exciting et drama ; next part

et is dead ..

clownbase failing with summer cup
Quote05/08/2013 - 12/08/2013 Lower Bracket Final

Quote12/08/2013 - 19/08/2013 Grand Final

Today is 29th Aug and no reaction from admins but wait .. we havent done with sc yet lets do next eurofail season for 16 teams ... archers.pl gonna get some pocal !!

i'm mad because there is no point to play my beloved game anymore : ((((

btw bought new laptop ! what games can u recommend ?
The schedule set at the beginning of the each season is not permanent and almost always ends up being delayed. This is how it has been in every ET cup recently (see the NC & EC finals, as well as the CF cup finals).

We gave each team 1 wildcard, knowing that it would cause delays, but also knowing that delays are much preferred to noshows and forfeits.

The website was also down for several days which obviously caused another small delay.

It's not our fault, and we certainly aren't "failing" with the cup. Would you rather see half the games end in a noshow, just so that the cup can finish on time?

There's also that whole not-having-a-reliable-anticheat thing which tends to cause problems as well.

And this is all something that I could have easily explained to you if you had simply asked me via PM. It isn't fair to say that there has been "no reaction" from us when you haven't even attempted to contact us regarding your concerns.

tldr: Stop whining; it's not all about you and your team.
QuoteIt's not our fault, and we certainly aren't "failing" with the cup. Would you rather see half the games end in a noshow, just so that the cup can finish on time?

I see what u did there with wise-aegrus game when we arent able to play on monday and xperia didnt agree to play any other day "we can't", and after that play almost every single night ( i dont know exactly, heard about it ), u didnt allow us to even try so yes .. noshows and gold for archers ! or just final against polarwolfs
That is how it works. If you already used your wildcard and your opponent doesn't agree to reschedule, then you must either play the match at the scheduled time or lose by noshow. It may sound lame, but it is how it has always been. The only "exception" would be in a Grand Final where it is obviously not a good thing to have the game end in a noshow or forfeit.
so u want to tell me that it's good to let ppl e.g if they used their cards and reschedule the game week by week ?
I don't understand the question.
QuoteIt may sound lame, but it is how it has always been. The only "exception" would be in a Grand Final where it is obviously not a good thing to have the game end in a noshow or forfeit.

so many exceptions even if it's not a grandfinal e.g supski - v56 still not added score =polarwolfs can't arange their game = archers.pl can't get gold medal, even if both teams used their wc ages ago
It's not an exception.

The score for supski vs v56 hasn't been added yet because the game hasn't been played yet. Supski used their wildcard on Sunday.
Quotebtw bought new laptop ! what games can u recommend ?

Knowing that you are polak... I would recommend mineswheeper @ high gfx
kup csgo!
This isn't exciting at all it's just typical whine.pl
Useless whine honestly, it's up to the players how much will they delay the cup, not to the admins, we were sticking to schedules, but the wildcards + a week of having website offline made these delays to the point it is now, if every team would have sticked to the original schedule, the cup would have been over already by now.
If everyone just followed the rules things would be so simple.
Quotebtw bought new laptop ! what games can u recommend ?

Warhammer 40k:
Warhammer 40k: Winter Assault
Warhammer 40k: Soul Storm
Warhammer 40k: Dark Crusade
Dungeon Siege 1
Dungeon Siege 2
Dungeon Siege 3 - Dont play it, its shit
Orcs Must Die 1
Orcs Must Die 2
Orcs Must Die 2: Are we there yet yeti?
Orcs Must Die 2: Fire & Water Booster
Orcs Must Die 2: Family Ties
Torchlight 2
Hunted: The Demon's forge (Nice Co-Op)
Settlers 7
Heroes IV
chuj to kogo obchodzi, idioto
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