Specialforce 2

Yo guys,
i saw some ET players in Specialforce 2, like Swanidius and Atiunderscore.... i wonder if some more are playing and are maybe interested to create a team? ESL is hosting a testcup on 1.9.13 also...
If yes, pm me here or in lol: "balu" or in sf2: "proV-balu"
raping some faces there with smekht
owning dem scrubs big time

add: supskj and blizzh3 , my 2 accounts :D
and yes i am looking to create a team also for this game !
cu there
its me or killcam is glitchy ?
yep killcam is just protecting cheaters^^
balu lets paly
just saw you accepted my request
Another game that will be shut down? like Ac :p
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