Good UK ISP?

Dayuuum, don't remember the last time I wrote a journal =D

Anyway, I'm moving to a new flat and was wondering whether anyone could recommend me an ISP that doesn't suck balls as far as gaming is concerned. I don't care about the price as long as it's grade A quality and I can get it in central Manchester (Ancoats).

Btw, if possible, can you do this test: and post the result.

Thanks guys.
If you are not bothered about price then take a look at, been with them for years now with no problems at all and recently upgraded to fibre unlimited :) - --
omg naga omg
greetings from italy
image: 2932319902
that is actually very good for Italy :o
mhh we can say its pretty good but its shit compared to rest of the world
yes. you got really bad internet there
but hey, great wine
lol ty. with the problems this country has, the internet is the least they will care about
image: 2932436848
image: 85705004

It entirely depends on what sort of service you can get in your area, do you have more information?

I am currently deciding a new provider too, but I know it will be either Sky, Plusnet or BT. All of which I know have very good service, in terms of price, Plusnet and Sky obviously win.

If you are in a cable area, Virgin may also be an option however I have heard mixed reviews.
I used to be with Tiscali/Talktalk was amazing then slowly got shite now with Sky and had no problems with it thus far.
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