gentleMen Jr. need players

image: gmenlogo

Hello Crossfire again! :)

Its not been long that I've opened a journal for recruiting a sixth player and another backup player for gentleMen Junior. It just hold 2 days after the next troubles came in which I don't wanna describe directly.

Nevertheless gentleMen Junior is recruiting two new players, one for the lineup and one for the backup.
Last time I didnt show u the lineup, so its time to do it now.

Team gentleMen Junior


Germany Kenji
Germany ZeYoS
Estonia Booo
Estonia Lullaby
Belgium eaves
Europe YOU


Portugal azerty
Europe YOU

What we expect:

Speaking United Kingdom
No Kids, no flaming
Be nice, friendly and ofc a little crazy
Skill should be around med-/med
Can be serious ingame, but still remember, its a game, so have fun while playing :)

If u're interested, just pm me on cf.

GL guys, what happend sucks but I think this is the right move! :)
Hopefully we can get a good replacement on it.
'r u not in gMen greejtsjot?
I'd say that they are with me!
Zeg dat ze mij moeten nemen image: 1f60a
<16:51:40> "adeto": ifyou still looking for a 6th, get ironic
<16:51:49> "adeto": i vouch for him, hes good nice guy so

Good luck
hi im 12 can i join pls? i was almost recruited by TLR back in the days i posted on their forum and i had 1 guy from TLR who said gl.
How often are you guys playing?
2 times per week, tuesday, thursday prac and on sunday playing offis
thats 3 times
Sry, wanted to say 2 times prac per week, one time playing offis
crazy involves flaming
Avi, medskill, medic/sec engi & sexy.
Please pm on CF.
Avi to re-unite with ZeYoS, im just curious, where is White-side?
Avi when you want. Chilled now...
good luck :)
good luck young padawans
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