit him :D
he's been playing it for years, a lot of his swede buddies are, some real life friends of his iirc, constantly trying to get me on skype :S
Nice :D guess they got pro already then, ive only played for a Week
always this east european scum that is flooding all over the euro-west servers.stay where you belong you plebs, joining the servers of the euw-masterraces doesnt make you one yourself
Why would anyone who has played dota/hon before move to LoL?
omg nordan omg
slajdan :D spelar du LoL?
nä, lirade det typ 5 ggr men kändes lite kajk :)
såg du när SwedenAlliance vann Ti13 dota2? vi var fan nästan lika bra som dom när vi lirade HoN!
kom in på irc ikväll
What's your nickanme? and lvl,also east is shit tho,but Im stuck there aswell 0,0
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