ET facts made up by myself v4


So my mighty serie returns after 1,5 years!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

Spawntime is everything - true
As far as I know it's the only (succesful) game with spawntimes. Most of the popular games are based on round mode, no respawn until the next round. So in this game you have to learn when to push and when to defend. The spawntime changes the tactic and the gameplay and when you understand this, you will soon be a succesful player.

Playing 1on1 is useless - false
There are just a really few people play 1on1 in ET, cos the crowd says it's useless. In this format you'll learn much more easier than in 3on3 or 6on6. I would highly recommand to the beginners to play a lot of 1on1 at start, because you'll learn the tricks being used in combat, such as firing some bullets and run, grenade timing and when to hide. Most of these take long to figure out on public or at scrim, too many thing to give attention to. After you learned these you can do one more step and pay attention to spawntimes, teammates and comms in 3on3 / 6on6.

Being relaxed leads to better results in gaming - true
Before you join a server make sure your set up is the best you can get. Adjust your monitor to the perfect angle for your head(eyes). Adjust your chair, so you can sit comfortable, make sure you can reach the whole mouse pad with your mouse. Settle your wires (headphone, keyboard, mouse) so they won't tangle.

Low sens = skill - false
Even TOP players say so, but why is that? When it comes to face to face, you got to keep your crosshair on the opponent to hit, because of the low speard of the guns, and it's easier with low sensitivity, right? Most of you would say so, but have you ever tried real low sens? When you do 120° @ 50 cm? It's fucking exhausting. If you can't track a player at mid range moving your mouse all from your wrist is really really unconfortable.
I would advice to find a sensitivity where you got to move your mouse half from your wrist and half from your arm, depends on the range.

That's for today, let the discussion begin.

just read the last one with low sens = skill :D

7 cm for 360 turn - haters gonna hate :)
too exhausted arm from wanking to use a lower sensitviity, huh? :{D
adeto king of ET holding 3cm/360°
and whats about vikodin the belgian prince?
nice to read (all parts), gj :)
prolly arround 30cm for 360 :D

I agree with most "facts" there only about sense its just personal, if you are used to something and perfected it it doesnt matter if its high or low sens.

I think low sens is better when you start...
you think too much
sup with all the hate?
bobika is just an annoying little twat with no clue about ET yet has to comment pretty much everything
Kalli is just mad that the community hates him because he's retard.


pamietam jak kiedys jednym z warunkow rekrutacji do klanu bylo np: "300 xp na mape" :D to bylo jak zaczynalem grac w et na 2.55 jeszcze
Playing 1on1 is useless - flase

it is 100 % useless tbh
What's flase??
what do u do with 1on1? nothing
You gain gamesense and aim.
Sensivity shit is just complete fucking bullshit
Use the sensitivity you feel good with, not this "LOW SENS IS BAD, HIGH IS BAD BLABLA" bullshit.
You can't give advice on that, rest was good tho
got low sens when im playing with smg and got high sens when im playing rifle^^
Quote - Polish people think if they flame in their own languange the opponent will understand it true
I think this thing is genetic, everytime I played with polish people and we had some disagreement(it was a must because of their connection) they started to reply me in polish.

You made my day
For the 1on1, you wrote flase instead of false
Thanks for the notice, corrected.
I play with 45cm for 180°.
I heard elviss is very succesfull in 1on1
"Spawntime is everything - true"

YES (at least in 3v3) , and yet some ppl dont use ETpro spawntimer or ask 2mins before the end of map "hey guys whats the spawntime ???"
Why would anybody use timer anyways? Is it hard to memorize 2 or 3 numbers for 15 minutes?
Seems to be for some and in addition it kinda takes your focus away from the game when you are calculating enemy spawntime :)
easier to time nades/AS/arty + its one less thing to think about ingame , so u can focus more on aiming/positiong etc...
the question is why would u not use it ? as its not considered as cheat and so helpful
what if!? your playing frost and Allies spawn every 25 sec? what then, wud you calculate the spawntime every 25 sec? haha tbh spawntimer is very usefull and what haxman and KareN are saying is right.
You guys are so sad. Have you ever had math lessons? I mean you really can't keep 3 numbers in memory? "Alli spawn at 06" and you need a pencil and paper to count the spawntimes? Memorizing this takes less time than hitting ur timer button bro.
25 secs is not hard either, once I got it right I know the next 4 spawns ahead. really, how slow ur brain works?
how do u find it sad just to have things more simple? no1 is saying we cant remember 3 numbers, it is just both easy'er and much more acomfortable to have the timer(press 1 button and woila!) and yeh i am studying Engineering so math aint a proplem
They selfkill and woila I got the spawntimes. What's so hard to understand?
exactly they selfkill, i press 1 button and everytime they are spawning the red numbers tell me ;) anyways if u dont use that good for you, we dont need to argue about it :) have a nice day mister.
So basicly I'm exactly at the same point without the timer.
Sorry, but spawntimer is prolly the most basic stuff every player should have, specially it takes away all the attention from calculating spawntime each time, so u can focus on other things.
If you need to pay attention to "calculate" for 3 numbers, well I feel sorry for you.
When u play on maps such as et_beach, frost or et_ice, good luck with having spawn time entire game in ur head, while i can only check on side and have exact spawn time anytime i want, feel sorry for u tho.
I have the exact spawntime too anytime I want, I just don't need to use timer for that :)
Strongly dobutful, would even dare to bet that u just lied about that.
Lay back down with your normal sized brain.
Coming from guy who cant accept the fact that having a spawntimer is better than being without one.
Excuse me, the "fact" ? Who states it? You?
Just because I can say it myself, the fact is playing without timer is better, see?
Let's just agree in one thing and I leave you alone, you need timer, cos calculating drains your energy to concentrate on other things in ET, but I don't.
Nah, it doesn't drain my energy, it's simply, i can handle the calculating easily as any decent player out there, but why should i, if programs like this were made for exactly this purpose, so u don't need to bother urself counting every single spawn.
What counting? I don't have to count anything, I memorize the spawns and I exactly know whats going on by watching my screen, cos there is the stop-watch.
I'm not sure why you're being so aggressive about this... The point is not that it is too hard to memorize a few numbers, but that there is simply no reason not to use a spawntimer if one is available. If it's there, why not use it? It makes things much easier, regardless of whether or not you're capable of keeping track of spawntimes without it.

You're not some sort of hero just because you don't use a spawntimer, and it certainly isn't "sad" to use one. :P
I'm not gonna continue discussing about it, because it's simply just pointless. I don't see the point why would anybody use timer, to me it's just simple as that and the red numbers don't disturb me. I don't need extra attention to know when the opponent spawns every now and then.
And I don't see why anyone would NOT use the timer, so I guess we'll leave it at that. :)
image: 4a2DT

moar pl0x
360 @ 5cm npnp
y u waste time schooling trolls? better join us and play LoL
I played like 5 games, I don't understand whats fun about that game.
same happened with me, then I found a champion which was suitable for me and the game started to get very good
Anyways I don't like this kind of games, lack of talent and calmness. I'd rather stay at FPS games.
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